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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Not as bad as folk who have done NUMEROUS Tough Mudders.
  2. The physical similarities between what I imagine Jake will look like in ten years, and the Plymouth monster, are absolutely startling imqho
  3. I daresay it's been posted elsewhere in the thread, but surely the boys indulging in *hands in* "wooooooooooooooooooooah ayyyyyy" patter should ensure their addition to an Offenders Register upon immediate release from the villa?
  4. Last night was one of those occasions when it felt like the entire episode was almost scripted. Loads of air time for the arseholes (Faye and Jake); it's almost as if the producers have pulled them and had a word in their lugs saying "you're getting absolutely flamed on socials because of your behaviour, so here's what you need to say/do to get back in the publics good books". The last time it came across as remotely similar that I can remember was when Amy left the villa a couple of years ago. Complete meltdown one night, rehearsed speech the following day.
  5. Reading between the lines, it would appear that Mullin has been having a time of it. Injury, new arrival in his family, and then contracting COVID. All of which amounts to him having apparently little to no pre-season. The manager puts fitness above all else, so he wasn’t in all likelihood going to get near the team. With any luck he’ll come back in January all guns blazing.
  6. Wonderful thread. As someone who in their late teens had dreams of living abroad (and in reality has moved no further afield than Gorgie from West Lothian), some of these posts are wonderful. None more so than the contributions from @SlipperyP.
  7. That's a sickener about Kabia. Looked a sore one at the time.
  8. Fair fucks, that is in a helluva start to the season. For the love of God, please look after Emmanuel-Thomas. He was that good he even had a cyncial auld dullard in Willie Miller (who I love btw) absolutely purring about his performance.
  9. The Serbia section with the Braveheart theme on piano, is absolutely jaw-dropping.
  10. The argument for grass over astro always boils down to the same old shite. Folk don't like them because a) "they look crap on telly", and/or because b)"we've always had grass and it's no' natural". Those arguments are worse at holding water than our old pitch was. Both of these arguments are either best ignored or, if the person you're debating with doubles down on them, shot down in flames by stating what Freedom Farter has. Astro is good enough for clubs the world over, and who play in far more illustrious competitions than the SPF fucking L Premiership.
  11. I hear what you’re saying. Sounds like he’s done very well since retiring. I’ll tell you what though, I utterly detested him as a player.
  12. I was thinking it was more akin to Ross Geller sending a basket of muffins to the boy in Friends hoping to get his flat, only to find the guy was getting pinball tables and all sorts. Your scenario sounds better though.
  13. Local papers suggesting that Fox is staying in the Premiership, so it will be Hearts I reckon. Worked there under Levein too if I mind right.
  14. Hodgson resigns fromPalace. I guess it'll be apparent quite soon whether the Palace/EPL stuff has any substance.
  15. It's been said already, but aye, Guthrie leaving is a huge blow. Hope the lad gets a move to a team who better suit his familial circumstances. Would be chuffed with Anderson coming in (and delighted at the prospect of Callachan), but I am slightly concerned that once again we seem to be eyeing up attacking players whilst being very light at the back. We'll see all in good time I suppose.
  16. Absolute NAP. I said weeks ago, to a few OF supporting pals of mine, that we wouldn't win another point this season. I'm now of the opinion that we will win tomorrow, but St Johnstone will win the cup.
  17. How many constituency seats are the SNP expected to win? Could they seal a majority through constituency seats alone?
  18. That's pretty much the gist. Even managed to shoehorn in "the toxic cancer that is Nicola Sturgeon" in the last knockings of what is probably the most tear drenched, snot covered, bite marked post you'll ever read this side of Inverclyde.
  19. What is? Financial oblivion? Hauled over the coals by the authorities due to nefarious folk being involved in the club? Come on, enough nodding your head at the bar.
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