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'The Snip'

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The wife has been told by her doctor that I need to get the snip if we want to avoid having any more kids. Apparently 'getting off at Haymarket' doesn't medically constitute birth control.

The thought of having this done makes we want to cry. Like really cry. Having someone tugging at my nuts terrifies me. I can't even watch animals getting castrated on the tv without wincing.

Am i making too much of this and need to man up?

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It's not much fun, but you're in and out of theatre in half an hour.

The nurse assigned to talk to me (read: keep my mind off things) noted I had gone a queer green colour, and could we have some more anaesthetic please? Haha oh how I can laugh now looking back.

They'll swell up and look like large black grapes for a while. I was getting concerned they were still discoloured after a wee while, so went to see my GP who said "nah, they're fine, and btw I did a 10k a week after getting my own clackers seen to".

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I've had it done and it was the most uncomfortable experience of my life. The nurses had to pin me down to stop me hitting the doctor - I was doing all I could to contain my rage but I was growling at the poor guy and probably not making his job any easier. I can't believe they did it with a local, rather than general anaesthetic. It was like being in a horror film - going to some strange wee WW2 field hospital near Brechin to be strapped down and mutilated.

The injections are liked getting kicked in the stones by Jonah Lomu, plus there's all the general shoving, squeezing and shaving of the knackers.

I was in full working order in no time so no bother in that respect. The mental scars have taken longer to heal than the physical ones.

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The wife has been told by her doctor that I need to get the snip if we want to avoid having any more kids. Apparently 'getting off at Haymarket' doesn't medically constitute birth control.

The thought of having this done makes we want to cry. Like really cry. Having someone tugging at my nuts terrifies me. I can't even watch animals getting castrated on the tv without wincing.

Am i making too much of this and need to man up?

Get general anaesthetic if offered. I got local and it was one of the worst decisions of my life.

You don't feel pain as such but you feel them pulling about at your wires. I'm cringing just thinking about it and I had it done 6 years ago when 30.

My balls and half way up my cock were so blue I could have drawn a Scotland badge on them, photographed the whole lot and told folk that I'd met Barry Ferguson straight after a game.

General anaesthetic isn't a choice, it's a necessity.

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I've had it done and it was the most uncomfortable experience of my life. The nurses had to pin me down to stop me hitting the doctor - I was doing all I could to contain my rage but I was growling at the poor guy and probably not making his job any easier. I can't believe they did it with a local, rather than general anaesthetic. It was like being in a horror film - going to some strange wee WW2 field hospital near Brechin to be strapped down and mutilated.

The injections are liked getting kicked in the stones by Jonah Lomu, plus there's all the general shoving, squeezing and shaving of the knackers.

I was in full working order in no time so no bother in that respect. The mental scars have taken longer to heal than the physical ones.

ah, FFS. You're making it sound like mengele is going to have a field day on my knackers!!!! I've already missed a consultants appointment once, i can't do it again.

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ah, FFS. You're making it sound like mengele is going to have a field day on my knackers!!!! I've already missed a consultants appointment once, i can't do it again.

I had no prior knowledge of what was involved. Basically it's Marathon Man but with scrotums rather than dentistry.

Finding out if had worked or not was a shambles too. They kept losing my sample or not testing it in time. I'd basically have to knock one out by the front door, hop into the car then drive the width of Fife at top speed to hand over my tub of spunk to some hospital porter in Kirkcaldy.

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The wife has been told by her doctor that I need to get the snip if we want to avoid having any more kids. Apparently 'getting off at Haymarket' doesn't medically constitute birth control.

The thought of having this done makes we want to cry. Like really cry. Having someone tugging at my nuts terrifies me. I can't even watch animals getting castrated on the tv without wincing.

Am i making too much of this and need to man up?

Man up. Kick her in the pie and book her in for getting her tubes blocked.

Edited by welshbairn
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Having a bloke set about your hawmaws with a sharp knife isn't much fun but it's mildly more inviting than watching Rangers at the moment - if that gives you an idea of scale.

One word of warning: My son was about 3 at the time and his head was at about ball-height. For about a week I was always careful to check where he was before I went in to a room in case he came charging at me.

There's is another consideration you haven't mentioned. If you don't get it done then you may not meet Nat King for a LONG time!

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Get general anaesthetic if offered. I got local and it was one of the worst decisions of my life.

You don't feel pain as such but you feel them pulling about at your wires. I'm cringing just thinking about it and I had it done 6 years ago when 30.

My balls and half way up my cock were so blue I could have drawn a Scotland badge on them, photographed the whole lot and told folk that I'd met Barry Ferguson straight after a game.

General anaesthetic isn't a choice, it's a necessity.

30?!?!? Jesus that's awfully young is it not?

Is this compulsory? Two things im dreading in life are this and a prostate. Hopefully don't have to have either.. :(

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I had a bit of a medical situation a few years back and a side effect one of the drugs that totally sorted me out is that it's very toxic and could result in some sort of mutant child (the one I already have is as perfect as it's possible for someone born in Kirkcaldy to be) so it seemed a wise move to get the snip.

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