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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. If it's the case that he's to go, then BSLM will go with my best wishes. He was integral to our play off success two seasons ago - not so much in games played, but because he was a great help with the younger players in the squad. I'm not quite sure why he was given another deal at the end of last season, because he hasn't had his injury troubles to seek and has been a bit of a waste of a wage since then. Having said that, he seems a great guy to have around the club.
  2. You left out his nine months at Livingston. He curried favour with a few fans due to his desire to rid the club of halfwits (Bobby Barr etc), and other fans because of his passion for playing "the passing game, aw those triangles 'n hings, aw lat". Those tactics were an abomination for us at our level, and they would be worse for Falkirk in L1.
  3. Upwards of fifty likes, if there's any justice.
  4. Therein lies the nub of the problem. The board will see (or not, if they've any sense) 50 or so usernames on an internet forum giving them hell, and then weigh that up against the approx 4000 who turned up at the game on Saturday and have continued to do so this season. I was astonished when I saw that figure at the weekend. Your board would have been thinking "we cannae be doing THAT badly". Fiddling while Rome burns springs to mind.
  5. This will only happen if A) you have a young starlet that he can hook up to and champion the cause of, in the hope that when said starlet signs a lucrative deal elsewhere he will be able to rake in some dosh, and B) If he has a platform from which to whore out said starlet. This is what he did when at Livi, with Stefan Scougall. He was a pundit with Sky at the time, and his touting of Scougall was so blatant a blind man in a dark room could see it.
  6. The more I read of Mr Campbell, the harder it becomes to NOT read it in a ridiculous Italian accent ala Angelo Massone. In my opinion, his time at my club opened fissures in our support that are still yet to heal. Indeed they might never. I sincerely hope you manage to avoid Campbell and his nonsense, by hook or by crook (pun absolutely intended).
  7. He couldn't be any further out in the cold with us, and is on a decent wage by some accounts. When he has been on the pitch he has been very poor. I know you have your issues with squad size, stretched budget etc., but there must be a barrel needing scraped somewhere before resorting to him.
  8. Someone earlier on said it would take approx. £2m to buy out the MSG, and I thought that was a bit stiff. Is £400k more like it?
  9. Forgive my ignorance, because it's genuine here, but how much dry roasted would need to be given to the MSG in order to obtain their shares?
  10. May just be me, but have BtB not just played a blinder there? You know what they say give someone enough rope to hang themselves. There's only two ways in which this is a bad move by BtB:- 1. If they uncover info on Campbell, and dish it themselves, THAT looks like sour grapes. Especially if Campbell then turns out to be the messiah (which is unlikely, IMO). 2. MSG are given the gen, it's ignored, they get their dosh, and then it all goes breasts north. If that happens though, it's not just bad for BtB, it's bad for your club full stop.
  11. We've no sunbeds, and seem to be managing just fine.
  12. Not a Falkirk fan obviously, but I think if I was I can safely say that my pessimistic nature would echo the above. Its unlikely to be the case that Campbell will be ponying up seven figures on his own, so who are his fellow investors? Is it a fait acomplis that the BtB money will be asked for/given? His shopping list of fourth stand, reopened Academy, new grass pitch would cost the thick wedge of seven figures, and that's before nay money for players. What is Falkirks standing in the local community just now? Do they still make good money from the facilities at the stadium, i.e. car boot sales, conference facilities etc? Because the prize money on offer from SPFL1 and the Championship, is relative sweeties compared to what he's promising/offering. Call me cynical (plenty do), but I guess that having read this thread with interest over the last couple of months, I'm still puzzled as to the sea change in circumstances over the last seven days. Ca' canny bairns.
  13. Quite apt that these two posts sit side by side. The difference in nature and outlook is startling, until you look at the usernames. One to be credited, one to be burned with fire.
  14. Massone certainly did. He made a great show of joining the LL board and in his first post giving the rundown of (his version of) events at the club, including his chats with "Captain James". Straight away one of our fans shot him down stating that his whole post was "a pack of lies" - and from there on in, his game was up. Not before he fleeced the club for everything that wasn't nailed down. As you say, Flynn was certainly on the boards as well - I vividly remember him making a post when Massone took over the club, wherein he (Flynn) stated that Livingston were "nothing without me and my money". Anyhoo. All distant memories now, thankfully.... I hope.
  15. Until the neighbours (Cathy most probably) complained about the smell.
  16. I'm a huge Springsteen fan; without being maniacally so. I've always struggled to get into his super-early stuff (Greetings...), and the least said about his last couple of albums the better. I've long thought that his concert at Hammersmith Odeon in 75 was probably the one that I'd put before any other. The one I wish I was around to see. It always seemed to me to be the performance he was born to do. Well, not now. I've just watched Springsteen on Broadway. The full thing is also available to listen to as an album. Hands down it is the rawest, most soulful, most emotional, almost elegiac thing I've ever seen. A lot of it dovetails nicely with the book which is incredible in itself, especially his own audio description. His performances of My Father's House, The Wish and Born In The USA (where he intersperses the lyrics with stories of his father, mother and young friends respectively), are just incredible. As I get older, and as the world that I see seems to get ever closer to DEFCON:Fucked, I find it ever harder to get enthused about stuff. This performance is an exception. THE exception. Watch it. Please.
  17. Can but hope. Regarding a couple of other posts on this page, that I'm too lazy quote - but Kamara. I'm happy to be proven wrong or eductaed notherwise by Dundee fans, but what on EARTH are Rangers thinking? What do they see in him?
  18. My sheer and utter heartbreak at not getting an entry done in time for this, most glorious of contests, has been tempered (although only slightly) by the revelation that the person running the show hasn't used Excel before. May the sun always shine upon your back, Miguel Sanchez.
  19. Whichever stand Scotland are attacking would always be the #swingandamiss end.
  20. It probably would. They could also photoshop an extra 7 noughts on to the end of my bank balance, thus enabling me to get a bigger hoose. Both will never happen.
  21. Are folk genuinely still of the misguided belief (hope?) that upwards of £60m is going to be spent bringing the sides in, lowering the pitch etc., when the SFA had to get the begging bowl out to a "philanthropist" for £2.5m? Without sounding all Bomber-esque, what does Haughey get here? A warm fuzzy feeling of doing good? Aye fucking right. The whole thing stinks. It did a month ago, it did yesterday, and it still does today.
  22. I don't doubt any of that Andy, re the players. Indeed, I'd heard exactly the same concerns directly from one of the first team. All of which meant that when his time was up and he left, I wasn't surprised. I was disappointed, solely because it meant a return to us being in the media as a laughing stock and can to be kicked, and so it proved for a week or so.
  23. Dunno if anyone listened to Sportsound last night. The assembled "experts" were Chick Young, Billy Dodds and Kenny Miller. Following Alan Stubbs getting his jotters, there was a wee debate about there being a four team mini league at the bottom, fighting to stay up. Unsurprisingly Dudds and Dung both had us as being in that four. However very surprising to me was hearing Kenny Miller say "no chance". He said we would be absolutely fine, that he's never seen a more together and harmonious squad, and that we had a few right good players. I'm not convinced he came across as THAT positive when he WAS the fucking gaffer!
  24. I don't get the seethe surrounding David Currie. He's far better than Kenny Macintyre, IMO. I wonder if they're going to give Stephen Thompson more a presenting gig. He sounded good doing the post game stuff yesterday.
  25. I've worn neither, and never lumbered roond the lakes. More than happy to walk to GQS from Hampden though. Anyway, apparently these pics were taken at Murrayfiled this morning by a mate of a mate.
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