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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. You're like a small child, slowly learning new words and puting them into overuse. And yes, I had to edit my post due to a typo.
  2. Ahh, true. He kind of had a guess at me by saying a raith fan. I'm usually the one he gives his semi-literate shiit to, so was probably already suspecting me. And for the avoidance of doubt, I have never, ever had an alias.
  3. Put your toys back in the pram. You and Blair can go and play pool and talk things over.
  4. Exactly. Why the big secrecy act by the mods? I'd actually quite like an answer.
  5. The New Years Derby is off because the police say it MIGHT snow at 3pm. The first ever decision of it's kind anywhere in the world. Ever. I hear Dundee v Airdrie is off aswell. Earthquake.
  6. MarvMarvSuperMarv just canceled on me, and i've got nothing to do tonight now :(
  7. Well, i certainly never seen it. I thought the middle of a semi-busy road would be clear of ice, to be honest.
  8. Weirdly, I was walking slowly, in a straight line, in the middle of a road with my hands in my pockets.
  9. I just went flat on my back, not arse, back, on some ice round the corner. Fuck me it hurt.
  10. Oh aye, another thing. Those fucking electronic signature things that delivery drivers make you sign when you accept a package. Why does it make my writing look like that of a parkinsons riddled, blind special!?
  11. It's a fucking shambles eh? Funny how they don't postpone a trip down to the shops with the missus, or a trip to the pub for a few Harry Bars. The worst i'd ever had was when myself and my brothers went down to St. James' Park for the Newcastle V Charlton game. We were in the Charlton end, so we got speaking to guys who had paid £300 for a flight to Newcastle from London. The game eventually got canceled 15 minutes before kick off, because the slope upto the away end was icy. Raging didn't quite define it.
  12. Went out to get my haircut this morning, and in the hour that I was out, I missed the delivery of my new trainers :( They're coming tomorrow though!
  13. I've just been put in a right foul mood. I cannae stand some folk some times.
  14. That is indeed fucking excellent news. We were looking pretty threadbare up front all of a sudden.
  15. What you working as? Security?
  16. Probably something to do with them being too dim when they first go on.
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