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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I hate it when folk lie so obviously. This boy is usually awhright as well. He then deleted the first post after this was pointed out to him, and replaced it with this... What the fuck!?
  2. Last year when we played Falkirk between Christmas and New Year, we stopped at the BK at the bridge on the way through to get our tea as we'd all come straight from work. I ordered a large triple Angus beef whopper meal with a strawberry milkshake. About 4000 calories of sheer stodge. Still to this day the fullest I have ever felt, it was unbelievably uncomfortable, and the mega shite I had the next day wasn't much better.
  3. Total retard. He's got a bairn as well. This was a different person last night. Both deleted.
  4. Avoid The Links, Smeaton, Gallatown, the area round the south side of the hospital, The Valley and Templehall. However, where possible, go for the area round about the court (beveridge road), all the bits up Oriel Road, Raith Estate, Dunnikeir, Holly Brae, and Ravenscraig. They'll all be available for less than my FUCKING RENT.
  5. This digital changeover is a piece of fucking shite. Re-tuned the box again as instructed, and it's tuned BBC One, Two, Three, STV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 into numbers 840 - 846, and my box won't let me move them. Why change something that worked perfectly fine? I also used to get perfect signal in my room, since the changeover it's been gash, and i'm up moving the aerial every two minutes. Change isn't bad, isn't fucking brutal.
  6. 6 payments, somehow. I'm entirely sure how, that's what the email said.
  7. Did my first bit of proper cardio for months today at the gym, a 5k on the treadmill in 24:46. Was fair pleased with that. Reckon I could get it down to below 20 within a few months.
  8. It's in the city centre, and it turns out it's around £410 a month.
  9. We did the whole ridge, 4 peaks over 5 hours. Great experience, but some seriously sketchy bits involving scampering down rocky cliff faces.
  10. I'm doing meall nan tarmachan tomorrow, anyone done it before?
  11. Apparently mines are over £400 a month...
  12. Halls this year. Should hopefully hear back about my address either tomorrow or Monday.
  13. Unconditional offer to Naier Uni has been accepted, and my accommodation has been aranged. Braw.
  14. I'm guessing, given how old you are, that it's a while since you've been at uni.
  15. I'm looking to buy a decent sound system with the radio and such like. Essentially looking to get one with an AUX input, good speakers and a sub. I have no idea where to satrt, can anyone help?
  16. I was supposed to be playing, but I've had to work all day
  17. With a rent of £480 a month, I doubt keeping money aside would have been a sensible decision.
  18. The Hangover is a steaming pile of over rated shite.
  19. I'm desperately trying not to get too involved with the Rovers this pre-season, cause it'll be torture when i've not got enough money to get next year
  20. A pringle is not actually a crisp, but a dough based snack
  21. Folk that post anonymous bullshit such as "Ohhh, some folk are such dicks these days!!" Just say who it is, CUNT!
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