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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. 34 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

    There you go, give Liam Buchanan 20 minutes at the end and gets a goal.

    WTF does he need to do to get a start?

    Sorry, I have just about lost faith in the manager.

    Think you're being a bit harsh on Maurice re Liam. Buchs didn't score a goal between August and right before Christmas. He started 12 games then. In fact the only goals he's scored since the end of August have been from the bench. 

    A disaster of a result tonight just when I was starting to feel hopeful. We need to start taking chances. A part of me thinks there is a game coming where we score 3 or 4 due to the chances we create. 

  2. I'm having to work at my Grandparents-in-laws house today so needed the car this morning.  I'm only working til 1 as got a half day but we have a deadline of 1pm for some monthly accounts stuff.

    We're due to be in Aberdeen for 2pm.  It's a 35 minute drive.  My plan is to leave here at 13:01.

    "could you finish slightly earlier just to be sure we're in?"



  3. My 6 month old just did his first dump on the potty.  We've had him sitting on it the last few days just to get him used to it but about 20 minutes ago he was farting loads so we thought we'd try our luck. He sat there happy with himself while he slowly stank the living room up.

    Never been so disgusted and proud at the same time before.  Long way to go but at least he's happy using it!

    EDIT - he did it again later on.  So proud.

  4. We're in the play-offs now but all is not lost.  We need to see how the new signings fit in but we just need to try and get a system and momentum in place for Bonnyrigg or Fraserburgh.  It's mad that we're so far behind everybody when we very rarely get totally dominated in a match. 

    I like Maurice Ross.  He seems to be very driven and from my limited chat with him he seems to be aware of exactly what needs changed to try and improve things.  

    Watch us beat Albion 3-0 on Saturday and we all get that false hope....

  5. As soon as you saw Navid being ignored and dominated at the flavour creation bit I said that he was getting the chop.  I've watched this far too much.

    Surely the easy way to win that task was to just come up with a flavoured drink which has a decent pun for a name.  Breach of the peach or something.  

    Did quite like Vodify though.

  6. Our 5 month old needs his finger nails cut as he scratched his face yesterday.  My wife says we can do it next time he takes a nap.

    Before the nap we're chatting to her Mum about our wee man and I mention that I'm away to cut his nails.

    "oh no - never cut nails or hair on a Sunday.  It's unlucky".

    I almost burst out laughing but when I look at my wife I can see her listening intently.

    Fast forward an hour and I've cut his nails anyway.  Was my wife happy that I did what was needing done? "but Mum said it's unlucky!".

    Utter pish.  Let him get finger nails like Edward Scissorhands for all I care now :D  

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