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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Guest DannyBlue
4 minutes ago, throbber said:

Not just a Baklava, a Baclava with her Ukrainian friends.





Yip and also hardly the type of thing you'd go out and do if she was as terrified as she pretended to be in the first tweet.

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2 hours ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

What is the internet for, if not for dunking on the people you don't like ?

Of course, I love it. 

I'm just surprised I've not seen their negative stuff considering I'm terminally online. I'm always intrigued with personality types and what content gets pushed towards them. Probably fair to say the two mentioned are popular dislikable figures for your more left wing types. 

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8 minutes ago, RuMoore said:

Of course, I love it. 

I'm just surprised I've not seen their negative stuff considering I'm terminally online. I'm always intrigued with personality types and what content gets pushed towards them. Probably fair to say the two mentioned are popular dislikable figures for your more left wing types. 

Certainly on Twitter I think Elmo's buggered about with the algorithm so that it hits you with the precise flavor of arsehole that's going to make you press buttons and drive engagement. I only follow 40 or so folks so it's noticeable for me. When I started following Katy Montgomerie, a whack of 'gender criticals' started popping up in my 'For You' tab. Following the ChicagosMayor account gets you every right wing arsehole columnist under the sun, although interestingly, it's more often folks just taking aim at Chicago rather than Brandon Johnson himself - I'd guess because the handle gets passed on to the next Mayor when the old one gets humped out of office.  Following Mukhtar Ali Yassin gets you every brainfart Laurence Fox commits to bandwidth (Fox is currently trying to sue him for Mukhtar calling him a racist and then telling him to 'suck your mum' when Fox demanded an apology. Good geez.) I don't get Riley or Baddiel; I only see them if someone quotes them. I'm presuming that's because I don't follow any accounts that would take an opposing position to them, or regularly bring them up. 

Edited by carpetmonster
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2 hours ago, Mr. Brightside said:

Notice she had to mention they were "Ukrainian" friends, attention-seeking c**t.

I think this was the tweet that led me to block her, despite not following her in the first place. 

It reminded me of a comedian who was on a bus, she filmed Scotland fans in Edinburgh who were drunk in the street, the bus had to stop for them and a couple banged on the front window in tune with the song they were singing. The comedian got out her seat to go down the front of the bus to get better footage and then posted it and mentioned how traumatised she was by the whole ordeal. 

Thats a scary situation, I best walk towards it to ensure maximum terror for likes. 

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The English FA are being attacked for commemorating the all the innocent people who are now dead.

Not sure if it's just the batshit mental twittersphere or if the whole world has gone mad.

Imagine raging at a football association. Imagine being raging at someone saying dead babies are a bad thing regardless of their nationality and religion.

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At least the English FA have a bit of morality, unlike some...



Couldn't make it up..


For Clarity: the Times of Israel article was published c. 13 hours ago. The tweet, as shown, was at least 24 hours ago.

The 'siege'/blockade was reported days ago - and Israel have done it for a long time at varying scales.

Just wanted to be clear because I had moved the screenshots around a bit to make the point clearer.


Edited by ClydeTon
See spoiler.
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I've been on N/S this week and haven't seen too much news, the Palestinians have already lost the political battle in this country. A Grauniad article today called this Day 6 of the struggle, as if 7 days ago the situation was fair, so it's obvious the right wing media will be far less sympathetic.

Hammas' aim as in previous eruptions is to provoke an overreaction from Israel but you have to wonder what multiple of Palestinian deaths would it take to accomplish this especially for the UK media and if this is significantly different from other countries.

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Double-post of sorts, but I've noted that Israel have referred to this as their "Pearl Harbour", and their "9/11".

What do those have in common?

Attacks on U.S Soil? No, doesn't fit.

Used to start a was? That's more of a consequence, not a cause. So no.

Terrorist Cell attacking..? No, Japan is a country... 

Oh, I know!

At Pearl Harbour, the U.S. was warned in advance by Britain. Before 9/11, Britain, Russia and (I think) France - there was a third, I'm sure, maybe not France, not sure - warned the U.S. of the impending attack! In both cases, the warnings were promptly ignored and used as a cause for war...

Israeli intelligence and defenses are up at the top of the world's - it's hard for the Palestinians to even plan to move out of Gaza without being caught in the act.

Israel would love nothing more than flattening Gaza and taking it for themselves, after all. Certainly, an excuse to take out the closest thing the Palestinians have to a Military, a defense, even... Now that would be fortunate for Israel.

I'm no conspiracy theorist, but this all seems to fall into place for Israel, just a bit too much.


Either that or the Russians have pulled some strings to take the Western eye away from Ukraine, which is also quite plausible.

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It's been mentioned many times, but what a massive failure of complacency on behalf of Netanyahu and the Israeli intelligence and security services. Hugely hypocritical of the Hamas spokesman to accuse Israel of resorting to killing and bloodshed though.


'We began preparing for operation in 2022,' says Hamas' military spokesperson

The spokesperson for Hamas's military wing, who is known as Abu Obeida, stated in an address that the terrorist organization initiated preparations for the surprise attack that commenced on Saturday back in 2022.


He mentioned that they deliberately obscured their intentions, refrained from commenting on various incidents, bypassed confrontations between Gaza factions and Israel, referring to cycles of hostilities in recent years, and created an illusion of neutrality to keep the enemy unaware of their impending operation. "This strategy was tremendously successful, and Israel, in its current military campaign, resorts to killing and bloodshed to cover up its failures instead of conducting a proper assessment," he added.


According to him, Hamas managed to secretly recruit 4,500 fighters leading up to the operation. He claimed that the ground incursion into Israel involved cyber warfare, in addition to launching thousands of rockets and disabling military cameras. "We provided defense for all our fighters and successfully concealed the entire plan, including resource mobilization and the acquisition of necessary assets," he stated.


He added that Hamas is prepared for any scenario, including a ground invasion, and issued a warning, "If Israel takes such action, we will take new measures that will lead to significant losses for the enemy."


He addressed prisoners, saying, "We have enough bargaining chips to exert pressure for your release."



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I'm pretty sure this guy was saying that lighting up buildings and so on was unacceptable virtue signalling wokery a while back, but hey, he understands that the only rule is there are no rules.

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4 minutes ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:


I'm pretty sure this guy was saying that lighting up buildings and so on was unacceptable virtue signalling wokery a while back, but hey, he understands that the only rule is there are no rules.

The anti taking the knee brigade are now suddenly very keen on having politics in sport.

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The UK will send surveillance aircraft and two Royal Navy ships to the eastern Mediterranean in plans “to support Israel", No 10 says.

The aircraft will begin patrols tomorrow to "track threats to regional stability such as the transfer of weapons to terrorist groups".

The support package includes two Royal Navy ships, surveillance assets, P8 aircraft, and a company of marines.

Rishi Sunak said the assistance would "prevent further escalation".


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