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1 minute ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Stewart is standing upright, the only way head contact happens is if the attacker lowers his head into the contact. If you want to make the game safer there should be limits onthe way attackers play, safety shouldn't be all on the defender imo.

And I don't think it was a red because there was no force in Stewart's actions.

Sorry, in that case you're wrong. There is definitely force from steward there, hence why young Mr Keenan is now off having failed a HIA. There should be, and are, limits on how attackers play. For example, chuck a forearm in someone's throat or face and see what happens to you. However, when someone approaches you with the ball and you either attempt to, or do, stop them, it is absolutely the defender's responsibility to ensure the safety of their opponent.

It's also why "well he was wriggling around" won't help you very much if you spear tackle someone onto their head; or (as we used to get pinged for all the time against Biggar) "well he's just chucking himself through the air and I'm standing still" doesn't mean you haven't endangered someone contesting a high ball. So sorry, the ball carrier dipping slightly is not mitigation unless the tackler is at least attempting to change his own body height.

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5 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Sorry, in that case you're wrong. There is definitely force from steward there, hence why young Mr Keenan is now off having failed a HIA. There should be, and are, limits on how attackers play. For example, chuck a forearm in someone's throat or face and see what happens to you. However, when someone approaches you with the ball and you either attempt to, or do, stop them, it is absolutely the defender's responsibility to ensure the safety of their opponent.

It's also why "well he was wriggling around" won't help you very much if you spear tackle someone onto their head; or (as we used to get pinged for all the time against Biggar) "well he's just chucking himself through the air and I'm standing still" doesn't mean you haven't endangered someone contesting a high ball. So sorry, the ball carrier dipping slightly is not mitigation unless the tackler is at least attempting to change his own body height.

All the force is from Keenan running at full speed with his head lowered. That is why he failed the HIA. Even the NFL has rules about players lowering their head and initiating contact. Time for riugby to catch up.

and don't put things in quotes that no one said.

Edited by Jim McLean's Ghost
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I'd argue that Keenan ran into Steward probably more than Steward using force on Keenan.

Whether someone comes off worse is not the point.  We don't penalise the runner when the defender puts their head in the spokes, even though the outcome often has consequences.


Rugby incident may be slightly ambiguous, but it is a contact sport.

Edited by aDONisSheep
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That's high from Hansen - he's over the shoulder and round Watson's neck

1 minute ago, aDONisSheep said:

I'd argue that Keenan ran into Stuward probably more than Stuward using force on Keenan.

Whether someone comes off worse is not the point.  We don't penalise the runner when the defender puts their head in the spokes, even though the outcome often has consequences.


Rugby incident may be slightly ambiguous, but it is a contact sport.

The main problem for Steward is that he made no attempt to make a legal tackle - he turned his body and led with his elbow and shoulder. If he had even stuck his arm out in attempt to tackle, it would have been far better for him

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3 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

All the force is from Keenan running at full speed with his head lowered. That is why he failed the HIA. Even the NFL has rules about players lowering their head and initiating contact. Time for riugby to catch up.

and don't put things in quotes that no one said.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but I've watched it again and you're at it if you believe "all the force" is from Keenan. This also, thank goodness, is not the NFL, so I'm not really interested how the sport with even worse head injury history than rugby manages things.

"And I will put whatever I like in quotes thank you very much" 

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13 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

(as we used to get pinged for all the time against Biggar) "well he's just chucking himself through the air and I'm standing still"

Played fullback there once, got the broken finger for evidence 😂

I agree though, my first reaction was it was a bit naughty by Steward but I just think it was stupid to put himself in that position. Maybe a lapse in concentration when the whistle went?

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5 minutes ago, Lex said:

What a magnificent team Ireland are. Certainly capable of winning the World Cup later this year.

I still feel there is a massive bed shitting in their future. Was hoping it might be today, but the RWC would definitely be funnier

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I thought Ireland were pretty crap tbh and were bailed out big time by a ref who had decided they were winning beforehand and called the game accordingly. The truth is, the ref is by far the most important man on the pitch in rugby, that's why teams employ referee coaches and Nigel Owens is being paid a lot by South Africa to get them ready for the world cup. No amount of whining from the wee'est guys is going to change that.

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16 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

For me a red card had to have force from the defending player. Stewart is standing pretty much still with his arm by his side. I don't see why he is responsible for the force due to the irish player diving towards him head first.

I’m with you.  I even think Steward is trying to get out the way.   The Irish player makes it impossible.  That said, red cards are quite clearly defined in terms of where contact takes place.  Orange card for me.  

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This 6 nations was absolutely superb entertainment. Every single game was exciting pretty much right to the end. Giving bonus points for reducing the margin of defeat is a genius move and the organisers/authorities should be applauded for that.

Italy will get better and Wales will get over their wee patch of shiteness. Italy seem to have inherited the white line fever that used to afflict Scotland. They'll be a force to be reckoned with when their fullback returns for next year.

I'm looking forward to this World Cup more than I was the fitba one. It'll be ace.

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