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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Where's a link to the Bill Leckie stuff? Or did someone post some of his finer work and since deleted it?

SS Posiedon appears to have deleted his post.

Here is the Leckie article

IT wouldn't be the end of the world if two men were given the right to marry in church.

It wouldn't be the end of the world if our favourite football team went out of business or the wrong nobody won The X Factor.

But if nothing is done to stop the pointless, pitiless carnage raining down on Gaza...

Well, does it really need to be spelled out?

Sadly, it seems it does. So, with a heavy heart, here goes.

Today, it's just another chapter in the bitter territorial war between the Jews and the Arabs, something horrible that's happening to someone else, somewhere else.

One day, though, unless we all do something about it, the ripples from the blast zone will spread outwards and ever further outwards until we all feel the shock and awe.

The other week, this column told of Israel's exercise in which they staged a fake attack on Iran in the wake of the US presidential elections to decide whether or not it would be worth the grief.

Surprise, surprise, they decided it was — but at least that was only make-believe.

These last seven days, they've battered the Palestinians for real, the latest in a string of campaigns they claim are to deter their neighbours from attacking THEM, but which are in reality the equivalent of cutting someone's head off for standing on your toes.

Yes, rockets regularly plop over the border from Gaza into Israel. The damage and the casualties, however, are rendered negligible thanks to a multi-billion-dollar defence system that blows anything incoming — from missiles to aircraft — to smithereens.

It's known as Iron Dome. A nickname presumably inspired by the leaders over there who simply refuse to let millions of ordinary people live in peace. And who for this alone are absolute rock heads. In the last 48 hours alone, the death toll has included a family of ten whose house was destroyed by a rocket, three members of another family travelling in a car that took a direct hit, two women and a child walking in a quiet neighbourhood and three farmers toiling in their fields.

What did any of them have to do with some age-old religious squabble? What did they do to deserve being blasted to kingdom come?

They did nothing. And it's to the shame of the rest of the world that we also do nothing to stop more innocents like them being slaughtered.

Downing Street and the White House take sides in the conflict, rather than smashing heads together to make them see sense.

Sure, they SAY they want a settlement, but what they mean is one that suits their political ends. If only they had the brains between them to realise that, in the long run, there can be no winners between these two tribes as long as the best they can muster is an uneasy truce.

Until the Yanks in particular make a serious effort to establish two separate nations where families can live normal lives without fear of extermination, this situation will only keep on festering and its poison keep on oozing.

As for the rest of us? If we put a tenth of the effort into encouraging peace that we do into saving football clubs or tweeting about telly talent shows or persecuting homosexuals, the world might be a happier place.

Take the whole gay marriage thing. You'll know my feelings on it by now — if two men, two women or a donkey and a leopard want to commit for life in the sight of whatever God they believe in, good on them. Love is love and no one should be arrogant enough to make it legal for themselves but not for the next bloke.

Yet the sheer passion of the lobby against changing the law to make church weddings all-inclusive is staggering. It's like if Jim and Fred got to say their vows at an altar, Planet Earth really WOULD stop turning.

Trust me, though, it won't. Don't get me wrong, the minute the gays nuke up and start threatening the straights with obliteration, I'll be on their case. But until then, let's get a little perspective.

Our existence IS at risk unless we wise up to the self-serving, stubborn, vicious hatred rearing its head for the umpteenth time just a few short hours away from our doorsteps.

By all means, dismiss this as nonsense. Shrug and say you don't care what foreigners do to each other. Just don't act all taken aback when one day you're FORCED to care.

Oh, and while we're on military madness, check this.

Our own Ministry of Defence is training battlefield surgeons by handing them the bleeding bodies of pigs gunned down at close range.

I'll repeat that last sentence, as it's just too magnificent to only write once.

Our own Ministry of Defence is training battlefield surgeons by handing them the bleeding bodies of pigs shot at close range.

Mind-bending doesn't even come close. It's emerged that our army bods go to Denmark twice a year, round up some porkers, sedate them, then shoot them just hard enough that they don't die, but suffer terrible organ damage that docs then try and repair as best they can.

Defence chiefs say the pigs are later killed humanely.

Which plainly makes all the difference.

And you know the great irony of this odd little story?

That the Israelis would be horrified at this barbaric disregard for the welfare of little piggies.

Go figure.


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'Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.' ~ U.S. government mind manipulator, Dr. Jose Delgado,

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To play those millions of minds, to watch them slowly respond to an unseen stimulus, to guide their aspirations without their knowledge ~ all this whether in high capacities or in humble, is a big and endless game of chess, of ever extraordinary excitement."

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country." ~ 1928, Edward Bernays, "the father of public relations," Propaganda.

Programming Through Mass Media

Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible. They include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the Internet. Many studies have been conducted in the past century to measure the effects of mass media on the population in order to discover the best techniques to influence it.

From those studies emerged the science of Communications, which is used in marketing, public relations and politics. Mass communication is a necessary tool to insure the functionality of a large democracy; it is also a necessary tool for a dictatorship. It all depends on its usage.

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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This video is fair doing the rounds on social media today, make of it what you will.


Why is that not on any main-stream media news channels?,

shouldn't it be on each and every main-stream media news channel?

Which side of the wall are the terrorists, again? huh.gif

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Why is that not on any main-stream media news channels?,

shouldn't it be on each and every main-stream media news channel?

Which side of the wall are the terrorists, again? huh.gif

It's hideous. It's also a compilation of clips that have been shown (or clips very like them) and, if you look carefully, in the top right hand corner the logo appears to be Hebrew - though I may be wrong about that.

So, to summarise:

The israelis are behaving appallingly

Hamas or another nihilistic band have just detonated another bomb in Tel Aviv

The terrorists are those on either side of the wall who are absolutely convinced that they are correct, and that the lives of those on the other side are worthless

Your conspiracy theories are as shit as ever.

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It's hideous. It's also a compilation of clips that have been shown (or clips very like them) and, if you look carefully, in the top right hand corner the logo appears to be Hebrew - though I may be wrong about that.

So, to summarise:

The israelis are behaving appallingly

Hamas or another nihilistic band have just detonated another bomb in Tel Aviv

The terrorists are those on either side of the wall who are absolutely convinced that they are correct, and that the lives of those on the other side are worthless

Your conspiracy theories are as shit as ever.

Can't disagree with any of that. Seems to me however when the violence escalates it's always one side who comes off worst. Seems the international community are keen on the idea of proportionate response in conflicts other than in the case of Israel.

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Can't disagree with any of that. Seems to me however when the violence escalates it's always one side who comes off worst.

It's all part of the Hamas masterplan though isn't it?

They don't give a toss about the innocent people who die - it's all good propaganda material.

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Can't disagree with any of that. Seems to me however when the violence escalates it's always one side who comes off worst. Seems the international community are keen on the idea of proportionate response in conflicts other than in the case of Israel.

Oh, I agree with that. The Israelis seem to be able to get away with whatever they want, simply by being the only Western facing democracy in the region. And the only (current) nuclear power. Noone comes out of this looking innocent.

I'm geting royally fucked off with the black and white response of many of the posters on here though. Not one of us - not one - whose houses were being targetted by rocket attacks or another country's military would be anything other than likely to respond in kind I would suggest, and to demonise either set of civilians is loathsome and lazy. Both sides have leaders who are religious zealots or zionists. Both have the obliteration of the opposition as the only desirable outcome. Until moderates everywhere - in the Arab world, Israel and the rest of the world, start to respond to that, noone is going to be safe.

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A thread on Israel really pulls the lunatics out, doesn't it?

I'm glad there's a ceasefire. I was listening to the radio earlier and the presenter was talking about the prospect of peace talks, I understand that the agreements talks about moing forward on opening the borders, but it's difficult to have any optimism for a settlement or even a thawing of relations. Ahmed Jabrili, whose killlng started this round of conflict, once said that Hamas should liberate Gaza then "“Jerusalem, the West Bank, and then Haifa, Jaffa, and Tel Aviv,” and the issue is that many in Israel and the Israeli government think that this is exactly what will happen if they give way. The human cost of a policy of containment and the long tem political impact of the impase could cause bigger problems in the future though.

A depressing but unsurprising episode.

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It is a simple situation really.

Imagine if instead of Palestine the English had gifted Scotland (or even just Ayrshire) to the Zionists in the Balfour Declaration.

And imagine if the events of 1948 happened to us (or the Ayrshites) instead of the Palestinians.

What would we have experienced in 1948?

Well we would have been violently ethnically cleansed out of ancestral villages and homes and forced to either settle in camp or ghetto slum or emigrate (does that event soumd familiar to any Highlanders?).

Then we would be forced to live in poverty and squalor while we watched foreign settlers steal our lands and homes.

Then we would be forced to beg a living in our own homeland while the who;e time being brutalized and subjected to terror designed to 'encourage' us to leave our own homeland.

You have to ask yourself if you were a Scot in those circumstances, how would you react?

Some would go down the 'take them on' route, some would go down the Ghandi route of non violence. Most would probably just leave.

But you know this - you would not be in any doubt as to who was the victim and who was the oppressor.

You cannot steal the homes of millions of people and then complain that they hate you. If you do you are an arsehole.


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It is a simple situation really.

Imagine if instead of Palestine the English had gifted Scotland (or even just Ayrshire) to the Zionists in the Balfour Declaration.

And imagine if the events of 1948 happened to us (or the Ayrshites) instead of the Palestinians.

What would we have experienced in 1948?

Well we would have been violently ethnically cleansed out of ancestral villages and homes and forced to either settle in camp or ghetto slum or emigrate (does that event soumd familiar to any Highlanders?).

Then we would be forced to live in poverty and squalor while we watched foreign settlers steal our lands and homes.

Then we would be forced to beg a living in our own homeland while the who;e time being brutalized and subjected to terror designed to 'encourage' us to leave our own homeland.

You have to ask yourself if you were a Scot in those circumstances, how would you react?

Some would go down the 'take them on' route, some would go down the Ghandi route of non violence. Most would probably just leave.

But you know this - you would not be in any doubt as to who was the victim and who was the oppressor.

You cannot steal the homes of millions of people and then complain that they hate you. If you do you are an arsehole.

With a bit of justice in the world the surviving Jews of WW2 would have been given Bavaria, and the residents ethnically cleansed to tower blocks on the outskirts of Glasgow.

In which case Scotland might have got some decent brewers and a successful car industry instead of ice cream parlours and chippies.

Edited by welshbairn
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