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Everything posted by Raith_Raver

  1. Predictably, the doom mob "McGlynn get tae feck" crowd are suddenly showing signs of becoming optimists...
  2. Sim has a spine and greatly to be admired, standing up to the avalanche of shite that's come his way from the media, Fat Val, the Ginger Dwarf and all the virtue signalling shitheads on sites like this.
  3. A Baracus-esque attempt at altering the meaing of what you clearly said. The "who's the fanny" wasn't aimed at you, (although the hypocrite I quote must equally apply it to you, but he won't), which if you've been keeping up with the whole discourse you should have understood.
  4. "You're talking pish..." "SFA conspiracy?..." "Referees are equally bad for every team..." This post alone which went up before anything I put up is proof of what some of us have known all along, that this forum is dominated by a low life clique. PS
  5. I'm not suggesting, I'm saying, we don't get a fair crack of the whip from refereeson a frequent basis, for whatever reason. If you think we do then I doubt if you attend many matches.
  6. I agree, we aren't liked as a club and most of them show it.
  7. I can't remember the last time a league game ran for us the way it has for most of our opponents.
  8. Like, we get our first choice players back in the team.
  9. It struck home how sluggish Rovers were on Wednesday watching how sharp QOS and Thistle looked in comparison last night.
  10. These are serious games against Partick for Ayr and Dunfermline. Besides, Dunfermline gave Partick a recent doing so it's not unlikely they'll win at Firhill. Our outlook depends on what happens today against Morton, a win's a must.
  11. As bad as things have been we're still capable of beating Morton with our depleted team. On last night's evidence Partick are no better than us either. The odds are against us but it's far from a lost cause. A win today and the outlook brightens.
  12. Partick did to QOS what QOS did to us at Starks in the first game
  13. Well yes, we saw it coming and share your pain. It's true we were missing nalf a team, some of those on the pitch weren't fully fit and to some degree we had post final fatigue. On top of that Dunfermline had nearly a full squad and ten days to perfect their tactics. That said, we did more or less lie down to them. PS - You didnt give us the Cup, we won it fair and square by our own efforts.
  14. And for the 400th time can you let the subject rest in peace....
  15. McGlynn going all Ian McCall in that interview. The match reminds me of the 4-0 defeat to Hearts last season when we were injury hit and played out. Besides that our constant giving the ball away made it easy for Dunfermline to look better than they are. I cant see much improvement from us on Saturday.
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