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Everything posted by raith_94

  1. NRL Fantasy league pin if anyone fancies. https://fantasy.nrl.com V3KTVD4P A Dundonian, a Leither and an Aussie Scot so far. Welcome.
  2. Don't see many games with both sides keen to bypass their midfield 2 as quickly as this one.
  3. Special United team this. Barcelona aside, not many teams could make a 4-0 1st leg advantage look so precarious.
  4. 87 penalties in PL this season. 8 of them for United - the team in 2nd place. If you can't remember any soft/VARcical ones among the other 79 that's called confirmation bias.
  5. Anyone else have over 4.5 on "Croydon De Bruyne"? FFS.
  6. Rovers (me) Dundee United x 3 Dundee x 2 Celtic x 2 Liverpool x 2 Hamilton x 1
  7. 4/6 Ancelotti getting burgled as we speak.
  8. Liverpool deserve to lose for Carragher's inability to pronounce Alexander-fucking-Arnold.
  9. Curtis Jones is Jonathan Greening.
  10. In Germany a Tabak is where you go to buy smokes. Evidently a Kabak is what you buy to ensure your title hopes go up in smoke. EDIT - Take 2: In Germany you buy Tabak if you want to smoke, whereas you buy Kabak if you want to set yourself on fire.
  11. Glad that's over. I'm away to look for that disco of his.
  12. Not the best game, although tough conditions. Beyond excited that NRL is back soon though - catching up on trial replays this lunchtime far better than watching Southampton Chelsea! Jordan Riki to have a big season for the Broncos. Especially if Walters let's someone else coach...
  13. After this game he'll be left in no uncertain terms about what Premier League football is all about. 30-something (pacy) chavs.
  14. Alisson reading his own press. There's a reason you were picked last in the playground pal.
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