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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. You know the guy is having a mare when Charlie Adam comes across as the sane representative for the City of Discovery.
  2. I hear you re the standard questions etc, but I actually don't give a toss what the manager says after a game. It will either be anodyne rubbish which has been repeated dozens of times before, or a rant in the heat of the moment. None of which really matter. Anyone who's seen my posts on McIntyre in this thread already, will see an echo here - he's not my cup of tea at all. He's almost single handedly reduced Sportsound to nothing better than the advert ridden drivel that you can listen to anytime on Talksport or Clyde. Any presenter who covets Twitter as the court of popular opinion as much as him, can get in the sea. I get that the BBC isn't above derision, but it used to have standards. Not when he's about it doesn't.
  3. Nonsense, we're lovely folk. Congratulations to you both and all the best.
  4. Are you for real? By your own admission he was "raging", when pressed a couple of days later he said it was "his opinion" so not factual, and all the while he's sat there wearing a Celtic badge as manager at a club commissioned press conference? You're HAPPY with that?
  5. £34k in relation to proceeds of crime. I'm sure I heard him said it's been paid. The F&PP "test" is an absolute sham.
  6. I have it on reasonable authority that there were nae conga's involved, so we should be good.
  7. Brown is suspended for Sunday, so he'll play tonight I would imagine. I would also imagine there will be a few more changes from the team you posted earlier.
  8. I've said for long enough, I fear for Neil Lennon's mental health. His rant today suggests he is not a well man.
  9. I know it created a ballache for you at the weekend, but I was delighted to see him red carded. I think he's a terrific player, he's always impressed me when I've seen him.
  10. I'm not altogether sure to be honest. I know we used to use them when we had a grass pitch. I remember helping out removing the covers before we played Hearts a few years ago. Hellish experience all in. It's not so much snow that is the issue on our pitch - it can be cleared pretty easily using plant machinery, as evidence at the weekend there. The issue is always the penalty box/corner area at the south end of the ground. Due to the stand the south west corner of the gets no sunlight at all during the day. So if the pitch is frozen already and the temperatures don't lift above freezing then, short of demolishing the stand or investing in those big heater things that I've seen used at Ibrox, that corner will always be an issue.
  11. Ah right...I'm in Lanarkshire and it's fine here, just cold I think the frost from yesterday will be the main issue, and whether the pitch at the south end will have thawed at all.
  12. Heavy frost from yesterday won't have lifted, sub zero temps from afternoon onwards, snow forecast for parts of the day.
  13. On the contrary, I'd be surprised if it was on. Highs today of 1 degree with snow showers throughout the day as well. Frost from yesterday won't have lifted either. Re the actual result, I share your fear. I would take a draw right now.
  14. They've used artificial pitches in various stages of the champions League and Europa League too. A lot of pitches in the US are artificial and you know how seriously they take their sport For as long as the BBC employ morons like Chick Young, there will always be an agenda against synthetic surfaces. He'd still have weans doon the mines mind you. On a similar vein, I would imagine that tonights game must be in doubt.
  15. S3 done. Outstanding stuff. As has been the same since the series began, the relationship between Johnny and Miguel is excellently done. I also thought the Kreese flashback scenes were brilliant. Also loving Dimitri turning into a top shagger.
  16. Team entered, after a hiatus of I dunno how long. Best of luck to all.
  17. Add me to the loathe winter camp. I suffer from depression and Crohns, and I find both are undoubtedly exacerbated during the dark months.
  18. Born and brought up in Livingston in the mid 80's. Dad and older brother who "supported" Rangers (my Dad was in Barcelona in 1972, my older brother rarely went to games at all). At the age where yer pals are all talking football, early teens, Rangers were winning everything, so they were the easy choice. Went to a few games, had a few strips, the usual guff. Fast forward to when I started working, and Livingston were formed, and my eyes were opened politically etc, and I quickly fell out of love with Rangers (maybe I wasn't in love with them, not really anyway). Meeting folk who I really respected who supported other teams (after having for years been led to believe that "diddy teams didnae matter") was an eye opener too. Have had a season ticket on and off at Almondvale, and can safely say that their biggest moments (play off success a couple of years ago most notably) have meant more to me than any Rangers success ever did. I see the constant "banter" between both Rangers and Celtic fans towards each other, and for the most part it is utterly pathetic.
  19. Didn't know it was possible, but Kenny MacIntyre has plumbed new depths this week. Having two Celtic podcasters on the show was bizarre, referencing other podcasts since then takes the show into Talksport territory, and then last night stating that Neil Lennon (and other managers) knowingly put their families in the firing line for abuse. Glad to hear McCall pull him up on it, and I'd hope that he went even further after the show. The sooner he gets his dream move to 1690mw the better.
  20. Sadly, I don't think it's all that surprising. The impact of COVID in relation to games being behind closed doors will have put a lot of people off. We have a hard core ST support of approximately 800, and as Crispy says, one ST will now do a household. Maybe a lot of ST holders do it to get out the house as opposed to watch the actual game? I dunno. Add to all of that the crippling apathy towards the club by the locals, and this is the result. The staff at the club burst their arse on a daily basis to keep the place going, and for very little reward.
  21. Far be it for me to defend English, but he has a point on what Ian Maxwell said. He's one of the most powerful mean in our game, therefore "ach you know what I meant" isn't really acceptable. His answer on why Hull were training at Oriam also left a wee bit to be desired - he sounded distinctly pissed off that he was being asked.
  22. This. He's been asked at least once before . Injuries allied to a "young, naive" squad were the excuses given. Nothing to do with tactics and or shambolic recruitment.
  23. Couldn't have put it better myself. On top of what you've said, I also have fears due to QPR being a financial basket case that we might not get the dough anyway. That's overly pessimistic on my part. I hope.
  24. Team entered, into pretty much every league as well. So my embarrassment will be widespread. App looks a world apart from last year, dare I say it's perhaps more user friendly than the English FPL one.
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