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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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Israel stopped attacks on Gaza yesterday for six hours in an attempt to end the conflict. Hamas fired 123 rockets into Israel in that time which has caused it to escalate further. Why won't Hamas accept a ceasefire?


Israel have only slaughtered about 200 palestinians they need to increase the murder of innocent women and children before these terrorists get the message.

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Israel have only slaughtered about 200 palestinians they need to increase the murder of innocent women and children before these terrorists get the message.

Hamas had the chance to accept a ceasfire and refused. If the lives of Gazans were valued at all by their own government then they would have accepted the ceasefire as President Abbas suggested. However, the problem is that Hamas doesn't care about it's own citizens it cares about attacking Israel no matter what the cost to people living in Gaza.

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Nobody's asked them. It was arrangement between the Israelis and the Egyptians neither of whom talked to Hamas.

No one asked them to fire the rockets either. They were fully aware the option for (at least temporary) peace existed.

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No one asked them to fire the rockets either. They were fully aware the option for (at least temporary) peace existed.

You should be a peace ambassador to the Middle East, you clearly have it figured.

"You shouldn't have done that, should you, Hamas?"

*Hamas shakes head, pets lip*

"Now, don't you both have something to say to each other?"

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You should be a peace ambassador to the Middle East, you clearly have it figured.

"You shouldn't have done that, should you, Hamas?"

*Hamas shakes head, pets lip*

"Now, don't you both have something to say to each other?"

No one is claiming its simple, I just don't see how you can easily defend a (group/force/people) who break a ceasefire and have done on a number of previous occasions. Again I am in no way defending Israel, this argument is just more balanced than many are suggesting.

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I don't deny they're idiots for firing the rockets. After 66 years of trying violence, maybe a bit of Gandhi tactics might be worth a go. But throughout that time the Israelis have been expanding their territory, no matter what the Palestinians have done, and how liberal the Israeli politicians have portrayed themselves. They've succeeded in making a 2 state solution impossible, unless the Palestinians are going to be on a few islands separated from each other and surrounded by Israeli settlements, roads and troops. Fcuk knows what I'd do in that situation, maybe fire off the odd rocket just to piss them off, despite the consequences.

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No one is claiming its simple, I just don't see how you can easily defend a (group/force/people) who break a ceasefire and have done on a number of previous occasions. Again I am in no way defending Israel, this argument is just more balanced than many are suggesting.

Being told there is a ceasefire is not the same as breaking one. As I said before, nobody consulted Hamas. I'd imagine the Israelis demanded certain conditions from Egypt before accepting? The new regime in Egypt, by the way, is a sworn enemy of Hamas.

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I don't deny they're idiots for firing the rockets. After 66 years of trying violence, maybe a bit of Gandhi tactics might be worth a go. But throughout that time the Israelis have been expanding their territory, no matter what the Palestinians have done, and how liberal the Israeli politicians have portrayed themselves. They've succeeded in making a 2 state solution impossible, unless the Palestinians are going to be on a few islands separated from each other and surrounded by Israeli settlements, roads and troops. Fcuk knows what I'd do in that situation, maybe fire off the odd rocket just to piss them off, despite the consequences.

Before 2005 Israel had 21 settlements in the Gaza strip but they removed them all and 4 settlements from the West Bank as part of the peace process. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%27s_unilateral_disengagement_plan

In the past Israel also completely withdrew it's settlements from the Sinai Peninsula as part of a peace process with Egypt. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement) Of course the current settlements in the West Bank are not a good thing but surely the way to end the conflict is through negotiations and not rockets?

Also remember that on every occasion Israel 'expanded its borders' it has been because its Arab neighbours have invaded with the intention of destroying Israel and driving the Jews into the sea. Israel has defended itself. It has never invaded and taken territory surrounding it.

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Being told there is a ceasefire is not the same as breaking one. As I said before, nobody consulted Hamas. I'd imagine the Israelis demanded certain conditions from Egypt before accepting? The new regime in Egypt, by the way, is a sworn enemy of Hamas.

They specifically rejected the ceasefire.

"Announcing Hamas's formal rejection of the ceasefire plan, Abu Zuhri said the outcome of deliberations within the Islamist movement 'was to reject the proposal and, therefore, Hamas informed Egypt last night it apologises for not accepting it.' http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/16/us-palestinians-israel-idUSKBN0FI04420140716?utm_source=twitter

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Before 2005 Israel had 21 settlements in the Gaza strip but they removed them all and 4 settlements from the West Bank as part of the peace process. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%27s_unilateral_disengagement_plan

In the past Israel also completely withdrew it's settlements from the Sinai Peninsula as part of a peace process with Egypt. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement) Of course the current settlements in the West Bank are not a good thing but surely the way to end the conflict is through negotiations and not rockets?

Also remember that on every occasion Israel 'expanded its borders' it has been because its Arab neighbours have invaded with the intention of destroying Israel and driving the Jews into the sea. Israel has defended itself. It has never invaded and taken territory surrounding it.

Don't know where to start. Have you heard of Lebanon? The West Bank? Gaza? East Jerusalem? The Sinai?

Edited by welshbairn
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They specifically rejected the ceasefire.

"Announcing Hamas's formal rejection of the ceasefire plan, Abu Zuhri said the outcome of deliberations within the Islamist movement 'was to reject the proposal and, therefore, Hamas informed Egypt last night it apologises for not accepting it.' http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/16/us-palestinians-israel-idUSKBN0FI04420140716?utm_source=twitter

You can't accuse them breaking a ceasefire if they didn't accept it. What conditions were they offered?

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You can't accuse them breaking a ceasefire if they didn't accept it. What conditions were they offered?

I didn't say they broke it I said they didn't accept it. If they really cared about the civilians they are supposed to govern surely they would accept any reasonable ceasefire? The conditions were that both sides would stop attacking eachother

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Before 2005 Israel had 21 settlements in the Gaza strip but they removed them all and 4 settlements from the West Bank as part of the peace process. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%27s_unilateral_disengagement_plan

In the past Israel also completely withdrew it's settlements from the Sinai Peninsula as part of a peace process with Egypt. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement) Of course the current settlements in the West Bank are not a good thing but surely the way to end the conflict is through negotiations and not rockets?

Also remember that on every occasion Israel 'expanded its borders' it has been because its Arab neighbours have invaded with the intention of destroying Israel and driving the Jews into the sea. Israel has defended itself. It has never invaded and taken territory surrounding it.

Are you having a fucking laugh?

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Israelis are just Nazis

but they're not ALL Nazis though are they just like not ALL Palestinians are Hamas or Terrorists.

What both are guilty of (regardless of who started what or who's more at fault) is not recognising and respect each other as human beings and showing any form of compassion. Cnutish behaviour is cnutish behaviour regardless of whether you're firing rockets into Israel or the West Bank/Gaza and until either side shows any recognition let alone respect to the other then there will sadly be no end to the violence & killing.

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