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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Hamas have to take their share of the blame but mostly I just think folk aren't keen on seeing innocent impoverished people killed and homes and lives destroyed.

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Whilst in no way defending Israel I do feel that some of the condemnation is tinged with tones of anti-semitism cloaked as anti-zionism.

Of course it is but just because some anti-semitic dickheads are wading in doesn't detract from the very legitimate criticisms the majority are pointing out.

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Whilst in no way defending Israel I do feel that some of the condemnation is tinged with tones of anti-semitism cloaked as anti-zionism.

The Israelis use this argument constantly to deflect criticism. If you accuse them of operating a policy of apartheid it means you approved of the holocaust. It made broadcasters and newspapers wary of discussing what Israel are up to. I don't think anybody's listening anymore though.

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So what would be a proportionate response to rockets being fired into their territory?

Israeli civilians killed : 3. Palestinian civilians killed : 700+.

And that's just in the last two weeks. Extend that sort of death ratio back over a much longer time scale and you can clearly see Israels actions have not been proportionate.

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Israel is such a shit country.

Anti-semitic post IMO, only non-'Jewish states' are allowed to be complete bins.

It's the Norn Ireland of the Middle East.

Edited by vikingTON
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So you have killed over 600 civilians and its "all there fault"??

Can you please qualify " you" ? I am certainly not Jewish,

I am Scottish and don't really care about religion.

I just think if Hamas would stop launching fucking pointless, unguided rockets at Israel from civilian living areas in Gaza it would surely stop this military onslaught?

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Regardless of whose fault it all is somebody has to clean up the damage. So I'll leave this appeal here

Conflict has left hundreds of people dead and thousands injured, including many children. Please help people survive this devastating crisis by giving a donation today.

Red Cross staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly in dangerous conditions to provide medical care and essential supplies. But many people are still in urgent need – please give what you can to help them.

With medical supplies running out, and water supplies to the Gaza Strip damaged, your donation is needed more than ever.

Please donate today.

With heartfelt thanks,

Luke Tredget

Gaza and Israel Emergency Response


why are celtic fans waving palestine flags like it is going out of fashion these days ?

Israel is such a shit country.

I had no idea that the ugly sisters had a view on this conflict? How does that work again?

I'm sorry to be in the dark as to how this equates to West coast football team supporters.

Can someone enlighten me? I thought this was a serious debate on the crisis.

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I would imagine they would celebrate any " victories" against the west? Do you recall the whistling and cheers during and after 911? Check the video's and get back to me.

You do understand these groups don't hate us or how we live our lives, they hate our governments foreign policy

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