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Have to say that's an outstanding performance by the weegies.

Thought they'd fucked the season with the results in the last month of the URC but they've gone and done it the hard way and I'd guess most of us didn't give them a prayer of getting past the semis let alone winning tonight.

Now if the SRU can get Toonie to f**k to employ Franco before someone else grabs him that would be great.

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54 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Ryan Wilson to be arrested or hospitalised in the celebrations

Possibly both tbf.

Thought the game was slipping away early in the second half when they went 16-7 down, but this team can battle as well as play a bit. Two sensational performances rewarded by sensational results in the semi and final.

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6 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Not surprised tbh, with Al Kellock in charge. He was raging at the incompetence the last time

I was going on holiday a couple of weeks after the last title win and was just looking for a tee shirt or something like they have on sale now. It was ridiculous planning not to have something ready to go into production if/when they won.

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Couldn't watch live as I was travelling, so grateful that Premier Sports let you watch full matches later. Just soaking up the celebrations now and nearly greetin'.

There was an interesting article on the BBC website a couple of days ago about the logistics of the Warriors all getting there. They never said anything about the fleet of C-17s needed to transport their massive balls.

It's incomprehensible how Franco Smith turned that team around from the one that didn't so much shit the bed against Toulon in Dublin last years as dump several cubic metres of faecal matter on it.

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14 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

That was definitely to accommodate Ramos and his goal kicking. Full back is Ramos's best position, if they decide they're starting him, he's at full back.

Cracking game, thought the ref handled it really well, especially the cards. Not a bad first season for Kinghorn, winning the double. And so sad to see O'Gara winning f**k all

The final is next Friday night. Hopefully he gets a game. However I think it'll be on the wing. Thomas Ramos is the France full back so I doubt if he's getting shifted.

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Time to bump my gums: John Manson, the team manager who organises the team travel, said in a BBC article that when they got back from Ireland he was up to 4:30am working on travel plans, hotel and a training base at the last minute. If the URC want to invite South African teams then they should be responsible for last minute cross hemisphere travel.

Also, this title win should be the shot in the arm for the SRU. If winning the title after a last minute trip to SA at altitude doesn't get them to realise the potential we've got if we can promote the game in state schools, fix the grass roots and get Scotland's U20's off their arse then nothing will.


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As for the game, this drives home how important it is to finish as high up the table as possible before the play offs. Just like Tim Henman, we did it the hard way (but we still did it).

The game kicked off at 6pm SA time so it would've been cooler but altitude and Bulls famous physical forward play were both obstacles we've did well to overcome. 

I think if we're to push on we need to play for 80 mins as for 2 weeks in a row we've needed a brutal 1st half defence due to discipline putting us under pressure.

Franco Smith has built on Lineen and Toony's work for the Warriors way of playing. He started the development of Italy's grass roots when he was the head coach. Maybe not tomorrow, but we need to consider him as Toony's replacement for the national team one day.

Finally, a yellow card was fair to TJ. Had it been a red he'd serve a ban. Since he's not in the national squad yet we don't want him serving a ban at the start of next season as we need to hit the ground running with him.

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3 hours ago, come on shire said:

Time to bump my gums: John Manson, the team manager who organises the team travel, said in a BBC article that when they got back from Ireland he was up to 4:30am working on travel plans, hotel and a training base at the last minute. If the URC want to invite South African teams then they should be responsible for last minute cross hemisphere travel.

Also, this title win should be the shot in the arm for the SRU. If winning the title after a last minute trip to SA at altitude doesn't get them to realise the potential we've got if we can promote the game in state schools, fix the grass roots and get Scotland's U20's off their arse then nothing will.


From Shetland?

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3 hours ago, come on shire said:

Time to bump my gums: John Manson, the team manager who organises the team travel, said in a BBC article that when they got back from Ireland he was up to 4:30am working on travel plans, hotel and a training base at the last minute. If the URC want to invite South African teams then they should be responsible for last minute cross hemisphere travel.


Simple way around it. 


URC picks the venue before hand. They book 2 hotels and training facilities. Highest ranked side gets firSt pick 

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Anyway, not a big rugby fan (usually just one of the folk who watch Six Nations/Autumn friendlies*/World Cup) and forgot it was on, so only caught the last ten minutes on a stream.

Mental last ten minutes mind. The pish Bulls penalty that went out of play behind the goals, the yellow, the subsequent multiple Bulls penalties and then the final maul that was so close but ended with Glasgow winning the penalty.


Excellent from a Scottish perspective but South Africa's (apparently very easy and comfortable) win in Cardiff is a concern.


*Got tickets to the Fiji and South Africa games in November.

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