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Posts posted by DC92

  1. 3 hours ago, BucksburnDandy said:

    No shock Paulo is hanging about like a bad smell, desperate to get one over Aberdeen. His sad little life revolves around trying to get one over Aberdeen, desperately crying himself to sleep every night when he can't.



    2 hours ago, AberDon said:

    As evidenced on Friday night, you could pack Tynecastle with as many fans as you want and it would still be a library full of fat, red-faced roasters,

    One of those libraries filled with loud, angry people.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    Serious question for hearts fans.

    Has something changed in the neilson era that has caused this anger against him/Levein?

    Having lived through the Jimmy calderwood era I know what it's like for people looking in from the outside to not understand criticism of what seems like a successful stewardship but I am interested.

    Has there been a marked change In style of football since the championship season?


    I think Jimmy Calderwood is probably quite a good comparison, in terms of how people feel about him. Not very exciting football, a poor cup record and a general sense that we're more likely to fall short of expectations rather than to exceed them. 

    He's got enough credit in the bank to be given a chance to prove he's not a Calderwood but he's under a fair bit of pressure this season.

  3. Michael Stewart defending his mate Neilson and blaming our problems on Levein, who he hates, as he has been doing since day 1. Surprising.

    What is "Neilson style" exactly? He's never managed prior to this job and it hardly seems inconceivable that they could have similar ideas given that he played under Levein for years and Levein chose to hire him. The Championship season, in which he seems to think we took games against Hibs and Rangers "by the scruff of the neck", doesn't exist. Yeah, we played exciting football against the shitey teams but we were generally pretty mediocre in the games against those two. In the opening game against Rangers two years ago we played 4-4-2 with two wingers and last week against Celtic we played 4-4-2 with two wingers, I'm not seeing a huge change.

    Then he goes on to list two of our better signings from the Championship season (and Mince Bobbins lol) and compares them with three of our poorer signings from last season. You could easily have made it Anderson, El Hassnaoui and Buaben against Rossi, Djoum and Kitchen.

    Basically, he's talking shite.

    I'd say the big differences between now and two years ago, aside from the level of football, are:

    1) the number of attacking options and potential goalscorers in the squad

    - Sammon might end up being somewhat useful but he's not going to score many and Muirhead isn't likely to feature much. I'm optimistic about Watt but he's clearly not fully fit yet and although Johnsen might be decent but he hasn't been able to play. In midfield an injury-prone Walker and, at a push, Djoum are our only goal threats. Two years ago we had Sow, Zeefuik, Nicholson, Walker, King etc. who were always reliable for goals and it meant that, whether we played well or poorly, we won pretty much every week. We really need a couple of attack-minded midfielders in the next few weeks.

    2) the pre-season preparations

    - This season we've had the goalkeeping f**k-up which has left us with an unknown quantity and two of our main striker signings arriving after we've already been put out of Europe, one of whom is half-fit and one of whom has registration issues. We're two league games in, already out of two cup competitions, and we still haven't signed an attacking midfielder. Two years ago we pretty much had everything sorted by day 1.

    Thankfully point 1) can still be resolved and point 2) can probably be forgotten about if we get the next couple of signings right. If we don't, there'll be a lot of pressure on both Neilson and Levein.

  4. Just now, craigkillie said:

    He doesn't say who told them that the deadline was on a Friday.  It's certainly the case that a Saturday was a normal working day for the SFA in 2013 (link) - I find it unlikely that this has changed in the last 3 years.  It sounds like Hearts didn't do their research properly and fucked up as a result.

    From stuff I've heard subsequently it does sound like someone at Hearts made a f**k-up.

    I just found it funny that what was clearly a sarcastic comment was reported as an earnest admission of fault.

  5. Robbie Neilson, on not being able to register Krystian Nowak before the Celtic game:



    “We were told the SFA shuts at 5pm on a Friday – obviously, it doesn’t,” said Neilson. “I was surprised a little bit to see Sinclair’s name on the team sheet. What are the rules? Is it as it goes along?

    “Apparently, if someone turns up at the SFA on a Saturday they can put it through, but we didn’t know that. We know now, so the next time we get a player we’ll register him on a Saturday morning.”

    Read more at: http://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/football/hearts/defender-krystian-nowak-to-sign-one-year-deal-with-hearts-1-4196753



    How the Daily Record reported it:



    Robbie Neilson says he was bemused to see Celtic register Sinclair but admits Hearts didn't understand rules.

    Read more at http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/hearts-seal-one-year-deal-8586092#YcSCbrLRHJVKzqxt.99





  6. This has been a place setting season, but it'll have things perfectly in place for Dany's conquering of Westeros, which I suspect will be season, followed by the fight between the white walkers and a unified (but beleaguered) Westeros in season 8. If Jon's parentage is confirmed, she'll have a natural ally in him too.

    That sounds shite tbh. It was the scheming, the backstabbing, the brutal things people did for power or revenge that make Game of Thrones so good, not the supernatural stuff. If it resolves itself with a whole season dedicated to the standard, predictable fantasy battle between the beige "good guys" Jon and Daenerys and the evil ice zombies then it'll be really disappointing.

  7. Yes it's utterly embarrassing to prefer a better player.

    It's embarrassing to brag about it having one shit player over another, yes.

    I said at the time that Keatings would probably be a decent signing for Hibs. He was absolutely no loss to us, though, because Alloa and Livingston don't play in the Scottish Premiership.

  8. You could easily flip that round and say that in two and a half seasons at Killie, he had a half a season purple patch after being abysmal for two seasons. It's a different one from Kyle and Beattie because Sammon has already been shite in Scotland, whereas they'd never played here.


    Maybe he's a better player after his time in England, but if he's the same player he was at Kilmarnock he's not good enough for a side aiming for the European places.


    But the goalscoring season is his most recent in Scotland, which suggests he might have improved. Adam Rooney was similar in that he only scored 5 goals in his first 30 SPL games at Inverness before his final top flight season there, in which he scored 15 goals before going to England. In fact, Rooney's record of 20 goals in 68 SPL games for Inverness is very similar to Sammon's 17 in 65.


    In spite of Sammon's lack of goals, he's also moved for a large fee, made a decent number of appearances every year and earned a few caps which suggests he might have something about him even if he isn't necessarily a goalscorer.


    Look, I'm clearly clutching at straws here. Let me have this. sob.png

  9. Not just saying it because we are linked with him but I thought all last season he was the one player hearts had that cause the opposition real problems. While obviously he isn't as good as Hayes he's still young and I think could be a good replacement if Hayes leaves.

    Hilarious that elixir has now decided he's shite though :lol:




    1 goal and 0 assists in his last 19 games. 2 goals and 1 assist in his last 27 games. Clearly the creative heartbeat of the team. If that were the case then why would we consider selling him to our closest rivals? It's not as if Aberdeen are going to be bidding big money.


    He isn't contributing anything at the moment and his play is far too predictable, with him constantly trying to cut inside. He's nothing like Hayes, who is direct, always a threat and has an end product.


    That said, I'd rather we kept him unless we get a big money offer. He clearly has talent, even if it isn't manifesting in the form of actual goals or assists at the moment, and he has plenty of time to improve. There's a chance he'll go the same way as Templeton, but there's also a chance he'll become a very good player.

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