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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Ladies and Gentlemen,

They did the meme.



P.S. - Gay Marriage is illegal in Israel. 


Gay rights are cool and all but come on to f**k. The tweet and message it sends are horrific, are bound to stir homophobia, and suggests that gay lives matter more than All lives in Gaza?

Also: siding with a country otherwise considered backwards in LGBT rights? Odd behaviour.


Eta: Huge Hypocrite. (Perfect Zionist, then.)20231113_200251.thumb.jpg.e3a42131a47e898ca429af3878541fcd.jpg

Edited by ClydeTon
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UN mourns the deaths of more than 100 aid workers in Gaza, the highest number killed in any other conflict in its history


What’s happening here is because the western powers have ignored what has happened to the Palestinians in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank for years.

They refuse to acknowledge the apartheid system of government that allows a Jew with no connection to Israel to settle there with rights whereas a non-Jew who has lived there for years is denied the same rights.

Consecutive Israeli governments have been given a free pass in a manner that no other country has.  Free from criticism and protected by the U.S.A. at the U.N. Security Council on countless occasions when they have committed acts that any other country would be censured for.

Whatever happens in the weeks and months ahead there will be no respite for Palestinians or Israelis until a political solution is found and that looks as far away today than it ever has.

Nothing will be achieved without a U.S. President who genuinely believes that the Palestinians have rights and that’s not Biden or any other likely holder of that office.


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Even if senior politicians in the US, EU & UK want to bury their heads in the sand about the reality of what's happening to Gazans and wring their hands about it not being their place to say what constitutes a war crime, continuing to talk in platitudes about Israel's right to defend itself without addressing any specific incidents of civilians being obviously and deliberately targeted in collective punishment, how often are members of the Israeli government going to openly encourage or admit to ethnic cleansing before they face any kind of condemnation?

Finance Minister Belazel Smotrich happens to live in an illegal West Bank settlement, was himself arrested on terror charges in 2005 when found in possession of several hundred litres of petrol plotting to blow up a motorway in protest at the disengagement from Gaza, has previously advocated the killing of Palestinian children for throwing stones and among his many racist statements once told Arab Knesset members "it's a mistake that Ben-Gurion didn't finish the job and didn't throw you out in 1948". Yesterday he said:

"Voluntary immigration of Gaza Arabs to the world is the right humanitarian solution.''

That is an explicit call for ethnic cleansing of the population of Gaza. You'll note he says Arabs rather than Palestinians, as he is a fan of Golda Meir's statement that "there is no such thing as Palestinians". He has also openly described himself as a "Fascist homophobe" and has organised protests against pride marches called "Beast Parades", so that's one to remember the next time someone claims Israel is somehow liberating LGBT Gazans.

Avi Dichter, who is the Minister for Agriculture, a former Minister of Internal Security and was head of Shin Bet during the second Intifada, said this:

"We need to reduce the number of residents. This is going to result in some sort of Nakba. Gaza Nakba 2023, that's how it'll end."

An explicit call for the expulsion of the population, as happened to 800,000 Palestinians in the Nakba from 1947-49, which also saw several massacres of entire towns and villages. Another open endorsement of ethnic cleansing. Funnily enough Dichter was in favour of the Nakba Law, which effectively made acknowledging the Nakba in Israel illegal, but fine for him to use it in this context.

Heritage Minister Amihai Eliyahu - another who lives in an illegal West Bank settlement - said dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza was an option. He also said "there are no uninvolved civilians in Gaza" and that the population "can go to Ireland or deserts, the monsters in Gaza should find a solution by themselves" while saying no humanitarian aid should be delivered. An explicit call for both ethnic cleansing and viewing all civilians as combatants.

Unlike the others he received the lofty punishment of being suspended from attending cabinet meetings for it, but that was probably for breaking the ambiguity policy on not officially acknowledging that Israel has nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu himself hasn't been as explicit, but did invoke the Torah, saying in reference to October 7 "you must remember what Amalek has done to you." The reference to Amalek means he's justifying any response, as in the following passage:

"I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

An implicit call rather than an explicit one, but it's impossible to interpret that as anything other than a call for genocide.

There really doesn't seem to be any red line for the West in support for Israel here. They are watching ethnic cleansing unfold before their eyes, the government responsible is openly admitting to it and not only are they not condemning it, they're actively perpetuating it with military and diplomatic aid.

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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

...What’s happening here is because the western powers have ignored what has happened to the Palestinians in Israel,...

About 20% of Israel's citizens are Palestinian Arab and their treatment overall is actually quite reasonable. A big part of the problem is the West (mainly the Americans) allowing Israel to get away for so long with what happens in Gaza and the West Bank so they get to have a de facto one state solution that suits them without extending the overall fairly reasonable treatment of Israeli Arabs to all of what used to be Palestine pre-1948 because that would threaten the Jewish electoral majority.

There needs to be a serious plan from the West to enforce an equitable two state solution by implementing the sort of sanctions on Israel that Russia is currently under so Israel reverts back to its 1967 borders or what we are seeing now is only the foothills of what is to come. Problem is a sizable portion of the US electorate sincerely believes that something something all the Jews must return to Israel something something Battle of Armageddon something something Rapture.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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34 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Problem is a sizable portion of the US electorate sincerely believes that something something all the Jews must return to Israel something something Battle of Armageddon something something Rapture.

Ah, the final battle on the Plains of Megiddo. Well, if we could have the West Bank Palestinians launch an attack north onto those plains, just before Trump returns triumphantly to the Presidency in 2025, the Biblical predictions would have been fulfilled for a sizable proportion of the religious nutjob population and they would quit supporting Israel. Honestly, that’s probably the only possible answer with that group.

The current inherent problem is the U.S. is trying to somewhat extract itself from the Middle East, and to do that needs two of the three regional powers (Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia) to be (somewhat) on its side. With Iran off the table, keeping Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Westen camp is critical, and thus the Palestinians are simply screwed. It’s a reflection of the U.S. desire to move forces to Africa as a counterweight to Russian and Chinese operations in the continent.

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4 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 



Used to work (around 2005 for a couple of years) selling a product into newsagents and grocers around Scotland which meant going behind the counter to work on a terminal. it would take about 20-30 minutes so you got talking to them and you were in once a month. The vast majority, 90+% were Asian, mainly Muslim with a few Sikhs and Hindus. Anti Semitism was absolutely rife with the Muslim shops and there was no effort made to hide it. Most of the chat from them was about Anti Semitic conspiracies.


Worst racism I saw was in Dundee from two Polish lads giving the Muslim shopkeeper dog's abuse though. 

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14 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 



Aye I've heard a few people coming out with "the Jews secretly run the world" pish, usually conspiracy nuts that would believe anything as long as a conspiracy theory is strapped to it.

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13 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 



There is widespread antisemitism on social media, mainly stuff about Jews controlling the media and Holocaust denial but also lots of other low level tropes about Jewish people. I don't think anyone could argue that is not the case, or that some of the people who are pro-Palestine are also being hugely antisemitic in their response to the Israeli war crimes.

However, it's also true that allegations of antisemitism have been weaponised against people and things which are not at all antisemitic, because people see it as a useful way of shutting down debate.

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18 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here. 



I started at a new school when I was about 12/13 and a few lads teased another boy by calling him Jewboy. I asked him why and he said "I'm Jewish" unsurprisingly. His second name was Cohen, he had blonde hair and blue eyes.

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21 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

Unfortunately a fair amount of manufacturing activity in Scotland is rooted in the military sector, and for every crisis like Gaza and Ukraine there is benefit for shareholders and employees alike.

I would never censor anyone who chooses to work in that line of business, but such is my personal credo that I was very proud that not one minute of my 47 years in Scottish mechanical engineering was spent endangering lives.  In saying that I can recall some recruitment agents expressing surprise that I took such a stance.

And sadly, judging by the commentary accompanying the Remembrance commemorations from the Cenotaph in London on Sunday, the UK remains a nation in thrall to the two 'm's - militarism and monarchy.  What a desperate state of affairs.

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1 hour ago, Cosmic Joe said:

Has anyone actually witnessed anti-semitism either in person, or on social media? 

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but compared to islamophobia (which seems to be rife), it seems to be a miniscule problem here.

Yes, definitely. Worst examples in person, such as a guy who fought for the Wehrmacht during WWII using the word "saujude" in the workplace while speaking to a fellow German and then realising I understood more German than he had thought I did, were outside Scotland though. Some of the stuff I have heard working with Poles over the years has nauseated me quite frankly given what happened in their part of the world during WWII. It's nothing like as common with Scottish folk but I have heard it a couple of times. With a more diverse population there are more people in Scotland now from cultures where anti-Semitism has historically been the norm rather than an aberration so the idea it's a miniscule problem seems naive to me. If "here" means the UK rather than Scotland, it's important to bear in mind that the London area where there is a much larger Jewish population had Oswald Mosley doing his thing in the not too distant past historically.

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