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Posts posted by CM.

  1. Good result and for the first time this season a passable performance to match. Certainly our chances were enhanced with the players Cove had missing. The left back (Russell Andersons son I believe) was honking and while the right back wasn't too bad it was clear they missed Logan there. 

    Good move going with the back 3 with the danger of McAllister and Megginson and typically it'll probably be binned for the next game now with Elsdon and potentially Rumsby missing. Midfield seemed to have a bit of balance for the first time too even if I'm still unsure about Gomis in the role he was in. Can't fault Nicolls performance in the sitting role though. Much better from Cunningham too and you can see the benefits playing him close to Goodwillie. Bradley-Hurst done his chances no harm either but needs to start deciding whether to come or stay for crosses as I noticed him starting to come before backpedaling a couple of times. 

    Didn't notice at the time but apparently McAllister was offside in the lead up to Elsdons red card. Whether he was or wasn't, Elsdon done absolutely the right thing for the team and should be applauded for it. Will be a massive loss at Peterhead though.

  2. Parry in for Mitchell who's away to sign for Hibs "unavailable".

    To add to the current absentees Love, Page and Tade (who's signing looks a complete and utter waste of time for all parties), Splaine and Cuddihy are both doubtful so if there was any doubt before then Nicoll will definitely play again if they're both absent. Presumably Livingstone's back. 

    If we're going to get any use at all out Mortimer who is an awful full back then he could be tried further forward where he played most of his football for QP. Would get Cunningham coming infield from the left too where I think he's at his best.

    Munro - Balatoni - Elsdon - Livingstone
    Kennedy - Nicoll - Gomis 
    Mortimer - Goodwillie - Cunningham

    is about the depressingly best I can fling together from our available pool. Rumsby will play though and will concede a penalty.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Ocelot1877 said:

    If Mitchell is away it’s disappointing that it wasn’t sorted earlier in the season, I’d imagine he’s one of our highest earner maybe second behind Goodwillie, could have maybe got a couple of better quality players in earlier in the window

    Maybe Hibs weren't interested earlier in the season? 

    Obviously the Parry signing makes much more sense now on the back of that news. Excellent move for Mitch and maybe Ross can do us a turn by firing us a couple of loan players (that are ready to play in our league). 

  4. Went on to see how ticket sales were going (already got mine), surely it would've made more sense to open the South Upper first before having folk stuck centrally behind the goal miles from the pitch with an absolutely terrible view? 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

    The only player I can think that DL has signed that has been any good is Mitchell.


    Even at that seemingly Fahey done most of the work there. 

    Our new signings performances to date have made me go back on the news archive and read Lennon's comments on each player when we first announced them. On reflection, there's some truly mind blowing stuff there. 

    Conrad Balatoni "suits our style of play" - We've now reverted to defensive hoof ball and he's now benched.

    Dochertys "deliveries from wide areas will be key" - that unfit he can barely get over the half way line.

    Everything re Mortimer :lol: 

    Gomis - "defensive qualities." Plays Kevin Nicoll as the defensive midfielder.

    McGrath - "natural goalscorer who certainly knows where the goal is. At a critical age where he needs to take opportunities given." Plays most often at left midfield and now loaned out to the Lowland League.

    Kennedy - "dynamic midfielder with a vision for a pass". Gets played out wide. 

    Not even a comment on the Tade signing which probably tells us that deep down he knows as well as us how much of a waste of time that endeavor was, regardless whether it's amateur terms or not. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    Easily the best performance at TFS for years.

    Falkirk must've served up some utter pish over the years if that was easily the best performance for years. 

    We were an utter gang today and not for the first time this season. Created absolutely nothing and couldn't string 2 passes (or even 1) together. I get that we were playing very conservatively but even still, you expect to have a few sniffs at goal or be able to find your team mate 5 yards away with a pass. 

    Didn't look anywhere near a foul from Nicoll for the first goal which was disappointing but it would've only delayed the inevitable had it not been given.

    I thought the Montrose penalty the other week was ridiculous from Rumsby but that utterly topped it today. He just has no awareness whatsoever of his surroundings and it's quite astonishing that a player that bad is still playing at this level. 

    Left before the 3rd goal but saw it through the open gates walking round to the car. Just put the icing on the cake really. About 4 players surrounding Morrison in the box and he still gets a turn and shot away. 

  7. 52 minutes ago, Come Away The Clyde said:

    I'm fuckn shite at online stuff - eventually got registered & purchased my ticket, I have printed ticket off  (bar code etc) is that all I need (ie a paper copy) to get in ??

    Thanks in advance !!

    Aye. Your phone would've been fine too without the need to print the ticket out.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Rocco said:

    Seeing as our midfield is full of energy I think it’s a certainty that Gomis will get booked. Can see the ball being nicked off him quite a bit

    Funnily enough I thought the same any time we came up against Gomis and Falkirk with the likes of Chris McStay and a fit Mark Lamont in our midfield. 

    We don't really seem to know our midfield balance yet which has hindered Gomis slightly from what I've seen of him so far (missed Saturday and by all accounts he was better tbf). We've tried him as a sitter, a box to box and the furthest forward CM already IIRC.

  9. 41 minutes ago, Bully Wee Clyde FC said:

    As my former girlfriend used to say, "one swallow doesn't make a summer..."

    Still not convinced we have enough steel in MF.  Defence did look a bit more solid and combining DGW and the spirit we've shown in last 2 matches, maybe we stand a chance.  

    Were we just pishpoor v Dumbo and even worse v Broomhill,  or are we more like the team we fielded v Mo and Alloa?

     We are consistently inconsistent.

    We were shite against Mo too until we threw the kitchen sink at them in the last few mins. Missed Saturday's game so don't know how the general performance was but the 3 points obviously very welcome.

  10. 16 hours ago, bullyweehutch said:
    16 hours ago, Redwedge77 said:
    Totally agree it actually boils my piss, his behaviours 

    Was the same when with us. Spent more time writing and talking about the Zombies than he did training

    Not sure that's correct. It might not have worked out for Ferguson at Clyde but it wasn't for a lack of effort. He also, IIRC, done a post match interview the majority of the time no matter what the result was (usually bad).  

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