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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. We arrived at Dows between quarter to ten and ten o'clock. Only reason I know is because my train left Queen Street at half ten, and I was there in plenty time for it, having spent at least 20 minutes in Dows beforehand.
  2. Scotland play at home to Belgium on Friday 6th September. I'd be out for the 7th, as I've got a wedding that day. So dinnae make it the 7th, you know it makes sense.
  3. I've got tea and toast beside me, a bottle of Irn Bru on the way thanks to my marvellous missus, and I've just taken two Tramadol for my gammy shoulder. If truth be told, I feel pretty fucking epic. I can only offer my sincere apologies! Next time I'll have a cigar in hand and a bottle of Rioja. Not much I can do about the barnet though.
  4. I was thinking that this morning. The Louden, for all it's image and rep, was outstanding. The bouncer could quite easily have decided to add two new arse imprints on his shoes, but he letting us sort things oorsels proves he was a class act. And aye - the rolls were magnificent. Was Munros the big warehoose type place where there was a table of wankers behind us watching the rugby? The funniest moment for me, and bino4life may confirm, was on the way out of Munro's (I think), we shouted to Stewarty, he turned round to give us a the thumbs up, and proceeded to walk straight into a lampost.
  5. A quite incredible performance from the youngster. One to be proud of.
  6. I had an absolutely outstanding day. To the folk who've done it before, thanks for making me feel so welcome. Proper, proper legends.
  7. I've a lot of time for Jim Leishman, but having listened to his interview yesterday on Sportsound, he was making maybe a bit less sense than usual. The whole HMRC writ thing for one - which I can only assume means winding up order - has that actually happened? I'd have thought the media, especially Twitter, would have been ablaze with that on Friday - have I missed it? Or has Leishman maybe worded it wrong?
  8. I can confirm that my tartan jeans will be in the wash that day. And indeed every day from here on in.
  9. First timer alert - will be heading through for half eleven or thereabouts.
  10. That is absolutely absurd. It would appear Mr Masterton is wired to the moon.
  11. In light of this, hows about #swigandapiss
  12. There are parts of it that read like a p4 class talk, if I'm being honest - but there are more than a fair few bits that have had me rubbing my eyes in astonishment. Can you really, hand on heart, call bs on the "entire" article? Edit - just saw your post above. You're right, no way should anyone be taking it as 100% gospel - it seems to me though that fans have been given more than enough cause to be skeptical, surely?
  13. A wee search there decreed that Columbia has been mentioned a grand total of 2 times on this thread. Utterly fucking shameful! (I count myself in that). An incredible song.
  14. I'd suggest they looked to get the tuition fees back, because it appears he was playing truant they day they taught how to throw a punch. What an absolute cretin.
  15. I despise him. I utterly, utterly despise him. He can make any moment of pathos (his "apology" yesterday still managed to make Van Barneveld out to be a c**t, his signing the board after the match etc) to be all about him, and the way the various commentators on Sky feed off him, is embarrassing. As darts technicians go, he is incredible. To still have the ability to perform at that level, when down in a final, at his age, is incredible. And I know that's what it should really be about. But there is something inherently dislikeable about the guy, and I long for the day he fucks off.
  16. Taylor 6-4 Van Gerwen. Van Gerwen with the throw in this set, but academic I suppose, he needs all three remaining. Taylors to lose.
  17. Was at the pub for a wee while earlier, so have caught up and now watching it live. A couple of things - The crowd order has been pretty impeccable, and as has been said, the shouts of boring boring tables etc have been minimal. The commentators are so far up Taylors rear end his arsehole must resemble the Clyde Tunnel. When Taylor took it to 4-3 ( I think) and he launched his spare dart at the board, does that not bust his score? I thought the ref and the scorer looked at each other quite quizzically when it happened?
  18. Taylor mouthed there "don't push me ever again". Who do you think you are ya c**t, Sly Stallone? What an absolute fucking knobend.
  19. When he went to his family during the walk on, his wife mouthed "do your best" to him. Hardly an inspiring pep talk, maybe she knew where her husbands mind was.
  20. Nah, it's more like the commentators chewing on his...! I'm sure I heard the well lubricated crowd singing "she said no, Taylor, she said no" earlier as well. Maybe they're a decent bunch after all!
  21. What the f**k is Taylor chewing on?
  22. Yip, a set and a leg in and he looks beaten. I'd actually argue he was beaten when he started his "I don't fear Phil", talking in the third person pish.
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