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Wayne Mardle can count his lucky stars that Anastacia found her form late. Anastacia certainly did herself justice this time around, and the match was absolutely brilliant as a result. Even better than the match with Thornton in the UK Open.

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Wayne Mardle can count his lucky stars that Anastacia found her form late. Anastacia certainly did herself justice this time around, and the match was absolutely brilliant as a result. Even better than the match with Thornton in the UK Open.

Yep, made all the better for coming back from 4-0 down and hitting quite exceptional 116 and 120 checkouts. Best match of the afternoon session by quite a bit.

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Can't believe how bad Michael Van Gerwen was. Webster played to his potential but Michael was absolutely shocking.

Shepherd and Nixon found out again. De Ruiter never was any good anyway.

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I've decided I'm just gonna update this post when I have reached the end of matches tonight.

Mervyn King 5-3 Colin McGarry

Better than the majority of the afternoon games, and I suppose that's to be expected from the players that won. Mervyn King was consistant at least and it put him through as McGarry was a wee bit late getting the form together. I thought McGarry was going to take it to the deciding leg there and maybe steal the match, but the doubles let him down big time at that point. In the end, it all seemed a bit simple for King.

This next match should be really good. Tabern has broken through big time recently, so much so that he's ranked at #9. Hamilton looks to be playing as well as he did at this time last year.

Andy Hamilton 5-1 Alan Tabern

Sure enough, the standard is set from both men right from the word go. Hamilton in particular looks terrific. Hamilton terrible at the doubles in the second, but Tabern didn't take advantage to break back, allowing Hamilton to take double 1 in a thrilling second leg. The scoring from Tabern is dodgy in the third, but pulls out a 140 at a good time. Brilliant setup and finish from Tabern to make it 2-1 but still needs to break back. Hamilton seems to be doing just enough to win now, as Tabern is simply not throwing up to the standards that he can, and it's now 3-1 to Hamilton.

Tabern started the fifth badly and came into things too late, allowing Hamilton to break yet again and win 4-1. What is happening to Tabern here ? He seems to be off his game in a big way most of the time. It's all too simple for Hamilton as he takes double 16 for the match. Andy Hamilton didn't seem to be at 100% either but he didn't have to be either.

Daryl Fitton 5-2 Paul Nicholson

Lost my connection right before the end of the third leg, and come back to realise that Fitton is winning 2-1. Also lost what I'd typed about this match. Bugger that to hell. Fitton is on something of a downfall at the moment with absolutely horrible scores with the first six darts. He hits a 180 though and Nicholson will be wondering what he has to do to get some daylight. He does what's needed though by hitting a 103 finish to make it 2-2 go into the break. Before I forget, Nicholson before the match was rather humerous. I missed the events of last night so don't know what his walk on entailed. I gather that it was less than impressive.

After the break and Fitton isn't looking great. He does take the 117 though and that was definately an "out of jail" as the commentators say. Nicholson makes a spirited attempt at 170 and misses, and allows Fitton in to break the throw in what was a much better set for him. The 180 from Fitton seems to have settled him a bit. They most certainly HAVE settled a bit as he hits another maximum. Nicholson isn't scoring bad in this leg either. 11 darter wins the match for Fitton at 5-2 and he looked pretty good there in phases.

Wes Newton 5-3 Darin Young

Good first leg from both guys but the crowd just doesn't seem to care. They need a name up there quick stat. Young breaks to make it 1-0. Still good darts in the second leg, and Wes Newton breaks back to make it 1-1 with a solid finish. Disappointing in the third leg from both men, with lots of scores that are under 100. Scrappy third leg ends with Newton holding the throw, so Young is going to have to do something here and opens with a 140 score. Young with a nice finish to make it 2-2 to go into the break. Not a bad match so far. Unspectacular but both guys have been solid, with Young in particular looking like stepping up a gear at times.

Newton having a good fifth leg, but Young is doing his best to keep up. A couple of trebles from Young don't stop Newton making it 3-2. Young gets a 180 at a good time but misses the 81 finish. Newton is too far back to do damage though, and Young makes it 3-3. Newton finishes a rather boring leg to make it 4-3. Young is throwing this leg away but Newton can't do anything about it. Newton wins the match with a 100 checkout.

Andy Jenkins 5-4 Phil Taylor

Taylor lets Jenkins in and allows an early break for the underdog to make it 1-0 in an impressive opening leg. Taylor is looking poor by anyone's standards and Jenkins hits a 180 to tidy up and then hits double 6 and it's 2-0. Jenkins has a horrible third leg and Taylor finally looks decent and gets the leg to make it 2-1 to Jenkins. Taylor looks brilliant to take us into the break at 2-2, and Jenkins seems to have lost all of the momentum that he had initially.

Jenkins breaks again to win a terrific fifth leg and make it 3-2. This has been a pretty good match so far. Taylor gets away lucky to break the Jenkins throw again and make it 3-3 in a hell of a dramatic match so far. Taylor keeps his throw and makes it 4-3 which is a shame as Jenkins falls away horribly since that brilliant first leg after the break. Jenkins has a right go at the eigth set. Jenkins makes it 4-4 and we go to the final leg in a terrific, terrific match to watch. Jenkins gets a 104 to win the match. Jesus christ, that was amazing.

Raymond Van Barneveld 5-3 Robert Thornton

Thornton comes through a tough first leg but he edges it when Barney was close to catching up. Barney looking much more like his old effortless self in this tournament. The darts are solid in the second leg, but Barney has trouble with the doubles. Thornton doesn't and he breaks the throw and makes it 2-0. No double trouble for Barney in the 3rd and he breaks back in an unspectacular leg. Thornton breaks again when Barney lets him in, and it's 3-1 so far.

Terrific finish from Barney on the bull to make it 3-2, and that was a really good set from both men. A good 82 from Barney makes it 3-3, and both men are turning it on at this point. Barney finishes a 121 in style to make it 4-3 and this match is well worth keeping the PC on. The clinical Barney hits 18s and makes it 5-3.

Because of connection problems, I'm going to update at the breaks again.

Edited by DomDom
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Pretty big shock. Phil doesn't exactly have a mug in his last game, but should still win. Would be great for the tournament if he did lose, nothing against the guy.

Agreed. When Taylor goes, there's always a sense of "anyone can win".

It's been a good night so far, with Hamilton looking good, but as I said, it's in phases. Not as consistant as he was on night one. Fitton vs. Anderson is suddenly looking like a mouth watering prospect.

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More commentary madness as Mason says that Taylor missing doubles against Jenkins didn't effect anything. Umm, yes it did. If Taylor hit more doubles he would have won. Absolute tit.

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More commentary madness as Mason says that Taylor missing doubles against Jenkins didn't effect anything. Umm, yes it did. If Taylor hit more doubles he would have won. Absolute tit.

Mason has been very good this week, as he was at the Euro's in Frankfurt. I know what he was getting at with that comment, to be honest.

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I have no idea what he was getting at. Jenkins beat Taylor because Taylor had a bad night, wasn't scoring properly and was missing his doubles. I thought Mason was implying that Jenkins would have beaten a better Taylor last night and that would be a bold faced lie.

EDIT : Mason HAS been good. Most of the fun has come from Drury so far.

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I thought Mason was a cock in general but his coverage over the Euro's and this event of what I have seen of it(not much granted) has been really good.

Anderson will have to carry the BDO fight because the rest are not up to it. Whitlock ain't bad and I don't rate Webster too much.

Anyone got the tables and potential last 16 fixtures?

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I thought Mason was a cock in general but his coverage over the Euro's and this event of what I have seen of it(not much granted) has been really good.

Anderson will have to carry the BDO fight because the rest are not up to it. Whitlock ain't bad and I don't rate Webster too much.

Anyone got the tables and potential last 16 fixtures?

The three mentioned plus Darryl Fitton could also all easily cut in the PDC IMO.

Right now the top half is:

Taylor v Tabern/Hamilton

Jenkins v Whitlock

King v Mardle/McDine

Part v Webster

A lot still to be settled in the bottom half so probably not worth posting.

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Whitlock destroying Hamilton ATM. IMO Whitlock is possibly the most underrated player in darts. Gets very little respect because he plays in the BDO.

He's a brilliant player, and we only really seen him at his best tonight. That was a brilliant result.

Anderson will have to carry the BDO fight because the rest are not up to it. Whitlock ain't bad and I don't rate Webster too much.

Whitlock has more of a chance than Anderson. Anderson is darts' worst bottle merchant. See his performances at the Worlds and his semi final against Taylor last year to see examples of this. Webster is pretty good at his best, but he rarely hits his best.

It's Simon Whitlock vs. Andy Jenkins in the next round, and Hamilton or Tabern vs. Taylor.

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Got a small acca on for the second round.

Whitlock(just won)

Merv King




Anderson the only one at better than evens right enough basically went for him because of that reason and Wade has been off the boil lately.

Thoughts darts fans?

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