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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. He can’t header the ball properly. That’s the same whether he plays full back or centre half. And it’s definitely worse when he is playing centre half as the ball is constantly dropping to an on-rushing midfielder. McGlynn not playing him is the correct decision for me, based on what I’ve seen of him. Folk crying out for Tait are mad, as well. Based on what, other than the Falkirk cup game?
  2. He doesn’t rate him because he’s been guff for about 12 months.
  3. Daniel Armstrong starts as a free agent rather than as attached to RRFC as he should be. Regan Hendry is listed as right footed rather than left.
  4. Nice to see we’re living rent free in 1320Lichtie’s head despite Arbroath bodying us to the title 6 months ago.
  5. I’ve seen plenty of mistakes by McGurn this season, oddball. I love McGurn as much as anyone, he’s a club legend, I just think we have a better option sat on the bench.
  6. Not sure what you’re slavering on about, tbh. We are historically awful at Balmoor so it’s not completely unexpected. We’ve also lost our best player in the last week, been told we won’t see Vaughan til fucking Christmas 2020 and decided to start Steven Anderson on the bench. Couple those things with McGurn having another brain fart and it’s pretty easy to see where we went wrong. Davidson being sent off whilst 2-0 down, whilst frustrating, shouldn’t be the least bit surprising to anyone of a Rovers persuasion. A veteran centre half who routinely gets sent off for dissent is fucking embarrassing. Get sent off for 2 booking or even a bad tackle, but to be sent off for chatting shit to the ref is just brainless. We need to get ourselves sorted out for next week. As ever, league 1 being the bat shit stupid league it is, Stranraer bodied Clyde today so they’ll have their tails up coming to Stark’s no doubt. Could do with a performance from Armstrong and Dingwall. The former hasn’t showed up since his (re)introduction v Falkirk.
  7. How very Rovers to hand a struggling team their first three points since August.
  8. How many red cards has Davidson had for us? Must be more than 10. A straight red for dissent is actually quite impressive, must’ve said something horrendous. No wins in four, Falkirk win, we’re knocked off top, clocks go back. All sounds about right. Just as well we’re signing Ross Callachan or this week would be a write off.
  9. Not even nearly comparable situations. Try again.
  10. Davidson will never change. Fucking brain donor.
  11. Why are we so pish away? Utterly pished on peterhead both times at Starks park. Same with Clyde.
  12. This is sounding like every other rovers game at Peterhead. Pretty glad I patched it.
  13. Need Munro in goals. McGurn is giving a goal away every week.
  14. Steven Anderson on the bench. Bizarre. When he’s fit he’s got to play, surely?
  15. Lewis Vaughan’s just posted a photo of him and Ross Callachan against Cowdenbeath from 2015 on Instagram. Welcome back to the Rovers, Ross.
  16. Fraser Fyvie signs a PCA with the Rovers straight away, only wants about £600 a week.
  17. Would imagine Steven Anderson being there would be something to do with only being able to have 1 over 21 player on loan. Perhaps organising to have him released so we can take RC on loan?
  18. This would significantly soften the blow of losing Hendry. I'd fucking love Ross back.
  19. Anyone heard anything about Regan's scan? I'm consigning myself to it being shite news already so it's not as sore when it gets announced. Might feel a wee bit knee jerk but if he's out for anything longer than 2-3 months we are up shit creek.
  20. East Fife da‘s 5 year too late obsession with poorly thought out home made memes can end any time it likes.
  21. I’m still trying to determine what foreverarover actually means. Do you want us to set up a bar in the north stand concourse - which is effectively outside - and put patio furniture in it for folk to sit on? Remember there’s no way of chilling the beer up there, and no way they could get draught. So you’re looking at a seat on a plastic chair, outside, with a warm tin. Haud me back.
  22. f**k me, Gullan’s chance...That’s two weeks in a row we’ve had fantastic chances to turn one point into three and both times not taken it. Let’s hope it doesn’t come back to bite us.
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