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Posts posted by DC92

  1. 2 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    There was really nothing that happened during Seasons 1-7 that looked like a warning sign that she might be a couple of cards short of a full deck?


    I haven't seen this for ages, but in the context of this scene, I'm pretty sure she and her people are on the brink of starving to death unless they let her into the city.

    In any case, the issue isn't necessarily where she ends up (I've no doubt it's been the plan all along), it's how she got there.  She has always had a dark side to her (as do loads of "good" characters in the series), but that has been reserved for wrong 'uns and her enemies until now. What was it that made her jump from that to killing thousands of innocents for no reason exactly? You can point to how it was foreshadowed in some obscure quote from six seasons ago all you like, but most people found it jarring for a reason; it was poorly done. 

    I saw someone suggest an alternative plot where, instead of Rhaegal dying in the previous episode, he is opportunistically taken out as the bells are sounding, triggering Daenerys' attack. Even this small change would have been a big improvement.

    12 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    Except that isn’t what happened. Guess you weren’t really paying attention.

    If you're making reference to the Ramsay quote, stop being an absolute dweeb. I don't care about happy endings, I care about good endings. This one has been a clusterfuck.

  2. On 5/16/2019 at 23:08, ICTChris said:


    Seasons 1-7

    Makes her name freeing the slaves and defending the innocent against rapists and murderers.

    Season 8

    Commits genocide for no reason.

    Aye, seems fair enough.

  3. 2 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    Yes it is. There's been mental things happen but they've all made sense in a way (in the context of the show).

    Okay, clearly they aren't going to kill Jon Snow off-screen or anything like that.

    Don't be surprised if there's some daft expectation-subverting ending, though. It'd be about time Bran actually did something anyway.

  4. 7 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    Wait, folk think that Jon is dead?! :lol:

    And that he was killed off screen?! :lol:

    And that Jamie is still alive?! :lol:

    And that Cersei is alive?! :lol:

    And that Bran, who turned down being the lord of Winterfell, will wheel himself down to King's Landing and be king?! :lol:

    And that folk would just accept him as king?! :lol:

    No idea is too daft for Game of Thrones these days.

  5. 50 minutes ago, the_bully_wee said:

    It's been very funny seeing all the really odd and creepy 'stans' of specific characters, in last night's case Daenerys, utterly outraged about what's going on. How thick do you seriously have to be to wilfully ignore the clear deterioration of her character and her descent into madness? She has been power-mad for some time now, and has pretty much only ever cared about sitting on the throne at any cost. Her advisors in Jorah, Varys and Tyrion have consistently talked her down from making dreadful, tyrannical decisions in the past - and even then, that hasn't stopped her at times. This has been nailed on from fairly early on in her arc, in my opinion, and folk claiming that her heel turn was lazy writing or a deeply misogynistic cop-out on the writers' part is just hilarious.

    So why did she destroy it after she'd already won? It made no fucking sense.

    Oh, I forgot. She's MAD now.

  6. 2 hours ago, quickoverayard said:

    Not sure who ends up on the throne but im punting for bran.


    1 hour ago, quickoverayard said:

    So im going for Danny to be killed, Jon to refuse the throne and bran to be appointed.



  7. 1 hour ago, Aim Here said:

    Which is funnier - taking on the cheapest donkey you could find as injury cover for Lewis Stevenson, who had a reputation for never missing a match - or using said donkey as a first-choice starting left-back for a year?

    The answer is definitely "signing a player who couldn't get a game ahead of Lenny Sowah", I'm afraid.

  8. There are various ways we can play but I think Berra-Souttar-Haring-Djoum-Naismith-Uche needs to be the spine of the team. I'd keep them in the middle regardless.



    Smith Souttar Berra Garuccio

    Haring Djoum

    Morrison/Mulraney Naismith Clare


    3-5-2 (defensive):


    Dikamona Souttar Berra

    Smith Haring Djoum Garuccio


    Uche Clare

    3-5-2 (attacking):


    Souttar Smith Berra

    Morrison Haring Djoum Mulraney


    Uche Clare

    Some variation of the above  would do me for the rest of the season.

  9. Sow has pace, skill, strength and is a good finisher. He can't jump or header a ball but otherwise he's got all the attributes you'd want in a striker. His obvious weakness is that his body seems to be made of wet tissue paper.

    Given how little he's played since leaving us three years ago, you have to wonder whether he's still the same player. I was sceptical when it looked like he was re-signing for us in August.

    Neilson used him out wide quite a lot to accommodate other strikers but he was never at his best there.

  10. 7 hours ago, welldaft said:

    Spurious rumours (as in the SUN) that we may be interested in Ross Callachan.  Probably nothing in it as the one area of the park we are overloaded is central midfield. 

    I note he played 30+ matches for you last season and bagged a few goals.

    Would he be a decent addition to Motherwell and a loss to Hearts or would you be glad to see the back of him ?



    He makes some really good runs from midfield but otherwise he can't play football, which has been a bit of a hindrance to his Hearts career.

  11. Over a dozen players signed and not one of them a creative midfielder, despite being the least creative team in the league last season.

    It's the second game of the season and we're starting an Inverness reject winger at wing-back (who cost us a goal), a centre-back in midfield and relying on three teenagers off the bench to salvage something against a team that got pumped by Cowdenbeath last week.

    Maybe Levein knows what he's doing though eh? :lol:

  12. I thought the ingnominy of having to take part in a penalty shootout on live TV after already being knocked out last year couldn't be topped. But having to forfeit a cup game against Cove Rangers for the sake of playing Andy fucking Irving for 25 minutes? I was wrong.

    Another PR win for our Breath of Fresh Air Chairwoman as well.

  13. 9 hours ago, magoo said:

    So you know virtually nothing of any new signings and have probably seen 2 of them play but are happy to make a sweeping statement on there ability ???

    Well that just isn't true is it? Their career histories and references from fans are there for all to see. If they suggested that the players were likely to be good enough then I'd be more encouraged.

    Of course, sometimes players can exceed those expectations, but unfortunately our recent track record of unearthing hidden gems doesn't suggest we're likely to find 7 or 8 in one window.


  14. 36 minutes ago, paranoid android said:

    Soz to be neg, but, if you're constantly going to fill your squad with vague punts, as Levein has, there's always a chance that some of them might turn out to be useless shiftless b*****ds who lack the ability to motivate themselves to get fit, even during an intense injury-free pre season regime. 

    While I'm not a big fan of our recruitment this summer, Vaněček seems like a reasonable signing to me on paper. Decent enough scoring rate last season and looks like he can hold the ball up as well as providing an aerial threat (which is something we don't really have up front).

    On the other hand, signing jobbers from the Australian league or lesser teams in this country, a soon-to-be 36 year old journeyman striker or (for three years) a goalkeeper who doesn't seem to have held down a first team place for more than a few months doesn't seem like the best use of a squeezed wage budget.

  15. 18 hours ago, Londonwell said:

    Is this some sort of  Moneyball' experiment that Levein is going for?

    I'm struggling to see what the f**k else he thinks he's doing. Doing it for the bantz?  Good laugh and all that...

    I'm almost certain this is it. They said they were starting to use stats to scout players last summer and Levein has made reference to e.g. Garuccio's crossing percentages.

    I believe Grzelak was signed on the basis of having a high dribbling percentage, which says it all about Levein and Murray's ability to interpret stats in a remotely useful way.

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