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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Has all the attributes to be a good signing, but the past few years haven't been great. I'm confident Ray will get the most out of him.
  2. That pretty much confirms Davidson in midfield for the foreseeable.
  3. McKinnon has spoken highly of Petrie in past interviews, talking about his delivery and general technical ability so I can't see him going out on loan to be honest. He was ropey at left back on Tuesday at Stenny, yes, but he'll barely ever have to play there again. He's been solid enough when played anywhere else. McGurn is a really tough one. He's 3rd choice just now, part time and the chances of him getting on the park this season are slim to none, barring a complete loss of form and/or injury from Laidlaw and Cuthbert. Cuthbert has been totally solid this season, I have absolutely no issue with him being between the sticks now. He's even made a few cracking saves, with his hands too! I feel for McGurn because he knows how we all feel about him, but he'll understand the predicament he's in. As for Davidson, I just can't decide about him. I'm happy for him to play centre half, he was apparently very solid yesterday and had a good game. At centre mid he just doesn't get on the ball nearly enough, resulting in us lumping it up the park. Tuesday was a prime example, we were really looking for him, as the senior member of the midfield that night, to go to Bates and Petrie and say, "give it to me", but he doesn't do it. He doesn't drop off into that space as DM and take the square pass from the full back of CB, he jogs into the middle of the park and let's them hoof it, resulting in the fans getting edgy and then having a shit game because they've got no confidence. If he's going to be centre half cover, I'm more than happy for him to do that. Centre of the park, nah.
  4. Nah he only trained for a week, left at the start of last.
  5. I've watched that handball then goal sequence about 15 times.There was such a feeling of being hard done by in the SS that day, then the pure release of Casa's goal hitting the net. Glorious.
  6. I was talking about big Damian tonight at the pub, saying that his goal against Ayr in the last minute a few years ago was the last time I went properly mental at Stark's Park. Only realised what I was doing when I was almost on the park.
  7. Experience which we have. McGurn, Cuthbert, Thomson, Barr, Benedictus, McCord, Anderson and Stewart all have years of experience at this level.
  8. That's Ross Callachan saying on Twitter that he's not well, as well.
  9. Absolutely spewing for wee Lewis. Really felt like this was going to be the season where he stamped his mark on the league and our first 11. Hopefully he makes a full recovery but it's very often the case that players are never the same after such a serious injury. Calum Elliot anyone?
  10. Nah Martin Scott was the absolute pinnacle of c**t. At least Jamie Hammil had half a player in him at one point. Scott has been nothing but a universal p***k for his entire "career". Never felt such a dislike to one of our own players before him.
  11. I'll cry real tears if we sign Ian Black. I didn't think it would've been possible to sign a player more unlikeable than Martin Scott, but Black would be fucking unbearable.
  12. Aye I was ready to go and then rain came on, just wrapped it and stayed in the house instead.
  13. If football manager has taught me anything, it's that changing the captain can have an adverse effect on morale.
  14. I've seen a lot of people over the past year or so on his thread saying that Thomson shouldn't be captain because he doesn't seem to communicate particularly well with other players. Whilst they may be correct (I don't sit close enough to the pitch to hear them) is suggest that being the captain is a lot more than that. He's always available for the ball, never hides when it's not going so well and never shirks a challenge which sets an excellent example to the whole squad. I'd be more than happy for him to continue in his role. Who do we think is going to be scapegoat of the season? I'm going Ryan McCord.
  15. If you could all just ignore Martin Nelson and get on with your thread that'd be great. 99% of Rovers fans aren't daft enough to judge a 17 year old laddie on the basis of two friendlies.
  16. My thoughts exactly. Surely that'd be pointless given none of them will know who he is? Hope he is found safe and well.
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