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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Ironically enough, if you told me to draw a Venn diagram of "people who like wrestling" and "people who sit in the pub for hours and don't buy an alcolholic drink", I'd have drawn just one circle. Both social inadequates.
  2. It's not a code name, his parents were Bonds also.
  3. My reason to be cheerful is that the biggest team in Scotland lost today to little practically-amateur, no better than a pub team, dumbarton.
  4. They left the tap on for hours and went out, I eventually managed to get hold of them to gain access and turn the tap off. They admitted full liability. I have no excess to pay in this case. They have flooded us more than once before.
  5. My insurance will presumably claim the costs from theirs. Last time they flooded me it was the bathroom they demolished and at that point we were both part of the same block policy, but they have since left that policy, though I'm still with it.
  6. In a scenario where there is genuine damage though it makes sense, in the simplest of senses. I don't give a tuppeny f**k for the insurance company's terms, at the end of the day I took out the policy because I may some day need to claim on it, so my position as the policy holder is purely that of "right, I've paid into the policy and now I want that money back to resolve the problem that lead me to contact my insurer". Thankfully this is all moot since they've assured me they'll cover the damage.
  7. It's more than a bit shit, it's fundamentally broken, but that's the world of finance for you.
  8. Yeah it's a ridiculous process. You take out the policy (in the case of building insurance it's compulsory as you say) and pay into it every month and the insurance company is therefore being paid continually by a multitude of people for literally doing nothing. Every once ina while a tiny minority of their customers will make a claim on their policy and the insurance company then sigh heavily and say "but we liked it much better when you were just giving us money and we didn't have to do anything for it". A truly absurd situation.
  9. Greedy? It's my fucking money I'm claiming back from the insurer! Frankly the fact I had to prove the damage is silly in itself, I pay into the policy, I should be able to access the funds, like a pension. Regardless of the rights or wrongs of the insurance industry though, I'm glad I have the policy, I'd have been totally fucked otherwise. I'm having to move out until the work is concluded.
  10. No, the big man has style. That shite tattoo has been doing the rounds for years.
  11. They were right next to my Louis Vuitton luggage and my collection of first edition bibles. Such a sad loss.
  12. I don't think curry stains would pass for water damage. Also his is too wee for me since I'm such a #buff guy.
  13. Sadly, appliances are covered by my home contents, rather than my buildings insurance, but wouldn't you know it, my home contents insurance may just get an email to say my £700 jacket was damaged in the flood...
  14. Aye, they've managed to flood the house below me as well! One of the kitchen windows has water inside the glazing unit and the decorative timber surround has fallen out of the wall! Totally fucked us. But I'm not complaining now, when it's all done it'll be glorious.
  15. Just met with the loss adjusters; I'm getting a full new kitchen. Electrics, walls, ceilings, windows, cabinetry, worktops, electrics etc all getting replaced. Thank f**k for insurance.
  16. I presume this is additional study as part of your work, KB?
  17. Folk hanging bed sheets in public places with birthday messages on them. f**k off, ya clatty minks.
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