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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. It seems he's died on his birthday. Amongst other things he designed a device which located CFC's. Big team found, GBNF, YNWA, RIP etc.
  2. After the cyber binfire that is the Fantasy Football Scotland game this more than, I say this more than makes up for it. Good man Sir Div.
  3. To me, it seems like you're presenting something as an issue when in fact it has never BEEN an issue. I've played other FF games, I'm sure you can guess which ones, for years and genuinely not once have I felt "stuck" and thought it would be a grand idea to enter a different team in all or some of the leagues I was in. Is that something you've been asked to do by quite lot of players?
  4. Was looking forward to this, but different scoring systems for different tiers? Making a new team depending on which league you enter? What is all that about? Good luck to you, but not for me thanks.
  5. I am now holding out hope that at the parents visit Gemma's maw pulls her daughter aside and tells her that Luca is a wrong 'un. It's the last/only piece of drama that could save an otherwise rotten series.
  6. Bullet dodged, had at least five options for guess four. Wordle 400 4/6
  7. This. The situations with both Konovalov and Stryjek have had me properly concerned that this season could be a disaster. That may still happen obviously, but this signing will hopefully bring some much needed stability.
  8. Very small, but very crucial, mistake in the report. It's actually "Dick fae Bingham" who has lost his wares. Absolute racing certainty to be crack.
  9. That’s a beauty Wordle 398 4/6
  10. No idea what it fucking means, never mind where it came from. Wordle 397 5/6
  11. I remember there being a poll to decide folks favourite kit from our history....was hoping that would lead to an updated version of the winner which was the smasher from 2001 On reflection, a poll asking for favourite kits could quite easily be dressed up as fan input on any new strip, without asking the blatantly obvious "what do you want our new kit to look like".
  12. This was my understanding too. It was mentioned in the official presser for last season's kits. https://livingstonfc.co.uk/introducing-our-2021-22-home-and-away-kits/
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