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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. What happened is the people who were going along for nosiness more than anything else, decided to give the club a swerve when the bad times came along (and they've had plenty of opportunity to do that). Whether they went back to their big clubs, or just don't bother at all anymore, is anyone's guess. The club have a hard core support of between 800 - 1000 and they should be applauded rather than denigrated.
  2. Fantastic win for you guys the day - best of luck for the coming season. Have always liked the cut of McCalls jib, and in Lawrence Shankland you might just have the divisions top striker. Wee question - I was driving in Edinburgh on the way home from work on Thursday, through Granton beside Javits takeaway, and passed the most bizarre sight; what appeared to be a wee auld silver haired dude on a mobility scooter, which had a number plate on the back saying "SUPERAYR1" or "AYRUNITED1", and a flag that looked like a skull and crossbones or somesuch. Reading that back I'm aware that I sound bombed tae f**k, but I swear I saw this. Anyone ken who this auld timer was? Love seeing huge displays of affection for the provincial clubs and this one made me smile.
  3. I warned my comrades - as soon as they ventured north of Rowardennan, the support I could offer would be moral as opposed to phsyical. Hence why I'm safely ensconced here, and not intending to drive until tomorrow lunchtime. I'm sure they'll be fine. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Pie and Bovril mobile app
  4. A wee background to this particular pint. I'm currently in the Drovers, whilst 3 hardy souls are walking here on day 2 of the WHW. I'm the support vehicle, as my health has dictated that I can hardly walk the length of myself. I cannot convey the sheer anticipation of having this wee minx kiss my lips... Cheers all.
  5. I would hope that there was a clause in there that gives him a raise in the event of promotion. I'd rather that than him being able to negotiate something new. His old man was, and I quote, "fucking raging" when he signed the new deal. Not because it was with us, far from it, but because he felt that young Pitts was too quick off the mark in signing it.
  6. You're surely not basing how well you thought a player would do because of his merits on FM? Good grief. I also find it bizarre how anyone can say they really rate him as a player, when he has hardly featured. I'm sure his auld man will plant a piece in the East Lothian Bugle in order to drum up some interest.
  7. I'm sure there was until someone fell for the old Nigerian prince scam. Our squad wage is approximately, on average, £350 pw. Anyway, re Hoppy I'm sure all will be revealed one way or another at Cappielow soon. Maybe even before the weekend.
  8. I wouldn't touch Cathro with a barge pole. I'd rather have Jim Duffy than him, genuinely. Re. budget - I've no idea what Hamilton are giving their players, but I'd like to think something comparable would be achievable.
  9. I daresay that with the Easdales being involved at Morton, there will be decent dough (or the promise of it anyway) for a manager to spend next season. The move to odds on, as has been said before, really doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. It would indeed be strange if Hoppy was to turn his back on Premiership football for another season (at least) in the Championship. The more I think about it, the more unlikely it seems to me.
  10. Fans forums where the owners are offered a £2 coin for the club. Defeat to Stranraer 8-6 on aggregate to consign us to relegation. Countless performances from utter wasters. Bearing witness to all of those things was as painful as it gets but trust me, this feeling more than makes up for it. All of it. I couldn't make it yesterday but I watched the game with my 13 yr old lad and my four year old daughter. When we scored the goal me and the boy went daft, which led my wee girl to laugh and say "are you proud daddy?" To which I burst oot greeting. And it feels like I've been greeting since. A quite incredible achievement, carried out by a bunch of guys who are the finest players to have worn the Livi shirt. Each and every one of them are club legends. A massive thanks to everyone who has offered their congratulations over the last few pages. The Championship is going to be an incredible league next season - hopefully your club, whoever they may be, make you as proud as my club has made me.
  11. You are more than welcome pal. Chuffed to bits that you enjoyed it, and that you were there to enjoy what (for me) is the best atmosphere at Livingston. An unbelievable night.
  12. Brilliant stuff Smokie. If you and yer laddie want to be in with the standing/singing section then C2 and C3 of the main stand (north end) are where you should go. Hope you enjoy the game if you make it.
  13. Brewdog. Sanctimonious p***ks. Pity, because some of their stuff is very good. Tennents. Sound guys. Which is good, because their stuff is necTar.
  14. I haven't participated in the full crawl as such, but Saturdays effort was the Star & Garter, P3, The Old Post Office (yep, Spoonsy pish but the scran was good), the Crown for some cheap (but very bad) pool, The 4 Marys and the Tap. By that time I was blowing bubbles, ably assisted by about Ten pinTs.
  15. Unable to post on Saturday night due to Divs undoubted cocaine and hooker binge taking precedence over the website being fucked. This wee beauty was lapped up whilst on a half crawl along Linlithgow High St.
  16. A tale of two pubs for me, a couple of weeks ago. Boozer #1 - Starbar in Edinburghs New Town. The name is more than a little misleading; sounding like some hipster haunt, it is infact a wee howff of a place that hasn't seen a duster in years. Alas, the two pints of necTar that I had were decent, nothing more. Boozer #2 - Cask & Barrell, foot of Broughton Street. Bigger pub, brighter pub, and the pint of Vitamin T they served up was sensational in every way. Whatever they were doing different, I hope they keep doing it. Another visit awaits.
  17. That Falkirk game on the 24th March, clashes with under 21 fixtures. Who will be missing from your squad, if selected for the national team? I'm guessing we'll lose Hardie.
  18. That'll be his old man, who has a journo pal who writes for the Musselburgh Bugle or something. Every time Knox takes a shite there's something on the local paper linking him to Ibrox. I've been reading the last few pages with some interest, in particular re the clubs finances. I'll echo what the majority are saying about Ward - he seems a very switched on guy, with plenty business nous. Folks concerns are absolutely merited though. They HAVE to be. Pre the Glenafton game, John Ward laid everything on the line in a Facebook post. He told people how much it costs to have a game on, ANY game, before we lose money. He said that kids season ticket sales were poor (less than 50). Share issue? Hardly any uptake. Since that game, we've had one gate of 1200ish vs Falkirk. I think its brilliant that we've a budget we're sticking to, even if it means selling a player or two to keep things in the black. I think the performances and the current standing of the team is tremendous, and it's been ages since I said that. But the clubs finances, it would appear, remain in a parlous state.
  19. Helluva lot of magnanimity from the Falkirk fans towards Houston. I get that the last couple of seasons have been good, but this season he's been (from afar it would seem) a rabid slavering mess. Slagging off other teams play, losing his way with his own players, sticking with a midfield player who can't fucking run; none of this thanks for the memories pish, he should be told not to darken your door again. If you want a great chance of going up, this season or next, Hartley should be a nap for this. If you want to be the butt of many, many jokes it will be Hughes or McGhee. Hughes - fucking shudder btw.
  20. Kenny McIntyre is exactly the type of shock jock that Keith Jackson referred to the other night. "You've been in this studio before, Billy/Michael/Charlie/Willie, and YOU said blah blah blah, didn't you" - it's tired, cliched pish. And his meowling over all things Rangers is nonsensical - a couple of weeks ago he was incredulous at the very idea of Pedro Caixinha not having knowledge of Rangers recent issues. Why the f**k would a two bit Portuguese guy coaching in the middle east need to know whether or not Dave King had a NOMAD? Having said all of that, he is superb at one to one interviews, Andy McLaren and the late Frank Kopels wife being notable instances recently.
  21. Listening to both the last two nights has been refreshing. On the one hand you have a guy who's accent could cut glass and speaks about drugs, yet speaks about the game and the kids he teaches with pride, passion, clarity and hope. You also have the Mogadon Mourinho, boring you half to death about playing really well between the 12 yard boxes. One of them works for the SFA, it should be of no surprise to any of us that its the wrong one.
  22. It's a helluva leap of faith to suggest that the land on which Almondvale stands is prime for redevelopment. Well known drainage issue, a plethora of other retail outlets in close proximity - im not sure it's nearly as attractive as some folk think. And the comment on our long term future being secure if a move happened - its never been secure, and I dont see how a smaller stadium in the arse end of west Lothian with nowt but industrial units around it woukd make it so.
  23. http://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2016/05/16/livingston-hopkindeal/?platform=hootsuite Looks like we've reneged on the deal to pay McDoog back his money.
  24. Rankine having the temerity to describe anyone else as a liar or a conman, is something else. The club is, and always has been, an utter clusterfuck.
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