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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Dawdle for Taylor here methinks. After looking like a late one, I reckon I'll be in bed for quarter to eleven.
  2. Never, NEVER, have I seen anything like that. Absolutely speechless....
  3. At the moment it's a procession, a doing, whatever you want to call it - just think though, Wade should be thankful van Gerwen had that one freaky leg with 11 missed doubles, else it would be a proper embarrassment.
  4. Some really erratic darts from Wade. He can't rely on Van Gerwen missing EVERY double.
  5. I was going to my bed at half eight as well. An incredible game, absolutely incredible.
  6. Does it get better than this?
  7. I don't think there's words to describe the satisfaction I'd feel in seeing Lewis pumped oot. A phenomenal darts player, and an absolute c**t to match.
  8. Good interview with Van Barneveld there, he sounds in a really good place just now - which is good to see.
  9. Didn't take long Missed this as I was listening to the quite brilliant David Begg documentary on Radio Scotland. IMO, John Gwynne is to darts what Beggy is to football. Tremendous commentary here.
  10. A reply from the bona fide legend that is David Begg, is my claim to fame. And WHAT a claim.
  11. Not going to lie - I was actually a wee bit disappointed with the last episode (apart from Richard Harrow... ). Didn't come close to the previous 4. Still quality stuff though.
  12. I daresay every debt has a start point, but fucking hell - that's the best part of FIFTEEN YEARS. In that time, there must have been at least SOME opportunity to cut costs/reduce debt? A seven year stay in the SPL with the money that brought, plus how many cup finals? Yet still they're saying "our problems started in 1998"?
  13. For anyone who is interested, take a wee look at the the fantastic Springsteen Wiki site, called Brucebase. Packed with gig reviews, some of which are now near 40 years old, plus the standard full details of all his albums including lyrics etc. Brucebase
  14. I thought it was just me that did this! I've listened to the whole album countless times over the years, know every lyric, every drum beat - but that's listening to it when I choose. When Thunder Road comes on the radio, unexpected, it's like a wee surprise. You can't help but sing along, the song still sounds fresh - and it'll be without doubt the best song you hear that day.
  15. For Dunfermlines sake, I hope John Yorkston is watching Zagreb vs Kiev in the Champions League tonight - if they can play in that...
  16. "£4k of which has now been handed to the club from the Pars Supporters Trust and Pars Alive to pay 40% of the U20's salaries." From DAFC.net. So seems legit. And also just a wee bit insane.
  17. I think that list might be wrong - I was there on the Sunday and I only remember a band called The Gyres. I'm not sure OCS & Cast BOTH played that day - one of them did, but which I can't remember. I remember TBB's and Black Grape.
  18. Very pleasing news. Hampden last time was incredible!
  19. Sorry, but until you have something like this in your programme, then you have zero to worry about! Massone rant - (at bottom of match report.) Nah, in all seriousness - I hope things are not nearly as bad for you guys as are being alluded to in this thread. Sounds concerning though.
  20. Caught up on three episodes today, so have purposefully avoided this thread. Tonights episode was astonishing. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who was off my seat when Nelson exploded - and the ending... unbelieveable scenes Jeff!
  21. She has of course deleted that tweet regarding the estate having £1.7bn in cash...
  22. Don't know if it's been said already, but I see that Charles Green is on Talksport with Keys & Gray tomorrow from 10.00am.
  23. Good news this week - new job secured, and now news of a second SubCrawl. I'll be on this one, make no mistake.
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