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The writing for this series is fucking awful. Which is what I expected Chibnall to deliver. The plotting and pacing is woeful and there really is a dearth of larger ideas at work.  it's as boilerplate and dull as his episodes for the former show runners were. Doctor Who is never going to be high concept, or sophisticated science fiction, not really - but Moffat could still deliver the kind of one off Anthology stories that  sparked an interest (I'm thinking the likes of Listen, Heaven Sent, Time and World Enough just from Capaldi's tenure) even when he couldn't stick a landing with the overall season plot or left the co-stars hanging around too long (and couldn't fucking kill them when that was the obvious narrative choice). This stuff is sub par RTD without the laissez faire charm that he had in his best scripts. 

As for the TARDIS team, the Graham and Ryan stuff actually works quite well and the addition of Bradley Walsh is working a lot better than I expected it would. At the moment Yaz seems a bit superfluous (think Nyssa, which was the last time there were 3 full time companions. maybe 2 is the optimal number) and The Doctor herself? Someone has sent her home with seasons 2-4 for research and not much else. Which is doubly annoying to me, because as much as I like David Tennant in other things, his version of the Doctor was deeply annoying to me. Whittaker is all breathless exclamation and not much else, to the point where you suspect that her reading out the train times would be a life and death exercise.  I do think she is getting pulled under by the execrable writing to be fair though. 

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That was decent enough tonight though the wee gremlin thing was a bit annoying.

Don’t think you can call Bradley Walsh that!

Overall a pretty dull episode I thought. I like the characters and the Doctor is good, but there’s nothing really happening.
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Thought it was pretty poor tonight. Previous Doctor's have done plenty of "Doh" moments, where they realise something apparently obvious and use it come up with their grand plan and save everyone, but tonight's "oh my god, this is a spaceship not a hospital" and "oh, it's doesn't care about humans, just consuming material/energy" seemed pretty jarring and overly obvious.

Still, I look forward to Doc Brown's rap about the Pting - something like this one.


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On 04/11/2018 at 20:52, supermik said:

‘Twas a load of shit. Next week looks like another right on, political preaching pile of tosh as well. 

I don't normally notice stuff like that but Doctor Who really does seem to be going out it's way to box-tick in this series - to the point that it's getting in the way of any plot development.

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Ok episode hampered by needless filler.

Could have surely used Ryan and Graham better than Male Pregnancy gibberish.


To many companions this series. Seem to be struggling for things for them all to do.

Think Yaz is struggling to seem useful but Graham and Ryan are getting some decent screen time and some nice development, have to admit to being pleasantly surprised at how good Bradley Walsh has been in this so far, I was very doubtful when I heard he was signed but I'm enjoying it when he is on!!!

Think Yaz may be getting her moment next week when they go back to pre-independence Pakistan and meet up with her Granny next week!!!

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I thought it was okay. I'm glad that they are allowing events of historical significance to speak for themselves, rather than just using them as window dressing for another Doctor vs Monsters storyline. It was, maybe, a little too sentimental, but I like that they are trying something a bit different. My main criticism would be that it might have been a bit exposition-heavy for children. 

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I agree it was nice the alien storyline ran alongside the historical one, rather than affecting it. Overall though, the episode was just a bit 'meh'. Not bad, but not memorable either.

With just 4 episodes left I'm hoping they can pull one truely great episode out the bag, before another series just blandly floats by.

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Couldn't really get into that. I worry again that there are too many assistants and the whole episode ends up a bit manic as a result of trying to squeeze in something for them all to do. I do like them all, but one of them is gonna have to get Adriced. 

Still, hopefully next week's will be good, I like historical ones. 

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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I enjoyed that even if it was a bit manic. I didn't find the twist of the maintenance guy being behind it all very convincing though. It either needed more development or, the woman who was in charge of people would have been a more natural character to be behind a plot to undermine automation.

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So wait a minute, all the missing people were turned into bubble-wrap???
I dropped off for a bit half way through it, celebrating a bit too much last night, and may have missed something!!!

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So wait a minute, all the missing people were turned into bubble-wrap???
I dropped off for a bit half way through it, celebrating a bit too much last night, and may have missed something!!!
They were turned into goop after the bubble-wrap was tested on them.
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