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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Emmerdale is awesome, and is watched every night in the Mozam hoose. I won't have it any other way.
  2. On the contrary LF, the LFL Trust still carry out a number of important duties on a matchday i.e selling half time draw tickets, filming the game for LiviTV and manning turnstiles.
  3. I'm not sure X. I've got a TV upstairs that has built in Freeview, but it only finds channels if it is hooked up to an outside aerial. When I fired up the BT YouView box I (wrongly) thought that it would take all its channels from its Broadband connection - however when I done the first time channel find, it came up with nada because it wasn't hooked up to an outside aerial.
  4. Hmmm, not really. We've already got an aerial in the loft, and a connection point to that in there living room. What I'm after, if such a thing exists, is something that goes into that connection point which will connect remotely to the box. Cheers though man.
  5. Is there such a thing as a remote control av aerial device thing? Basically we've moved from BT to Sky and the BT YouView box needs to be hooked up to an outside aerial - the point for which is at the opposite end of the room to where our telly is. We cannae move furniture around unfortunately, and I'd rather not have a huge aerial lead running around the room. Does such a device exist?
  6. Oooft. V. Interesting - if it's on, I'm in (dependent on who Livi get in the cup...)
  7. Just noticed this. West Lothian Council have been more than helpful in waiving debt or reducing the amount to be paid, I can't remember which. It might actually be both.
  8. Not sure who that is in the photo there, but it looks nothing like Ged Nixon.
  9. Regardless of whether it's down to Nixon grassing us up or not, it appears our house isn't in order (when has it ever been). If it's not, then I'd expect the authorites to act. Any talk of witchhunts etc is nonsense IMO.
  10. It was, aye, but any agreement to pay x amount to Dorado may have formed part of any subsequent deal to buy the club? I dunno, I'm as in the dark as everyone else.
  11. I see the wording in that piece is "failing to properly pay a player". Could it be that Dorado has been getting any money he's due in instalments (however small), and the club have fallen behind on that?
  12. I've always believed his hatred is for the West Coast media and the OF, in the main. I'm sure any apparent disdain for other West Coast teams isn't deliberate.
  13. I disagree entirely re Allan Preston and Richard Gordon. Ironically in your rant you missed out the worst of them all, Derek Ferguson and Murder McLeod. Tom English is excellent, as is Richard Wilson. It's like all shows - has its good and bad. The real question is, if it annoys you so much, why bother?
  14. The day before a new league campaign begins, and this happens. When will we ever learn. Hate to be the bearer of bad news HJ, but his troosers were decidely dazzle free today. In fact he looked every inch the Florida golf retiree.
  15. I just assumed that you'd have to collect - when I paid for mine I was told that they would phone people when they were ready. It may be that they give you the choice. I had intended to nip in tomorrow so will ask the question then.
  16. At the very least, that should mean we can see the season out. What Rankine intends to do then, is anyones guess.
  17. Wee addition to my note about The Lime Kiln - one of the only boozers locally that sells Peroni on tap, and also Belhaven Best, none of that Caledonia shite that Tennents churn oot. So well worth a visit for that, and the fact that managers a mate of mine. Guid c**t he is tae. Before the game, a visit to the Almondvale Suite for food would be my recommendation. The food is absolutely top notch, done by a company called Food Creations. Big portions, and the prices are very decent. Only gripe with the Almondvale Suite is the choice of drink - it's fairly limited, and the service can be a wee bit slow. They try their best though. It'll be interesting to see how the place copes with the (anticipated) bigger crowds.
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