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Everything posted by Raith_Raver

  1. Not in any way connected to the signing of DG of course, wokism would never virtue signal, .... would it
  2. As I found out some time ago it's a waste of time trying to help you with basic English comprehension.
  3. Aye, that is fuckin poison. the club should now be called Raith Wokers
  4. TxRover must spend most of his life on here trying to think up some impressive insight that will meet with the approval of the usual gallery. What a sad existence.
  5. Why are you always snooping around here looking for an opportunity to empty the contents of your bladder... GTF
  6. A bit overstated. However, there s a large rookery of narcissitic opinionated types who think their views are the last word. Besides, it's amusing to see the avalanche of red dots as soon as their cages are rattled.
  7. Do all you ungrateful amnesic and short sighted b*****ds wanting to ditch McGlynn really think you'll get anyone better? Who? If McGlynn goes I hope for your sakes it's a Peter Grant or David Hopkin because that's who you fuckin deserve.
  8. Guid day fur fitbaw, on oor hame patch wi a braw surface - nae excuses fur failure the day.
  9. Fair enough, the pitch looked dire, and dispite the hundred miles an our lump it forward stuff it was still watchable.
  10. What could be lower than North Lanarkshire Council holding Clyde to ransom, threatening to evict them if DG enters Broadwood. That's bad enough, but they're telling the club who they can and can't sign and play. Where's the SFA and SPFL in this? Besides that, Goodwillie must have a cast iron case for NLC denying him basic human rights.
  11. So Thistle are no more likely than we are after all....
  12. The clue's in "we're starting to gel as a team...." PS - Your fancied Thistle were lucky to get a point against us on Saturday...
  13. Good to see us being written off. We looked like we're starting to gel as a team now so I'm optimistic we'll take care of whoever we get in the play-offs, and Dundee subsequently.
  14. McInnes claims that Rovers didnt beat Killie, just took advantage of their slackness. He didnt give the Rovers a mention other than to say they shouldn't have lost with the team he put out. What an ungracious dickhead. And Hopkins obviously pro Killie.
  15. Why don't you f**k off and take your outrage out of here, and be outraged about paedos, muggers, burglers, bad cops and everything else that's currrently going on, in your own club's forum instead of something thats alleged to have happened years ago that's f**k all to do with you.
  16. He is always stinking us out with his pea brain posts (like, because I criticised Sturgeon and McDairmid that's proof I hate all women ). he needs to creep back into his Halbeath swamp.
  17. What an arse, incapable of simple logic; you obviously think all women are fandabidosy ...
  18. I wonder if the Ginger Dwarf will give an address to the nation about it this time, now that her pal Val is out the picture...
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