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Everything posted by madwullie

  1. Thanks for the level headed sound advice lads, making me realise I'm maybe being a bit harsh. Likely still going to rattle the c**t next time I see him though
  2. This is good input. I want to be sure I'm being fair before I leather the shit out of him for being so fucking rude next time I see him. Takes ages to reply to texts and WhatsApps because he doesn't know he's got them too, if that changes things.
  3. Beef, I'll keep your challenge there, I'm up first against STU and I know for a fact I can't handle two at once. Kennethwilliams.jpg
  4. A mate of mine has his phone on silent all the time. He says if you want to speak to him, you should text first to arrange a time to call upon which he'll be ready for your call. He doesn't have a particularly busy life, works from home, lives alone etc. Just a bad-mannered ignoramous. Rips my fucking knitting
  5. I wouldn't mind slipping down a league to create space Nvm I've now read the thread
  6. Not as interesting as how high creampie appeared on your list of first to be reached for inappropriate words
  7. Won my first tournament earlier. Fucking Mon .
  8. Just north of Balmaha mate. Through the town up the lochside road two or three miles and there's a couple of car-parks on the left.
  9. Fucking yas. Missed this kinda shit so much. We went for it a day early. Arrest me
  10. Yeah the career is great fun. Took me a while to qualify for the PGA Tour, but it's been about 10 years since I've played a proper golf game (not everybody's golf which is also amazing btw). Thought I'd check out the online last nigut just for a look to see if it would be a laugh. All the leaderboards have c***s at like -25 etc. Will just be playing offline then
  11. Yeah it's ridiculous. It's been known worldwide that touching stuff is negligible and aerosol transmission is the biggest spreader for fucking ages. At least in America the media report and acknowledge this - more or less f**k all here, or when they do it's like its some amazing new breakthrough discovery. Guaranteed there are still people bleaching their messages when they get home from the shops. I know my sons' primary school "quarantine" all letters to be sent home for 72 hours before sending. The messaging (or at least, the development of messaging when the science has moved on) has been appalling throughout here.
  12. She's now complaining in a follow up about getting slagged off on the Internet
  13. And devi has been saying for months https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/march4change/videos/3596997737013011/&ved=2ahUKEwj72emWyP_vAhUcgP0HHS8_AHgQ28sGMAJ6BAgDECw&usg=AOvVaw1sPunP3wCRYSmx7m42bDdv
  14. While that is echo chamber banter that literally does nothing for the cause. It's not funny or particularly clever, and the only c***s that nod along and repeat it have union Jack duvets and HRH the Queen jammies. They're all no voters no matter what
  15. It's definitely done more harm to the Unionist cause no matter how few were persuaded by it. More evidence of saying anything, anything at all, to try to stop a yes vote. And the promises ultimately didn't happen - so it's not really a good look.
  16. Dont be too hard on yourself, it beats "So"
  17. Update on this - it's actually really really enjoyable and only takes about 15-20 minutes to batter through 18 holes. Would heavy recommend if you're into this shit
  18. Yeah I thought that. I guessed she maybe thought I was asking him to get a specific jag for his first. I'll speak to them again about it, cheers.
  19. My dad's had to go into hospital. Nothing serious, but I was up checking his mail and his second dose letter has arrived. Unlikely he'll be out before Monday when his app is. Anyway, I phoned the ward and the nurse I spoke to said NP, they'll stick him on the list and he'll be done in there on their weekly jag rounds. I mentioned he had had Pfizer for his first dose, and she said it's just your luck what you'll get. Anyone heard of this? I didn't realise they were happy to mix vaccines between doses, or have I maybe just spoken to someone who doesn't know the script?
  20. Every time I put someone on ignore I can't help but check to see what absolute pish theyve come out with this time when they post. I don't have the willpower for the ignore function
  21. Bought a new couch. The act of sitting on it makes it sag a bit behind where your back is. This means every night before bed she has to go through a palava of flipping the cushions and hammering then as hard as she can, before fluffing then up and putting them back in position. If we don't it won't look new anymore. I made the mistake of asking if this is just while it's new, or will this have to be done for the lifetime of the couch. Wrong question, but the answer is lifetime of the couch. Each batter of the couch is clearly punctuated with extra rage because I find it a pointless farce so don't join in - but of course whenever I have decided to help with this baffling process, I "don't do it right".
  22. I can see that top footage being used in the inevitable show trials once our robot masters take over.
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