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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. No info according to stv news, watched it again, looks a bad one, hopefully he's ok. eta. taken to Ninewells right after it.
  2. Nah, didn't go, had enough after Perth. Got previous for violent nastiness, so no surprise.
  3. Yes, kick out the fit like loon/yokel, that's funding the shit show. Thank you.
  4. Boo hoo, poor little Aberdeen. Sob sob. Great night, nice one Griffiths. Thank you.
  5. Looks like a young Mark McGhee there, big hero for the Dondies. Thank you.
  6. Totally agree, wouldn't pay £2.50 for the shite we've served up. Thank you.
  7. Maybe not, but we're not on here whining about the price. Thank you.
  8. A tight arsed Aberdonian 'fit-like' yokel. Who would have thought it? Thank you.
  9. I'm all for a bit of grass on the pitch, but not that amount. Thank you.
  10. I spit upon the name Oliver Cromwell, and denounce this royal line that still salutes him............ Thank you.
  11. Did the same thing with Oliver Cromwell, dug him up and re-executed, Thank you.
  12. Bonus argument rears it's ugly head again on stv news, McPake playing it down.
  13. The truth will come out in the end Dave, hopefully. Thank you.
  14. Strachanovski loses to gkneil by checkmate, thought I had it, didn't notice the bishop. Thank you.
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