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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. My first guess is usually FROST, for no other reason than the fact that it was nippy as f**k the day I first played it.
  2. mozam76


    A brutal watch. The scene at the beach where Anne is talking with her son's friend about what happened was absolutely heart-breaking. The archive footage of the powers at the time made my skin crawl. Plenty more of that over the next two nights too I'll wager. RIP the 97.
  3. Miller was away before ATS signed for Livingston.
  4. You won't get that from me. I always felt he was a really decent player. Holt was definitely a fan of him at some stage. There's no doubting in my mind that this signing, coupled with Martin Rennie's comments post Clyde, looks like proof to me that Holt is doing your signing this window.
  5. Bear in mind though, different players thrive under different types of personality. You'll hear plenty of players waxing lyrical about John Hughes, just the same as you'll hear players slating him and his managerial "style". Re Holt and his arrogance, this came across in plenty of interviews when he was at Livingston. Some of the things he came out with at your Q&A (i.e. were YOU good at your first job?), I wasn't surprised at in the slightest. Some of his fan interview stuff when he was with us, was verging on unlistenable. When he/the club was doing well his remarks were maybe taken a bit more lightly, but on the whole I though he sounded like a right snide c**t pretty much from the off.
  6. I do know that if you ask someone, and that someone says no, then whoever does get the job will start their tenure knowing that they weren't first choice. I've read enough to know that your club has went to pot and ruin largely due to the decisions made by a car crash of a board. If leaks to fans/press have been part and parcel of that, hopefully your new board members will be a bit more professional and tight lipped.
  7. FWIW, Ross I think would be an excellent appointment for Falkirk. His previous record in the lower leagues is very good, and I think he's been harshly treated by Hibs after last season. That said, I think he gets a bit of an easy time of it because he talks well. Noises in the summer of Celtic and Scotland was utterly ridiculous. I just don't get why there seems such a clamour amongst your own fans for the club to sound him out/ask the question, when in all eventuality you will never know if the question has been asked. You surely just have to trust your new board to know what they're doing on that score?
  8. I love picking up folk on nonsense, no matter the club they support chief.
  9. Why does this bother you, and others, so much? How would the fans even know if they HAD asked him? They ask him, he says no, what then? Do you want an announcement from the board stating "here's our new gaffer, we did ask Jack Ross, but he said no. Anyway, here's the new guy".
  10. Kevin Thomson is doing well at Kelty. He'd probably walk down the M90 for the job...
  11. I hope things improve for you soon pal. DM is always open if you need a chat.
  12. Whilst on the subject of commentary, have a listen to the wonderful Ian Dennis on Radio 5 Live from the other night. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00128vw 42.30 onwards. The roar in the background is spinetingling. I haven't commented on the game, because I can't frankly. It's the best performance I've ever seen from Scotland to a man and, after a tough couple of weeks personally, I'll admit to having a wee blub when Che scored the second. Total fucking euphoria.
  13. Wonder how the fans will look back on his tenure, if he does go, due to the timing? Read someone online this morning, who said that it stinks. Asked him why and he said that less than six months ago when they won the league Gerrard said he got and loved the club, less than a month ago he was in tears at the death of Smith, and with it looking like winning the league this season is imperative to the club. Add all that up and he says his reputation is instantly tarnished.
  14. Due to a fractious relationship with my auld man and other things that I won't get into here, my love for Rangers waned a long time ago. But there was a time, in fact precisely the time period you mentioned KB, that Rangers were everything to me, in a football sense anyway. Aye it was the late 80's/ early 90's and it was easier to love them because they were winning and I was a particularly naïve, impressionable early teen. But love them I did, and Walter was front and centre of everything they did. He was the manager, aye, but he was the manager when managers were figureheads in every sense of the word. To say anything else will come across as mawkish, but his passing has hit me in a way that I didn't really expect.
  15. One of the very, very best. One of our very, very best. An absolute gentleman to the end. Devastated.
  16. I don't know if you listened to the entire thing Shadwell, but towards the end of the piece Broadfoot said "you know who I felt really sorry for? The two guys there with football experience, Gary Holt and Paul Sheerin. They know the game, know what you can and can't say etc etc, they looked embarassed etc". Now either Broadfoot has only watched the clips with Deans and Colburn, or he has no issue with Holt talking to people like they are shite on his shoe. Either way, it seems that your esteemed Sporting Director/Director of Football/wage thief is going to get away (in parts of the media anyway) scot free.
  17. I hope I’m wrong for your sake, but perhaps the board don’t see that there IS a divide. It’s been said elsewhere on this thread that there are probably approximately 50-100 posters on here who are unhappy. Add to that the “undesirables” (as Colburn would have them tagged no doubt) who holler and boo on a match day, and what are you talking - couple of hundred maybe? Out of three or four thousand who turn up, however you look at it, it’s a minority. Which is manna from heaven for your board. Was the CI mentioned on Tuesday?
  18. It’s an interesting one. He absolutely was a disgrace, but to call what he said a “statement” is wrong. He quite obviously had something prepared, but it looked to me as if he was expecting a positive response from what he was saying and, when no applause was forthcoming, he dug himself in deeper with more and more word vomit to the point that he started getting heckled. And at that point, the crowd are away. They’re gone, and not going to come back to your way of thinking. I’ve been at a few of these affairs as a Livi supporter. A couple when things were looking rosey, and a couple when we were at deaths door. I don’t remember at any point, at any of them, our fans being called out in quite the manner that Colburn did, or our fans being belittled quite as much as Gary Deans did. Arrogance of the highest order, from two guys who it would appear to me quite frankly are cancerous in your club.
  19. Heartbreaking for the kid. Just a bairn. Goes without saying that I hope they've caught it early enough, and that he makes a full recovery.
  20. You posted those contradictory nuggets within an hour an half of each other. Hardly took a lot of "raking" chum.
  21. You really are a torn (and it would appear two) faced, miserable c**t.
  22. Crocker is a dreadful commentator. I long for the days when Sky used Bill Leslie for our games. BL and McCoist on co-comms is the dream.
  23. I remember back to our days when Angelo Massone was in charge, he once put out a statement which he forced our tannoy announcer to read on the day of the game, from the centre of the pitch. It was unadulterated, inflammatory wind and pish. It was also nothing as bad as that statement from your board. You're a good club, that deserves far better than that incendiary shite. Get them out.
  24. Have managed 33 on a few occasions but normally it's a spectacularly average "anywhere between 9-24 Ken". I have tried to get on a couple of times, most notably on my 40th birthday - answered two out of the three qualifying questions, and was told thanks but no thanks. Was pissed off, and even more so when the two clowns that did make it on scored a couple of dozen between them.
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