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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. I do live in Clydebank and I do have a hand tattoo, but no. Just. No.
  2. A development loan, as Petrie's is, differs from a first team loan in that he can still appear for the U20 side of the parent club, which is good for us as it means he's training full time with Dundee United, training part-time evenings with us, playing reserve games with United, and playing first team games with us, so, barring injuries or burn out, he should be in peak fitness.
  3. My wife bought me a tattoo voucher online a few months back as a birthday present. It's for a place in West Lothian. Have a bit of free time this weekend, so went onto the place's website today and got their number to make appointment. Guy couldn't have been more of a p***k, trying to tell me over the phone about extra charges and other nonsense, so I cancelled the appointment. Obviously a chancing b*****d. Looked at their website gallery there and it seems I've had a lucky escape, their tattoos are awful, all mishapen, schemey, neddy crap. Missus booked it online without seeing the place, lesson learned for her. She managed to get her money refunded through the agent website though, so no harm done.
  4. Methinks the Howler doth protest too much.
  5. J Crizzle just been released by Stirling Albion. We've been needing a dangerously skinny left back.
  6. Old firm day. Scotland's shame, when the very worst sections of Scottish society come out from under their rocks. No matter what happens, football loses. I'd love it if both clubs could go somewhere else and take their fans with them. Spare a thought for all those wives who'll be used as punch bags today.
  7. They come across exactly like that on the programme, so it doesn't surprise me.
  8. Saw one once where the couple were internet millionaires and had a ridiculous list of necessities for their house. Phil whatshisface managed to find them one that had the number of rooms they wanted, in the area they wanted, with the converted barn turned office they wanted and close to the local private airfield that they wanted and within their budget, but the wife turned it down because "it only has one road in and out, I'd get bored driving the same way all the time"
  9. Those Thistle b*****ds have signed Ryan Finnie.
  10. International fitba is shite. Take your drivel elsewhere, lads. This thread is for moaning about clipboards, the current abscence of clipboards and whether or not the CEO can operate the debit card machine.
  11. We've brought in 3 loans, Findlay, Easton and Petrie. Whilst the lack of numbers in the squad is a concern, I'm fairly happy with the players who have been released being moced on. I'd have kept the two loans if possible, but the four who've been transferred weren't doing anything for us anyway. The amount of folk (coaches, club staff and players) leaving could be pure coincidence, but it does raise some questions... Not convinced at all that Murray should be working without an assistant manager.
  12. If he's left sided and known for his tackling then I'd imagine we'll stick him at left full back.
  13. In my one and only dealing with TG regarding pro youth I found him to be awkward, disinterested and grumpy.
  14. f**k him, the useless c**t. I'd rather we struggle without him than struggle with him.
  15. Aye because we wouldn't have lost 1-5 if Colin Goal Machine Nish had been playing.
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