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Posts posted by DC92

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tony Wonder said:

    I don't think we need two with Uche, Washington and Naismith, especially as we need other players too.  I'd take Lafferty if his head was screwed on but he acted like a dick to force his move and came back winding fans and players up during a game, stuck in my throat a bit considering we pretty much saved his career.  If we only sign one I'd much prefer Boyce.

    I agree with this, after a goalscorer, CB, CM, winger and goalkeeper are the next priorities.

    That said, getting a goalscorer is so crucial, it might not be the worst idea to hedge our bets if there's room for two. We'd probably get away with our current defence (+ Souttar) as long as we can actually score goals.

  2. Not outwith the realms of possibility, but I'd be surprised if Stoke or any Championship teams will be spending significant cash on a 28 year old with 18 goals in 60 matches in League One. It's not like he was a big part of O'Neill's NI side either. Washington, Lafferty and Magennis all get picked ahead of him.

    Listening to Clough's interview, he was asked if all the interest in Boyce and Fraser was from Scotland and he responded by saying that he thinks Fraser will want to stay in England. Reading between the lines, it sounds like Boyce might be open to a return to Scotland.

    Unfortunately our league position makes us a hard sell at the moment. Wouldn't be surprised to see him end up at Aberdeen.

  3. Not a sentence I ever thought I'd type, but we need to emulate Gary Locke's Hearts team from 2013/14. After 21 games, we'd picked up 13 points, the same as this season, and in the remaining 17 games, we picked up 25.

    7 wins (all against bottom 6 teams), 4 draws and 6 defeats. If we match that, we almost certainly won't finish bottom and probably avoid 11th as well. Add another win and we're safe, take away a win and we're in serious trouble.

  4. 37 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Hearts fans are remarkably confident considering they're 5 points adrift with less than half a season to play, their new manager hasnt won any of his first 5 games, and theyve absolutely zero idea who theyll be signing in the window.

    I'm not confident because we have very little margin for error now, but 8 days ago there was no gap at the bottom and now it's 5 points. These situations can be reversed as quickly as they happened in the first place.

    The straws I'm currently clutching at are:

    - Haring and Souttar are apparently due back in January, and Washington has just returned. Given the length of their absences, these three will effectively be new signings. f**k knows about Naismith.

    - we've started actually started getting on the front foot and creating chances in the last few games. If we can get a competent goalscorer or two in January we will inmediately be far better off.

    - Craig Levein won't be making our signings. 


  5. 3 hours ago, zidane's child said:

    From what I read on other Hearts forums, a lot of fans wanted Stendl because he liked a bevvy with the Barnsley fans and not for his coaching capabilities. Or they certainly weren’t really mentioned from what I read.

    Experience of Scottish football was lacking from his CV and he’ll be learning about it as the weeks go on but he’s also got to claw back a 5 point back pretty sharpish. Budge/the board made a mistake here, but we just need to see how it pans out.

    Hearts fans have spent the last few years watching the most obscenely boring, joyless, plodding guff on the pitch. There never appeared to be any discernible strategy or style of play and we got diminishing returns season after season. Leveinball has sucked the life out of the club and led us sleepwalking into the disaster we find ourselves in now.

    Stendel, on the other hand, has a clearly identifiable style of play based on high-energy, attacking football (i.e. the polar opposite of Levein). That style of play, along with his personality and willingness to engage with the fans, seemed to galvanise the Barnsley support and get them right behind the team. Even after his sacking, the Barnsley fans' opinion of him seems overwhelmingly positive.

    Basically, Hearts fans wanted someone to clear the apathy, to build a team with an identity and to give us something to get excited about. Put all that together and it's not particularly difficult to see why Stendel was the popular choice.

    Unfortunately, it's come 6 months too late and we may already be fucked. If Stendel does manage to keep us up, however, you can guarantee that next summer will be the most positive Hearts fans have felt about the club for 5 years (at least).

  6. Much better and should have won. Despite results, we've at least shown we can have most of the play and create chances under Stendel. The focus in January needs to be on getting goalscorers in, which should reduce the pressure on the defence as well.

    Good to see that Conor Washington actually exists as well.

  7. On 09/12/2019 at 21:28, DC92 said:

    A lot of people are fucking daft and will lap up that "Get Brexit Done" shite. It's the sort of thing that'll stick in the minds of the casual/undecided voters when they go to vote and I can see it having a similar effect to Cameron's Labour/SNP coalition scaremongering in England in 2015 (where they swept up almost all the "undecideds").

    Monty Oh Well

  8. 6 hours ago, G-MAN said:

    New Scottish Westminster poll, Survation 10-11 Dec (changes vs 18-23 Apr / vs 2017);

    SNP - 46% (+5 / +9)
    Con - 27% (+5 / -2)
    Lab - 15% (-9 / -12)
    LD - 10% (+2 / +3)
    Grn - 1% (+1 / +1)
    Brex - 1% (+1 / +1)

    Turns out that these numbers are based on the GB weightings rather than Scottish ones.

    Actual numbers:

    SNP - 43% (+7)

    Tories - 28% (-1)

    Labour - 20% (-7)

    Lib Dems 7% (-)

  9. I can't shake the feeling something similar to last time will happen in Scotland. Tories to do as well as the polls suggest in Scotland, Labour to do a bit better and the SNP to do worse. Some people have said stuff like "less than 40 seats will be a disaster for the SNP", and it will definitely be spun that way, but I sense they'll be doing well to get the same number as last time. They've not really had anything to say except "vote for us to lock Boris out of Downing Street".


  10. 33 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

    Oh my. We, too, had an ex-Barnsley manager and every player interview we had after he joined would include the players saying one or other close paraphrase of 'I spoke to him and he told me exactly how he wanted me to play'. I'm getting a sense of deja vu here...

    Daniel Stendel is a manager who tells his players how he wants them to play and Paul Heckingbottom was also a manager who tells his players how he wants them to play.

    Worrying times ahead.

  11. Unfortunately I think people are being far too optimistic about the amount of seats the Tories are going to lose. They might lose a couple of the more remainy seats but I could equally see them picking up a couple as well.

    In 2017, the last 5 polls had the SNP between 11 and 15 points ahead of the Tories (actual: 8.3%) and in 2016 the last 5 polls had the SNP betwen 29 and 35 points ahead of them (actual: 24.5%).

    A lot of people are fucking daft and will lap up that "Get Brexit Done" shite. It's the sort of thing that'll stick in the minds of the casual/undecided voters when they go to vote and I can see it having a similar effect to Cameron's Labour/SNP coalition scaremongering in England in 2015 (where they swept up almost all the "undecideds").


  12. This is a genuinely exciting appointment. After years of joyless, laboured, eye-bleeding Leveinball, we finally go for a manager with a record of playing attack-minded, high energy football.

    The only problem is it's taken at least six months too long to get to this point and we're in deep shit now. He'll need to be a miracle-worker to get this team of sloths motivated and playing his style. Given that him agreeing to join us makes no sense whatsoever from his point of view, I'm hoping Budge has promised to back him in the transfer window.


  13. 40 minutes ago, Romeo said:

    Good to see Hearts landing their 2nd choice manager after Ross told them he'd rather go to a big team.

    Let's not rewrite history Romeo. Ross was interviewed as part of that first tranche of dross no-hopers, alongside McCann, McCall and Cotterill, which was purely designed to trick people into thinking they didn't have a clue what they were doing.

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