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Old Diamond

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Everything posted by Old Diamond

  1. Raith need to change their strip. Airdrie just love beating teams that wear navy blue shirts!
  2. Think positively, all that pish could flood the pitch
  3. Och, don't spoil it analogy, it was nearly January results that year here.... https://web.archive.org/web/20180815213718/http://www.airdriefc.talktalk.net/airdrie_1979_80.html?showpage=true
  4. Interesting factoid. Back in 1979-80 when we achieved our first promotion to the Premier League, we had a miserable December, didn't win a game at all, could history repeat itself!!!!!!
  5. Good to see that Tunnocks are sponsoring the Scottish space programme.
  6. Reminds me of the old Hector Nichol joke. What nationally is the man going into a brothel - he's a Kenyan What nationally is thd man coming out of the brothel - he's Finnish. And the man in the Brothel? Himalayan!
  7. The whole sorry saga of selling Broomfield before we had even secured planning permission for a new stadium. Looking back, the board were either naive, stupid or both. They could see that St Johnstone had provided the blueprint for how to do it right, but blundered on and demonstrated how to absolutely do it wrong
  8. Is £5 for a hot steak pie that dear? At Tesco, for example an individual steak pie costs £3.65, that needs to be heated, add staff costs at the kiosk and I think the club need to charge 20% VAT on hot food sales so I doubt if there is much profit for the club
  9. Can't even bring myself to gloat D. Still can't get my head round football starting while Wimbers is still on!
  10. Given the level of vigilance by the USSR and the rivalry between the two superpowers, had the USA tried to fake it the Soviets would have been calling them out from the beginning.
  11. Please stop this favourite shit, its guaranteed to put the hex on us. We are definitely the underdogs, Hamilton are a massive championship club (ect,etc)
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