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Posts posted by CM.

  1. 2 minutes ago, David W said:

     I did think we should have had a later penalty when Mortimer was shoved over. I didn't really see the original spot-kick due to a face mask induced steaming up of my sunglasses.

    I would've said our penalty was a penalty. As bad as the ref was, at least he wasn't conned with that defenders pathetic attempt at claiming for a foul when Goodie simply outmuscled him on route to winning the penalty.

  2. 24 minutes ago, shawfielder said:

    Most of the team were poor, but If there’s one thing Danny can take out of tonight’s game it’s the full backs are not up to it.

    Absolutely. The pair of them starting when the league begins just won't do at all. Has to be Cuddihy and Livingstone with Kennedy coming into midfield. 

    Very laboured performance tonight but job done I suppose. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, spot on said:

    Killie charged by SFA for cheating and playing unsigned player against East Kilbride on Saturday. The things folk have  to do to  beat a non league team🙄

    Wasn't unsigned, was suspended. 

    EK aren't non league either. 

    Apart from that, spot on.

    and aye also the fact it was SPFL not SFA

  4. 1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

    Just one bit of petulance, that's all I was asking for, in 120 fucking minutes.. :bairn


    Would a red card have counted for extra time? If so I honestly think you're so unlucky as Jorginho got away with one only getting booked for the challenge on Grealish

  5. 1 hour ago, ClydeFCTheBullyWee said:

    Anyone know what’s happening with that trialist midfielder we’ve had in the team the last few games ? Boy looks some player so can’t understand why we haven’t signed him yet 

    Believe we've got a friendly against Rangers B on Saturday so perhaps using that for one final look? Not that I think we need to, agree he looks a good find. 

  6. Even though he's been injured for the best part of 2 years so probably wasn't worth using a wage on this year with uncertainty over his fitness, I can't help but feel he's a player that's going to come back and haunt us. Best of luck to him anyway.

  7. 3 hours ago, C. Muir said:

    BSC Glasgow or "Broomhill" please because we have EK in our Betfred cup group, we played Bonnyrigg in the Scottish cup season before last and f**k B teams. 

    Can't complain. A day out to Dumfries too in the next round if we win, depending on the crowd situation by the time obviously.

  8. 1 hour ago, charger29 said:

    The Bet365 free bet didn't show up on the main page or in messages for me. I had to go to 'My bets -> cash out' to get the offer.

    Didn't get a message on bet365 but got an email plus a notification on the home page when logging in. 

    Had a stab at this...


  9. Free tenner on 365 for Italy Spain. I know they've given out free fivers for Englands games so far but this one feels like a reaction to them getting an absolute doing on twitter for cashout disappearing during games. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Brian Carrigan said:

    Now the dust has settled and the prestigious Broadwood Cup is nestled safely where it belongs, what's everyones thoughts on the new signings? 

    Balatoni and Page seem to do the basics well although it's be be pointed out that they've come up against nothing up front in their 3 games yet. Can still confidently say I'd want them as the pairing when the proper stuff starts mind you. Mortimer hasn't impressed me too much so far with Cuddihy performing better when played right back. He had a good battle with Quitongo on that side yesterday and came out on top more often than not. We already know what Livingstone brings but feel we could end up exposed when he's caught high up the pitch. Hope he doesn't get an injury as Docherty looks every bit like a last resort backup. Young Cassidy looks a unit for his age but what's his actual position? Been used at left back and centre back so far. 

    Gomis is a class act and Splaine and the young trialist Kennedy look decent finds too. All of them look comfortable in possesion but similar to Balatoni and Page they haven't really faced a proper test yet bar Easton getting away easily a couple of times at the start of the 2nd half yesterday but that could've been put down to him just being fresh on.

    Not really noticed Harry Robinson or Kieran McGrath impose themselves yet so nothing really to say about them so far. Owen Andrew seems a confident young player and I believe it was him that put the ball through for the 3rd goal yesterday. Lennon did say when he signed that he was a work in progress though so you wonder if he'll feature much if at all to begin when the competitive stuff starts. Jones looks a nuisance and certainly gives us something different. Got his goal yesterday fighting for scraps in the box which is something we've missed. 

    Not a new signing but Ally Love has come back in unbelievable nick and off to a flier with 2 good goals. I do like the idea of him playing more centrally as he always makes good decisions in possession. 

    Feel like I keep repeating myself on this front but really want to see us against a team who'll come at us to see how we can cope with it. 



  11. Encouraging half there without trying to take too much away from us as Airdrie have offered nothing. Goalie had a couple of awful passes out early on but distribution has improved as the half went on. Balatoni and Page look upgrades and even with the simple passes to each other look a lot more comfortable in possession than Rumsby. That back 4 would be my first choice when we're down to league business. Midfield 3 working well with each other and 2 well taken goals.


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