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Nothing nailbiting. Mondays was just Janine and Stacey discussing in Staceys house, i.e Janine asking why her husband would cheat on her with some skank (knowing it's Stacey but Stacey not knowing she knows so Janine just makes it out as if it's someone else in a way).

Tonights was Lauren and Max talking about Stacey cause Lauren thinks Max still loves her.

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Guest The Phoenix

Last night's episode was probably the worst piece of TV ever released onto our screens.

The dual dropping of the wean scenes were cringe worthy. Alfie and Kat are joke characters without the funny bit attached.

My daughter has told me what's coming up over the next few weeks and I'll be giving the show a wide berth.

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Last night's episode was probably the worst piece of TV ever released onto our screens.

The dual dropping of the wean scenes were cringe worthy. Alfie and Kat are joke characters without the funny bit attached.

My daughter has told me what's coming up over the next few weeks and I'll be giving the show a wide berth.

Yep, the story lines coming are a bit much. I know the charities involved have been consulted and they have had to change some of it as it took things a bit too far!!

I loved Dot's comments about the Lord giving and taking away when she saw Ronnie's new 'James' Branning - I think she is going to end it for Jim once and for all, probably with a nice piece of Battenburg....

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I've heard what's going to happen next. I really don't like it.

It really is a 'close to the bone' storyline and will affect a fair few people. As I say, I work with someone who has been affected and now supports the charity to a large extent and there has been a fair amount of consultation and just as well I have to say.

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I'm finding it really uncomfortable viewing at the moment. I watched from behind a cushion last night because I knew what was coming, and I do think the SIDS storylines bring the issue to people's attention and encourage new parents to take all the precautions they can. However, the baby-swapping stuff is just not nice. I'll still watch, but I'll be keeping my cushion to hand.

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