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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Tea bar staff are definitely lacking confidence. I gave the turnstile operators a thorough booing recently too, so their confidence should be nil now.
  2. Complaining about having to write 2500 words? Sakes, man, I can write that on P&B on my lunch break! Some folk on here type that many words in a single post!
  3. Whit?! For realsies? Why? Am I being whooshed here, Donny? Why am I asking so many questions?
  4. I didn't say it, I typed it, so you can suck on these little Chinese balls.
  5. Hang about: why has that movie scene been reversed? I just watched it last week on TV and it's the mirror opposite. You can actually see that the writing on the departure boards in that video is reversed. Weird.
  6. I did mention it to the wee wifie, but if the Guinness is flat then she can hardly fix it, can she?
  7. The Eurasian shops at Kelvinbridge used to stock it.
  8. Well you can tell him from me to sort his ale out.
  9. He only became human in August? What was he before that, a lizard?
  10. Milton has always been a heap, but their food and prices were surprisingly good, much like the Glencairn in that respect. Both being more or less dumps that were able to produce decent grub, also both have flat beer, that's a weird coincidence. But the food at the Milton definitely took a nose dive in the past year or so. "They could smell the Bankie off you and served you accordingly." They could smell the money off of me you mean. The only reason I visit the wee town now and then is to spread the wealth around and keep the local economy ticking over.
  11. They're tattoos of "E's", presumably he thinks I've got a tattoo of a pill on my hand.
  12. Shame. Used to really enjoy the food at the Milton Inn as well, but the past twice I've been in it's been garbage.
  13. Quick non-Sons related question for the locals; who is it that runs the Glencairn? Nipped in on Tuesday night for a bite of dinner as I had remembered them being known for their surprisingly good meals. Had the misfortune of the flattest pint of Guinness ever and mediocre food. Has it changed hands since I was last in (few years ago) or did I just have bad luck?
  14. You can't be referring to me then, I'm neither wee, nor a Weegie.
  15. How angry would you say IS make you, Likkktie? Are they a papercut, or are they more like rain on your wedding day?
  16. If anyone told you that anything was a "psychedelic experience" then that person should be given a prompt slap and told to stop talking like a c**t.
  17. Sitting in his mum's house in Arbroath, dreaming of moving to Dundee and seething about Iraqi terror groups. That 1888Likkktie is an odd wee fella at times.
  18. Tried it loads of times when I was a pup. For best results smoke it through a water pipe or bong. A bit of a mix of being stoned and tripping, but can be quite mild as strength varies wildly and tends to wear off fast.
  19. That's my take on it. Chris Turner's fitness and form isn't the result of a wage conspiracy, it's the result of him being a human and humans being susceptible to injuries and loss of form.
  20. You don't like my tone? Should I get permission from you before using sarcasm in future, boss?
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