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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Following a YLOD on my original PS3 and having to get a replacement (so all saves lost ), and an extended period of sick leave, I've wasted countless hours on GTA IV in the last couple of weeks. Love it.
  2. There're no words to describe my jealousy at this. Have always fancied going to the Cottage.
  3. Doubt I'll make it for the start as I'm working until one, but will be along from half 3ish.
  4. Finally got around to watching the end of this. It's a sad realisation that this programme is no more, although it was all tied up beautifully. Some of the best characters on TV, in particular Eric Taylor, who I have decided I want to be when I grow up.
  5. Stands by what he says about Rangers needing to win a cup alongside the league. Says that Rangers should be on a plane today, alongside Celtic, to play in Europe - and that that will NEVER happen under guys like Paul Murray. Never mind the wee matter of a European ban though, eh? Serious question - are there any Rangers supporters actually buying his schtick? If you are buying it, for god sake why?
  6. Chuckles Green interview on SSN shortly, according to Luke Shanley on Twitter
  7. First scan in half an hour - excited and nervous at the same time, bringing back memories too!
  8. They are indeed. I'm not a huge fan of the MSP, but when my mate said that Public Service Broadcasting were supporting I was instantly jealous. As an aside, PSB are playing Oran Mor and The Picture House in early November.
  9. This thread has been a terrific read the last few pages. I don't know enough about the intricacies of the game to fully enjoy it, but I certainly enjoy it enough when it's on. I love the majority of the Sky commentators (Michael Holding especially), and Bob Willis is hilarious on the highlights shows. One thing I thought was pretty telling yesterday - when the Aussie coach (Lehman is it?) was talking about chasing a big total, he said "we're just gonna have to chase it". I don't think he could've sounded more dismissive of their chances of doing that, if he'd tried.
  10. Dunno if anyone can help. When I'm viewing video or playing online games (I'm a sucker for StickCricket!), it often freezes - the only way the video or animation moves, is if I press any key or move my finger over the trackpad. I presume it's linked, but I often get the Adobe Flash player crashing as well. Any suggestions?
  11. Watching it yesterday was a bit surreal - getting caught up in the commentary, on the tv and online, it was all too easy to actually forget to watch just how imperious he was. If that's Andy Murray on top of his game, and he maintains it, then he can win as many slams as he wants over the next 3 or 4 years.
  12. If you haven't already, take some time out to watch Wings On Wheels - the making of Born to Run. Some incredible early footage, decent interviews with band back in 2005 as well. When Bruce starts playing Backstreets on the piano......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMOmSVJ2oJA
  13. 7th's a no go for me, have a wedding that day. Should maybe add, in case he reads it - the denotes that I'll be gutted to miss a Subcrawl, not the fact that I'm attending his wedding
  14. Beginning to wish I'd never read this thread now - the last time at Hampden was one of the best experiences of my life, but alas, tonight is not to be. Enjoy, one and all.
  15. Happens all the time - it's worse if the garage has a couple of different marques to sell - take the garage in Edinburgh that sells Alfa Romeo and Seats (Western I think). If someone comes in to look over an A.R, and gets cornered by a Seat salesman, there's usually hell to pay.
  16. Mrs Mozam expecting in early 2014 - absolutely ecstatic!
  17. Love this show. Up there with my favourite series ever, without doubt.
  18. Cheers for this Mr X. I'm having a 'mare here though. I've got the SD Card to show up on my laptop, and am trying to copy my music over to it - however it's saying that the disk is write protected. What the .... do I do here?
  19. It didn't actually come in the phone when I got it, it was given as a freebie. I just want to make sure that my photos/music on my laptop, are going to be played/viewed on my phone - and that I don't brick a 32GB SD card before I've even used it!
  20. Just had a listen to some of their stuff there due to a tweet from Ian Rankin. Really, really enjoying it!
  21. Quick question, probably easily answered. I got a new SD card with my S4 last week - all the music/photos that I want to put onto the card, are currently on my laptop. Am I right in saying that I need to format the card before I use it for the first time, and if so, should I format it whilst it's in the phone or plugged into the laptop?
  22. Something similar happened with the left mouse button on my Vaio. I daresay it's more to do with months worth of crumbs/dust building up under the button , because it was only working intermittently, whereas the right button was working fine. I only ever right-clicked for copy/paste anyway, which I now just use the keyboard shortcuts for, so I just swapped the configuration over, now right click is left etc.
  23. JIm Leishman on Sportsound has just said that the Steering Group have now realised the club has no long term viable future, that they are at the "end of the road", and the club is now back in the hands of Masterton. That sounds as grim as it gets.
  24. It may be my drink addled memory, but I'm sure there was a wee round of "he drinks where he wants, he drinks where he waaaaannnnnnnts..........................."
  25. I see that "Sky Sources" are saying "Dunfermline staff & players told decision on future to be made on Friday"
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