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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. This is my understanding too, our title deeds say we are not allowed to keep chickens on our property (not that we want to) or park caravans in our drive (again, not that we would want to) and stuff like that. Dogs are c**ts.
  2. You'll be fine, there's no price difference between the two and I've never had a problem doing that
  3. What kind of pleb doesn't have an en suite?
  4. Food in hospital looks okay actually, but the whole ward was reeking of whatever shite the scheme rat was stuffing down her scummy neck.
  5. Schemie scum who think it's acceptable to bring macdonalds into a hospital to feed someone who has just given birth. It's not like they don't get fed in hospitals. Absolute scum
  6. Mrs Reekie is due to pop in just over 2 weeks. I think I am more nervous about this one than the first one!!
  7. Leith, nice though it is, would be a c**t of a daily commute to Edinburgh Park.
  8. Bitches who hang their handbags in the crooks of their elbows and have their arms sticking way out to the side. Handbags should be slung over the shoulder IMO
  9. Sorry mate, didn't think I'd thrown it that far
  10. It is now. Dead cats etc just get flung over the fence
  11. It's in the grey bin, and the binmen are not going to be too disgruntled at having to empty a bin with a sealed bag of flat wasps.
  12. Quick update on the wasp nest situation if anyone is interested, unlikely I know. I managed to knock the nest into a waiting black bin bag, closed the bag and stomped the bag repeatedly before dumping it in the bin. Thanks for the advice
  13. The only surprising thing about that table is the fact that we ever reached as high as 4th.
  14. I shall conduct Operation Reclaim Shed tomorrow and, of course, keep you all informed
  15. I have always wanted a wasp army, the world will soon be mine!!
  16. Cheers bud, but too late, I'm already covered in treacle.
  17. I'm going to buy a honey badger, I reckon that would solve the problem
  18. Yes, it's quite a small nest on the inside of the shed door and it's fairly accessible
  19. A good point, but I was assuming that the weight differential between me and the wasps would kind of render any complaints they may have about their treatment pointless
  20. I am tempted by this option actually, with the added step of stomping on the bag just to make sure they don't seek revenge for me destroying their home.
  21. Many thanks guys, I shall try these useful tips later.
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