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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. 14 hours ago, Arch Stanton said:

    I'd say the best of the farce episodes was one set in the ski resort.

    Ironically, he got hee haw in that episode.

    Yeah the Sky Lodge episode is fantastic.  This is a great read on the episode:

    The episode I most recently watched was "Out With Dad" where Martin ends up pretending to be gay to 'help' Frasier get a girl.  Turns into complete farce when the girl tries to set Martin up with her uncle :D 

    Very similar to "The Matchmaker" episode on Season 2.  

  2. 2 hours ago, true fan said:

    win on saturday and he gets a little bit longer

    lose and he should be sacked within an hour of the final whistle

    a draw would be the difficult one


    i wonder if we are looking at options already - easier decision if there is somebody out there

    (sorry, i'm not available to knock on davie iron's front door)

    if he does get sacked then almost all the players are "his players" so i don't expect they will necessarily be pumped up to perform for a new manager.


    Sad that I couldn't tell at first if this was posted by a Cowden fan or a Stenny one!

  3. Had a bit of a manic Saturday morning with my wife as we were getting ready to go to a wedding and the person who was going to do her hair and make up  accidentally double booked.  Lots of running about Aberdeen but things were fine so she went to get a coffee for us. Nice bacon roll and an orange juice for me as I'm sure you were all wondering.

    We need to go to Tesco as we need to get a bottle of Champagne so we stop off there.  On the way she reminds me to bin the bag which we got from the coffee shop with all the rubbish in it which I do on our way in.  We get the booze and we're on our way to Drumtochty Castle.

    Fast forward to yesterday and she's looking for her purse which she is adamant is in the house somewhere.  I remind her of the TIle thing that I got for her Christmas last year so she loads it up on her phone.  What do you know? It was last seen at Tesco in Aberdeen.  Turns out she'd carried her purse out in the bag with the takeaway stuff, passed all the takeaway stuff out and then filled the bag up with rubbish covering the purse.  

    "Did you not think it felt heavy?" she asked me last night, trying to shift the blame on to me. Sorry from now on I'll be sure to go through all rubbish bags on the off chance you've used it as a handbag.

  4. On 10/10/2021 at 07:35, big al said:

    No idea about away shirts, but there is a shop in the high st. called previous events which sells Cowden merchandise and they are still displaying the old home shirt as they haven’t received any new shirts to sell!

    Extremely poor.

    Sounds very apt for the shop name :D 

  5. 19 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    Meggle mentions that "every single player has the individual qualities to help the team". Do they aye? That'll be why Graham has been bombed out of the squad completely. That'll be why Mehmet was dropped. That'll be why Leon Jones was basically given a big middle finder with the signing of Connolly. That'll be why we won't be seeing Watson again. That'll be why Thomas been dropped, despite starting as captain and despite Dow still not being fully fit after his injury. This will be why Kyle Macdonald hasn't got a look in at all. This will be why Matty Todd and Miller Fenton are nowhere to be seen, often not even making the bench. 

    Matty is out with an ankle injury.  He's my parents next door neighbour and I bumped into him at the drive-thru Starbucks at Duloch a few weeks ago.  Should be back training now though.  

    Thoroughly enjoying the Simpsons GIFs.  Excellent work from all on PnB.

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