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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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I don't see what it would have to do with any side of the OF?

(No expert) but something to do with green brigade showing solidarity with oppressed people , so Palestinian flags displayed amongst Celtic support.

So.........obvious reaction from rangers fans to show solidarity with Israel.

I'm sure it's more nuanced than this but it's still got petty written all over it.

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(No expert) but something to do with green brigade showing solidarity with oppressed people , so Palestinian flags displayed amongst Celtic support.

So.........obvious reaction from rangers fans to show solidarity with Israel.

I'm sure it's more nuanced than this but it's still got petty written all over it.

I don't think it is. I think you've pretty much nailed it

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(No expert) but something to do with green brigade showing solidarity with oppressed people , so Palestinian flags displayed amongst Celtic support.

So.........obvious reaction from rangers fans to show solidarity with Israel.

I'm sure it's more nuanced than this but it's still got petty written all over it.

Nah, it really is that petty

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Republicans show solidarity with Palestine as they are largely left-wing and support the underdog. British Nationalists support Israel because they are largely racist, right-wing bigots.

Some of the older British Nationalists must be getting well confused about who they're supposed to hate.


Edited by welshbairn
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I'm frightfully ignorant on this subject can someone provide a link for me to gloss over the main points of this conflict as google isn't giving me the answers i want. Also why would a Rangers fan fly an Israel flag?

Under a mixture of Zionist propaganda and Christian guilt Britain decided create a brand new Jewish state right in the middle of Palestine in the early 20th century.

The Palestinians resisted it from day one , Britain decided to split palestine into 2 states ever since then Israel has illegally taken more and more Palestinian land via its illegal settlements until the current fragmented remains of Palestine ,the West Bank and Gaza .

Which all in all results in the perfect breading ground for sectarian hatered , with some Palestinians and wider Muslim world sworn to wipe Israel off the Map, and some Israelis and wider Christian backed western Governments sworn to protect it.

IMO .Israel which pretends to be a western like civilised democracy is now in fact a right wing racist apartheid state, a sentiment that even the South African government holds.

Due to their descrimitory immigration policy , where People from Muslim countries are virtually banned from entering it , but if you are Jewish you are gaurenteed citizenship.

The Government is sworn to keep it a Jewish majority and run state.


Edited by THE KING
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^ Sounds familiar now, did if t lot of Jews get moved there after the second world war or was that where all the conflict started because thousands of jews needed to be re homed after they were freed from the concentration camps?? Its been a while since modern studies!

Zionist Propagandist preached that the only way Jews would be free from persecution was If the had their own country, they had various locations all over the world in mind from South America to Rusia and Africa But settled on Palestine claiming that the bible was their mandate (God says its their land)

100s of thousands of Jewish people flocked to the new country from all over the world.

One of the key issues with the use of the Holocaust as a justification to create Israel, but only months after ww2 israelis ethically cleansed a near million arabs out of Palestine and even to this day , they and their desendents are refused the right to return.

Eta..."We will renew our attacks on Friday at the end of the current ceasefire, we did not receive answers to our demands,"(lifting of the blockade of 2 million people) said senior Hamas official Ismail Radwan

Wednesday evening.

Stand by for Hamas launch rockets into Israel for no apparent reason and Israel has the right to defend itself by slaughtering a couple more 100 civilians come Friday.

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I'm frightfully ignorant on this subject can someone provide a link for me to gloss over the main points of this conflict as google isn't giving me the answers i want. Also why would a Rangers fan fly an Israel flag?

Why would anyone?

Republicans show solidarity with Palestine as they are largely left-wing and support the underdog. British Nationalists support Israel because they are largely racist, right-wing bigots.

Yeah, because everyone knows human beings are only characateurs and nobody ever formed a complex opinion on everything.

The prospect of indepenence really does bring out the worst in some people.

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I managed to find a cachedversion of the article.

and that is only one of several pleas from israelis for genocide in Gaza, the israeli former defence secretary called for concentration camps and the extermination of Hamas and its supporters another minister called for the levelling of Gaza

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I signed that a couple of weeks ago. However, there is a whole list of companies that support and lobby for Israel. Obviously a general boycott isn't feasible, but I have made a conscious effort not to buy any Nestle, Danone or Coca-Cola products.


I wouldn't mind this sort of list for Russia too, given what they are doing in the Ukraine.

Sadly though Russia seems to have geared its economy to not having any actual brands and only selling stuff to other companies rather than to people.

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I wouldn't mind this sort of list for Russia too, given what they are doing in the Ukraine.

Sadly though Russia seems to have geared its economy to not having any actual brands and only selling stuff to other companies rather than to people.

So if a Russian billionaire was to buy out your team, would you stop supporting them?

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South Africa , of all countries, kick out the Israeli Ammbasador.....hopefully the first of many countries to send these Nazis a message. http://m.polity.org.za/article/anc-statement-by-office-of-the-anc-chief-whip-on-the-situation-in-gaza-18072014-2014-07-18

Except they didn't do anything of the sort:


Johannesburg - President Jacob Zuma received a standing applause in Washington DC after suggesting Israel and Palestine should take advice from South Africa about resolving their violent conflict.

Zuma told the National Press Club in the city, where the US-Africa Leaders summit is under way, that South Africa would not expel Israel’s ambassador Arthur Lenk in the wake of the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

“There was a demonstration in South Africa where the call was made,” he said, adding that South Africa was a free country and people were free to demonstrate to show how they felt.

“[Expelling] an ambassador is not going to solve anything,” he said.

Zuma said he believed South Africa has “an example in our own experience that we can offer to do something”.

He said: “We came from a conflict that nobody thought would ever be solved, institutionalised racism in South Africa.”

This was one of the solutions South Africa could offer to help solve the conflict and that it was necessary to take a bigger view.

He also made the point earlier at a breakfast meeting of the US Chamber of Commerce.

Zuma said he wanted to “express our outrage at the continued violence that is claiming scores of lives of civilians in Palestine”.

He told business leaders that South Africa added its voice to the United Nations “in condemning strongly the senseless shelling of civilian shelters by Israel”.

He said the two sides needed to sit and talk to arrive at the two-state solution of Palestine and Israel “living peacefully side by side”.

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