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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Anyone able to tell me when we last went 12 games unbeaten?
  2. Ross Matthews doing the ‘Falkirk tears’ celebration in front of the south stand was fucking outstanding. Lifetime contract for him.
  3. I had Tom Lang by the face with both hands at the celebrations. Great scenes.
  4. No. I knew you were shite. It’s just really, really funny.
  5. That Falkirk side are the biggest pile of absolute and utter gutless shite I’ve ever seen. Fucking brilliant [emoji23]
  6. This could very well be a farce tomorrow if the weather predictions are right.
  7. Lived in Edinburgh for the last 10 years. Quite happy with anything less than a fiver for a pint.
  8. What’s the script with the seating? Is it just sit wherever you want?
  9. I see your esteemed manager has been on the radio again, talking about being “angry and frustrated” about Rangers performance. Unacceptable conduct from a manager of another SPFL club. I couldn’t go and watch and support a club managed by that c**t, must be unbearable.
  10. Got the train up booked for mid morning, should get to Arbroath for about mid day. Never had a proper day out in Arbroath, only ever gone to and from the game by car. Suggestions for lunch and pints before and after the game welcome.
  11. You’re getting your KMac’s and and your SAndo’s all mixed up, Tx.
  12. When we announced we had signed Berra in April, I posted this on the rovers thread: A few things wrong with that, obviously, but perhaps the most glaring being that I’d have rather signed Alan Lithgow than Christophe Berra. Berra has been a fucking rock whilst Lithgow has struggled badly. Now I’m having a flick through some of the reactions from when we signed Berra
  13. As the camera pans right, the other big huddie Morton centre half seems to be deeper than Lithgow. Whether or not he has dropped that extra few yards in the time it takes the camera to shift is up to your interpretation. I’m confident Ross is onside.
  14. Morton players seemed to be particularly aggrieved at our second goal being allowed, with them seemingly convinced Ethan Ross is offside when the ball is played. Whilst not conclusive, I’m fairly confident he is onside when the ball it played to him. As the ball is played, Ross is broadly level with Lithgow. I can’t get the next photo to load in the same post from my phone, so will post it in the next one.
  15. I’d agree, I’d love us to get better home attendances but I’m not sure it’s a realistic proposition. I wasn’t there today, I’m on holiday, but I watched on the stream. I’d be interested to see what the average age of our season ticket holders is. It’s a sad fact of life that more and more young people need to work weekends with their work. I’ve worked the majority of Saturday’s for the last decade - it prevents me from getting a season ticket and from attending most home games. I now do the schedules at work so can pick and choose my games, within reason, as I see fit. I’d far rather choose to give myself weekends off that coincide with away days - I have the Falkirk and Arbroath days off - as it’s such a better use of my time than attending a home game. im in the market for a Monday - Friday job but they are few and far between if I want to maintain or improve my current salary - I imagine a lot of people, mostly young people, are in the same position.
  16. We now essentially have three of the four hardest fixtures in the league one after the other, after the Falkirk cup game, which will take us up to December 18th, plus Inverness away in the diddy cup thrown in there, as well. If we can take six or seven points from those three league games we will be in a very, very strong position. The championship is as shit as I’ve seen it for the last decade, and probably as shit as it’s likely to be for the next decade. There has literally never been a better chance to win the league. A few additions in January and there is no reason why we can’t go for it. I wouldn’t bet against McGlynn to pull it off.
  17. It doesn’t need to be. It’s not what our entire game plan is based on. It’s based on goals from all over the park and he’s fucking brilliant at bringing others into play.
  18. Ethon Varian one of the most intelligent strikers to grace Starks park for a long time. I think he’ll end up at a very good level and we’ll wonder how we ever got him to play for us.
  19. No, impossible to tell. Hope he was 5 yards offside, though.
  20. Just realised we are probably talking about different shouts.
  21. Watching on the stream, it looked well outside the box. Jack Hamilton pulling off an absolute worldy of a save. Not a sentence I ever thought I’d write.
  22. We have actually managed the game very well since going behind. Defended strongly a few times, making important blocks and nullified Morton’s attacks then eventually took one of the many chances we created. Been all us since we scored the equaliser and half time probably comes at a bad time as we were fully in the ascendancy. Some terribly taken set pieces. If we can get our shit together with those I think there’ll be a chance for Lang or Berra before the full time whistle.
  23. Pretty sure Hamilton would’ve saved that if it doesn’t take the deflection off the defender, but we’ll take it.
  24. Has Panayiotou played much? As much as we all liked him when he was with us, he never struck me as someone who was good enough to play in the Premiership.
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