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Posts posted by DC92

  1. Nigerian football forum from last summer: http://forum.cybereagles.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=250073&hilit=Oshaniwa

    Some highlights:

    "today he shoved pies down some folks throat again"

    "Oshaniwa has never put a foot wrong in any of the matches he has featured. Only opaks yarners who don't know much about the game that said he was poor against the USA."

    "He's actually very educated and well-spoken but he has the look of a real agbero."

  2. I'd imagine so. I'll still be surprised if we get him but there certainly seems to be substance to it.

    Amusingly, his side actually got relegated from the Israeli Premier League last season after finishing mid-table the two seasons previous. Still, Celtic, Hull and Sheffield Wednesday have all shown an interest in him over the past six months so he'd certainly fit the bill for us if we managed to pull it off.

    Is there? Genuine question.

  3. Gomis will be one of the first names on the team sheet I suspect, but I share most peoples' concerns over his ability when pressed and his indiscipline at times.

    I'm unconvinced we need another body for centre back, unless Ozturk or Augustyn get a long-term injury early in the season, or Levein finds us a great deal. As I've said before, I'd rather the budget was used primarily for another left back and a midfielder before another centre back.

    Agree about Gomis, although I think Buaben also has a tendency to dwell on the ball too long. He might be a better foil for Pallardo, although I wouldn't rule out Anderson (or El Hassnaoui for that matter) playing a bigger role than expected.

    Hasn't Augustyn done both his knees in the past? He's certainly had a history of injuries anyway. If he gets injured in September then we're left with Jordan McGhee as the only back-up with first team experience and he's not exactly proven at this level. He's probably first choice back-up to Paterson as well. I'd feel much safer if we had another body in there, wouldn't have to be a world-beater.

  4. Juanma has officially signed: http://www.heartsfc.co.uk/news/4397

    How do people think we're going to line up this season? Neilson seemed keen on using Sow out wide towards the end fo the season with Zeefuik through the middle so I suspect that's the way we'll go with Juanma instead of Zeefuik. I'm not sure that Sow's not wasted out wide but I can see the logic behind it.


    Paterson Ozturk Augustyn McHattie

    Pallardo Gomis

    King Walker Sow


    Subs: Hamilton, McGhee, Smith, Buaben, Nicholson, El Hassnaoui, Reilly.

    We'll probably sign a left back to play ahead of McHattie and we need more cover at centre-back. Gomis was excellent for us last year but he struggled sometimes when teams pressed him, so based on that and his last season at Dundee United I wouldn't be too sure of his place in the team and I wouldn't mind if we signed another midfielder. I wouldn't be sure of King's place in the team either but aside from that I think it's pretty close.

  5. Yup - either he has really come on leaps and bounds over the past season (not entirely impossible tbf - think Greg Stewart) or.... whisper it..... the standard of last seasons Championship was lower than the season before consequently making him appear a better player.

    That's pretty much unheard of for a young player.

  6. Keatings is clever in the runs he makes and how he drags defenders out of position but I don't think he's particularly intelligent on the ball. He always seemed trigger happy to me - not necessarily a bad thing but he was hardly making defence splitting passes every week.

    Carrick is far more cute a player. Some of his flick ons are majestic. He'll be brilliant up front with Sow if they can stay fit and develop an understanding.

    Amazing how people see things differently. Still think you were wrong :lol:

    I agree with you. Keatings is a good player for the Championship and he'll be good for about 15 goals if he's a regular starter. He's very good at getting into goalscoring positions and he's capable of finishing well, though he often needs 2/3 chances to score. Intelligent on the ball, though? I wouldn't say so. We were at our poorest this season when he was on his own up front. That's not his fault and he chipped in with a few goals at that time, but he's far more of a poacher than an all-round striker.

    By contrast, Carrick did very well on his own up front in this division above in a pretty shite team. Once he'd bulked up he'd shown himself to be quite effective at holding the ball up as well having a decent scoring rate. He's barely featured this season so it's hard to tell whether that was just a purple patch/whether the injuries have affected his game but if I had to pick then I'd say Carrick is more likely to become an effective striker in the top league.

  7. Then again, he was - at times - a useful player at his first season at Groningen, although he never was a 'big' goal scorer. He got 7 goals from a total of 42 Groningen appearances. He mostly was of use as the target man in the passing game (hard to translate to English), which I think is a rather typical Dutch style of play and I wonder what he has to bring to table in that respect in Scotland.

    The Scottish game in general is more physical challenging than the Dutch (not sure if that also goes for the Championship though), and although it seems he has a lot of physique, I doubt it will be the right kind.

    We don't particularly need a goalscorer but we do really need someone who can hold the ball up to get us playing further up the pitch and bring our other attackers into play. If he can do that for us then he'll bring plenty to the table.

    I'm not sure if this is what you're alluding to, but launching balls at head height is not generally part of our game plan (unless we've run out of ideas). None of our other strikers can jump anyway so it wouldn't be a particularly fruitful tactic.

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