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Disco Duck

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Everything posted by Disco Duck

  1. Sky TV panel. Broon shoes all round. Elvis really is a leader.
  2. No skill but bags on excitement. Scottish football without the OF -----> better.
  3. Ooft! That's dreadful right back play from Docherty.
  4. There is no way Hearts will concede 2 here.
  5. This place is going to be a mess of gifs later on...
  6. Yes, they're ALL pish, regardless of ethnicity
  7. Jesus Kujabi is bad. Has he played all season?
  8. Got a Hearts / West Ham / Bayern treble on today. COME ON DARREN BARR! Yasssss
  9. Black - great hit on Griffiths. Wha's in cherge noo Leigh?
  10. It's the first time I've watched the final as a neutral for over a decade.
  11. Absolutely. I remember the final well, cracking days out. We are now SC Winners for 2009 given Rangers cheating though.
  12. f**k sake I'm nervous watching this and I have no association with either team!
  13. I think we might be slightly deluded if we think a player released by Bolton would be in our target bracket for wages.
  14. To be fair I spoke to Scott Arfield at the airport after the Vaduz game while we were both waiting on lifts, and (in amongst his general depression at the result) he was raving about Marcetas performances in training. Shame he was rubbish in competitive play...
  15. Right, as official owner of Rangers FC, Kyle Lafferty is now up for auction over the next 30 minutes. Come on now ladies and gentlemen, what am I bid for this versatile actor, renowned for his roles as a cheating swine and pretendy striker. Would grace any pitch (generally rolling around clutching his face).
  16. SOLD! Lee McCulloch goes to pandb is a disgrace for 37p. In tomorrows auction - its a biggie - its Kyle Lafferty. Get your cash (or empty Bru bottles, or Panini stickers) ready!
  17. By the way, I'm going to fit a screen outside Ibrox constantly displaying a Greggy. Inside I'm liking the dancefloor idea, all flashing and John Travolta stylee (with optional touching up of masseurs allegedly
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