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Everything posted by Raith_Raver

  1. Frank's just a p***k. Always has been and always will be. Full of shit 100% of the time. To come and cry clique because people disagree with you is genuinely pathetic. State a reasoned argument and people will back you. This isn't a one club platform. It's the biggest football forum in the country ffs. Shite. No, "utter" shite. It's not so much as what is said as who says it.
  2. The fans got the forward line they wanted... or what passes for a forward line.
  3. He'll be who McGlynn was refering to in his interview. I hope it's not a bad one.
  4. Sorry to upset the gloom mongers but Morton beating Thistle tonight gives us a great chance of puting a bit of distance between us. With the top 5 all playing each other in the next couple of weeks things might look up for us.
  5. Yes, I said whenever the team was anounced, Gullan WTF. McGlynn took him off at half time, so maybe that's an indication that the penny's dropped.
  6. Anyway, back to football I've every confidence that McGlynn will get the team sorted out.
  7. Aye, it would be perfect justice for this gang on here who are showing their contempt for the club and everything MvGlynn has done to have Val as manager.
  8. Haha, your man was paedo WHILE HE WAS AT THE CLUB, not five years before
  9. McGlynn needs to play to our strengths, not hand teams the initaitative with tentative formations.
  10. Never mind, Inyerneesh are getting shafted at home by Ayr
  11. "Yoss is the closest thing that Rovers have to Jesus. Before I post I always think 'what would Yoss do?'" Will you now correct that to "Yoss is the closest thing that Rovers have to Judas. Before I post I always think 'what would Yoss do?'"
  12. It's what you want to think, so that's good enough for you. Logic and intellectual integrity are clearly foreign to you. I expect this is the standard of your every day life.
  13. Do you really suppose there's only one person who thinks the club should stick to its contracts? And why would they want to discuss anything at all with a dickhead like you.
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