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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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And that's all you can do is sit back and watch.

Pro-palestine marches are being portrayed as being anti-Semitic. Of course there may be a proportion of those participating that are but to right off thousands of people standing against a genocide is mental. The likes of Rachel Riley portray one side of the arguement without leaving any room for contest as people are blocked.

I cannot believe for one moment that the IDF, mossad, cia, American government had no knowledge of the attack by hammas. If you go with that then you get into LIHOP/MIHOP conspiracy territory. Do I have a tinfoil hat no. But I am not beyond believing that a nation will sacrifice its own for the "greater good".

Is there a level of blackmail from the Israelis to the west? Possibly. They probably have a shit load of dirty laundry on many nations that could be aired. Or, help us or we push one of our many red buttons and let a real humanitarian crisis unfold.

In the meantime, they'll let thousands of innocent civilians die. All the while we sit back and watch the news, look at X or Instagram and there's nothing we can do about it. 

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10 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I think the German thing may be as a result of being keen to not be accused of anti-semitism. 

It is, and some especially on the left (AntiDs) go so far as to actually assault people of Palestinians descent and/or make life difficult for them to show just how bot antisemitic they are.  

Scum c***s. 

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9 hours ago, Ewanandmoreagain said:

What is it ?


3 hours ago, 101 said:

Sounds like the ground offensive is starting and the Israeli government talking about it lasting a long time. This should have been avoided at all costs and the countries who voted against the humanitarian corridor being protected really need to give themselves a shake.

" second war of independence *

****ING bull**** !

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9 hours ago, gannonball said:

Strange emotions about this but anyone else feeling abit of guilt that we as humans are pretty much watching genocide and the outcry and action is minimal considering?

ETA -I feel a bit silly saying this obviously my personal actions have nothing to do with it but seeing an entire region being carpet bombed is just hard to watch especially when  the western world at best are just turning a blind eye to it.

For me, it's the fact that some people think holding the opinion I have about what Israel is doing makes me scum. I just can't get me head round it.

I use the fact I can't do anything about it (or any other upsetting world event) as a coping mechanism - it would be happening even if i wasn't here.

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I expect Sophia was referring to the BBC interview where the deputy foreign minister of Hamas ended the interview when pressed on killing civilians. He was insisting there was no command given and no intention to kill them.

Which speaks to FreedomFarter's point that Hamas is quite a disparate organisation with the political leadership not actually in control.

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1 hour ago, Trogdor said:

I expect Sophia was referring to the BBC interview where the deputy foreign minister of Hamas ended the interview when pressed on killing civilians. He was insisting there was no command given and no intention to kill them.

Which speaks to FreedomFarter's point that Hamas is quite a disparate organisation with the political leadership not actually in control.

You're right, it'll be that aborted BBC interview that was being referenced not my comment. Apologies @sophia for my unnecessary defensive reply above.

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It’s interesting that whilst the MSM are only to happy to quote Israeli politicians and others about how Hamas want to obliterate Israel they offer no counterpoint.

They could, for example, highlight Bezalel Smotrich who is a minister in Netanyahu’s government.

He lives in a settlement in the West Bank deemed illegal under international law and is a racist homophobe who refuses to recognise the legitimacy of the Palestinian people.


Yet there is no attempt by the media to highlight this extremism or acknowledge their role in the potential genocide that is unfolding.

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16 hours ago, greyman said:

And that's all you can do is sit back and watch.

Pro-palestine marches are being portrayed as being anti-Semitic. Of course there may be a proportion of those participating that are but to right off thousands of people standing against a genocide is mental. The likes of Rachel Riley portray one side of the arguement without leaving any room for contest as people are blocked........

........  All the while we sit back and watch the news, look at X or Instagram and there's nothing we can do about it. 

I've written to my local MP, requesting that he demand an Immediate, and full ceasefire.

Each one of us has a vote, and your MP /MSP wants  that vote next time around.

Which in the case of Westminster, is not very far away. . 


I kept it simple for the sake of clarity.


I also post on a couple of other forums to express my views.



Edited by beefybake
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19 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Neither did the WHO.

Are you sure? I googled that just now and what I found suggested the WHO use the Gazan Health Ministry figures and believe them to be largely accurate.



Minute-to-minute refers to the need for constant updating due to the sheer frequency of deaths, surely difficult to keep up with.

Doctors and other medical workers are witnessing and reporting these deaths. You'd expect them to whistleblow if they noticed inaccurate figures (and they would notice). So it'd take a grand conspiracy of all these doctors and medical workers for false death counts to be put out.

I think Biden did a lot of damage with that remark. It's maybe telling his usual media backers have criticised him over it, MSNBC published this opinion https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/biden-gaza-palestinian-deaths-hamas-rcna122407

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9 hours ago, Trogdor said:

I expect Sophia was referring to the BBC interview where the deputy foreign minister of Hamas ended the interview when pressed on killing civilians. He was insisting there was no command given and no intention to kill them.

Which speaks to FreedomFarter's point that Hamas is quite a disparate organisation with the political leadership not actually in control.

I was and in a spectacularly beige post I was simply reinforcing the point already made that political entities don't necessarily share statements that are wholly based in truth. That it attracted rage from some quarters is of interest only in the context of the prevailing culture here.

7 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

You're right, it'll be that aborted BBC interview that was being referenced not my comment. Apologies @sophia for my unnecessary defensive reply above.


If I wanted to be contentious I'd have made the observation that the attitude of the Hamas rep was a match for the equally ludicrous aggressive stances taken by a stream of Israeli interviewees.

Further, if his point is to be accepted and they had no control over murderous mobs, that is very weak position for them to be in.


This is not at all absolving or even beginning to defend the calumnies now being visited upon fellow humans.

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The big debate over the al-Ahli hospital blast a week ago mostly focused on who fired the rocket that caused the blast. Less debated although it was mentioned in this thread was that original media reporting of the total number of deaths from the blast was soon revised down substantially. If you remember, media initially reported the number of deaths as around 500. Then in the next day or two, the 500 figure was revised down by about a factor of 10. Media universally blamed their initial wrong figure on "Hamas" or more specifically the Gazan Health Ministry.

Well this journalist went digging for that Gazan Health Ministry quote of 500 deaths:


He didn't find it. What he did find was that the Gazan Health Ministry reported to Arabic language media that the blast had caused around 500 people to need medical treatment. Not 500 deaths. Nobody in Gaza ever said that about the al-Ahli hospital blast. 

What happened was that in the process of Arabic language reports being translated into English language reports, wires got crossed. The Arabic word used to describe injured persons translates literally into "casualties" in English. Someone at Al Jazeera then misinterpreted that as meaning deaths and tweeted it out. That was probaly an honest error and there's every chance the tweet would've been corrected in time once the error was realised. Too late, though, from that single Al Jazeera tweet it went to the Associated press and once there all the major news outlets picked it up and ran with it.

So the Gazan Health Ministry got blamed for something they never said because the media didn't want to admit they all fucked up, all just copied each other, and none of them bothered to check the primary source for what they were reporting.

Edited by Freedom Farter
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7 hours ago, sophia said:

Further, if his point is to be accepted and they had no control over murderous mobs, that is very weak position for them to be in.

And a very real one. There are, and have been, a number of “Governments” (in place, exile or absentia) with similar issues. Sinn Féin, for instance, had somewhat limited relations with the IRA, while being their de facto political wing. East Pakistan would be another example, with India effectively controlling the revolutionary forces during their war of independence, as would Vichy France, with its wide range of military forces all over choosing differing paths.

Temporary, limited or hamstrung “Governments” often find themselves held hostage for the acts of their military parallel's, so it really shouldn’t be a surprise that the situation in Gaza is any different.

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