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Everything posted by RH33

  1. If her son is autistic I would think at some point over the period it would likely cause over stimulation. But how kind she thinks she's helping other people's mental health too. Two boxes on the compo sympathy chart ticked.
  2. Tiny point, it was credit maths so whatever it is now. My friend went back five years ago and had to do a year upgrading her maths from a three. English is more of a indicator of ability to write at university level than primary teaching itself. My middle child started high school and they were streamed by September. Another school is streaming now and my friends daughter been bored senseless for weeks.
  3. One of them looks more like a red lab than an XL bully! Wonder how well checked the new homes are. I do get the need for a ban but RSPCA and likes are now going to be full of them. Haven't read specifics of what's happening with ones already alive, are they to be destroyed or registered? I don't think it's all bull breads either, old English ones are fine.
  4. Was partly apologising for my wide sweeping generalisation as well! And we sing from same song sheet on provision. I had a rough summer and we all WFH so I decided one day to say "if we were in an office you'd know this already but I'm struggling but team leads are awesome" If we talk up we never know who we might help.
  5. Sorry if I offended. Wasnt my intention. I haven't an issue with the idea in principle, the problem is the total lack of support and services when people need help. Having basic training needs there to be the services in place should someone approach you. Also ensuring the people doing it are able to cope and supported correctly is a concern of mine. Plus having the right people doing it, but really if it's offered as. CPD to anyone you can't stop twats like poster above talks of. I've been vocal in past about the reduce stigma, raise awareness, ask for help campaigns. Two out of the last three times I've needed to go in there have been no acute beds in Scotland. So I've sat for 6/8/10 hours in a room in Dykebar until one frees up. NHS list for talking therapy is as long as I am tall. I'm a tad tainted as I've met lots of RMN who don't have the first clue at times. I'm also wary of what I share to lay people and friends as you can be exposing people to traumatic situations.
  6. Remembered why I didn't buy one. 28kg Labrador does the job.
  7. They're well meaning folk who've done a two day course and get their certificate. But ultimately know very little about the complxiteys of MH and wouldn't have a hope of faced with me having a meltdown.
  8. I've no skin in this game. Shug like his duvet without weights so I doubt he'd be too chuffed if I ordered one for "his" bed!
  9. Exactly as it sounds, it contains material to make it heavier. Lots research into benefits for those who are neuro diverse. Flip side is trauma experienced feeling as though pinned down. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/best-weighted-blankets/weighted-blanket-benefits#:~:text=Weighted blankets use deep pressure,help improve overall sleep quality.
  10. Awake early the morning, unlike this one!
  11. I've been thinking about one for ages, however not sure shug would ever wake up
  12. I've clearly lost my mind. We have a new arrival due on Tuesday..... not a rescue. I'm sure photos will follow. Meanwhile Shug is hibernating, he's not a fan of the cold.
  13. Dog walker sent this. Shug disgusted by low temperature and is pretty much hibernating!
  14. RH33


    Pink! Tickets bought. She bits on a good show.
  15. Lauren could be in with a shot.
  16. Soup and a toastie on pros
  17. John Byrne. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-67589431
  18. Sticky Vicky has died. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-67564925
  19. Renfrewshire schools are off today for it. Mine getting shipping off to their dad at 10am.
  20. How can you tell someone's worked in kitchens? They shove their finger in boiling sugar, butter and milk to see if the sugar fully dissolved. Without flinching
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