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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. I'm thinking of taking it for a long walk to the roof and punting it off. Apparently it has bitten before, so f**k knows why they haven't gotten rid of it before now.
  2. Was bitten by a dog last night on both hands. It belongs to a family member, so trying to convince them to get rid of the aggressive wee c**t could be awkward. I'd happily put it down with my boot heel.
  3. Surprised by Prunty's move to Airdrie as I thought we'd loan him out rather than give him a free transfer. But it works for both parties so fair play and best of luck.
  4. Colin Nish is shite and I have no time for "undroppable" players.
  5. Chuffed with the signing of Kane again. I also think the Prunty to Clyde thing is a goer. He'll score goals at that level.
  6. [DAFCmode] it anoys me that there are women out there just walking around, dressing however they like. They're all slags and think they're better than me. I'll show them. I'll show them all [/ DAFCmode]
  7. And it's unfair of us to complain that he canny as it was thrust upon him by staff illness.
  8. Brian Graham is joining Saints on a loan deal from Dundee United.
  9. Prunty has 100% been offered a loan move away. He's just waiting for confirmation of where he'll be going.
  10. I love Prunty, he's Mr Dumbarton, a cracking fella, goalscorer and model captain. However, Ian Murray hasn't used him as a main starter at centre forward as much as previous managers and I'd rather see him off scoring goals somewhere being the main man than sitting on our bench or getting showhorned into our midfield. So, I could live with him going, though I'd rather see him stay and play up front for us.
  11. Reading this back again, it really, really comes across like this is all some oddball rant in your head where you hate someone of the opposite sex because you're attracted to them and that makes you uncomfortable. An absolute textbook example of how rapists think. You'll be in the jail before years end.
  12. You didn't just sound sexist, you also sounded a bit rape-y in an xbl-esque "cock-teasing bitch" fashion.
  13. Used to love apple Thunderbird as a yoof. My old fella used to drink QC Cream. He was an alcy. Most people remember 11th September 2001 for a terrorist attrocity in New York. I remember that date as it was the first time I was ever sick with drink, whilst trying to have a conversation with my bird who was in Florida on holiday. I'd been racing my mate to see who could finish a bottle of Pulse fastest. They sell Kestrel in the Key-Store near my house. Never tried it, but I did try Spar brand super lager a few years back in a recording studio. Amazingly, the recordings didn't come out too well. I assume there must have been some sort of equipment fault to blame.
  14. This idea of "You can't prosecute me because I refuse to be part of your legal system" reminds me of MattBairn asking AdLib in a pub once if you can get off with a crime by telling the cops "I don't understand your law". At least Matt was pished.
  15. Ah yes, the quality mark for any ridiculous manifesto is a series of ludicrous YouTube videos.
  16. The Rangers pubs on the SubCrawl are by far and away the best pubs of the event. And I say that as a man who detests everything that Glasgow's bigot brothers stand for. As for my attendance or otherwise on the proposed date, it's a bit close to my 30th party and that may render it a no-go for moi.
  17. It's noteworthy that on Rangers' travels through the divisions, the police never insisted on closing roads at other grounds, even those which have only one road in and out like ours.
  18. Stretching things there a bit. You'd need to actually have access to one of our season tickets to forge it in the first place. Lot of hassle to avoid buying a match ticket. I highly doubt that there are droves of master forgers from both Dumbarton and Rangers just waiting for their chance to pounce and fraudulently gain access to a street.
  19. Purely for the novelty would be my answer to that I suppose. I reckon I'll give this a bash.
  20. I'm perfectly calm. I disagree on a number of points, but I've already made that clear so there's no sense in going around in circles endlessly.
  21. The point still stands. This summer has seen the club shambling from one PR disaster to another.
  22. Any of you lot ever heard of / tried Moonshine home brew in a bag kits? Just been looking at them online and they sound right up my street. You basically buy the bag for £25 and then pour 25 pints of water into the nozzle and add a sachet of powder (presumably yeast) to it, then seal it and leave untouched for two weeks. After a fortnight you have 25 pints of ready to drink ale and no need to bottle as it keeps for a month, so you can just pour it from the tap on the bag as and when you like. It sounds almost too good to be true, but if it is decent I'd be over the moon as I'd love to make home brew but don't have the space or time for all the equipment and fannying about it involves. http://www.moonshinedrinks.co.uk/ http://www.the-home-brew-shop.co.uk/acatalog/Brewing-Bag-By-Moonshine-Drinks.html
  23. When you think about the various PR disasters that the club has created this summer, it makes for grim reading. First they delayed the squad re-signing as they told the players they couldn't sign the new deals they'd been offered until after the manager signed his, then they announced the new ticket prices with a 35% price hike and no warning and an even bigger price hike for the games at home to Hearts, Hibs and Rangers, then they cancelled the student gate and said they wouldn't do student concessions this season, then they did a u-turn and put a student price for the season on after a rash of complaints, then they sold out of season tickets without notifying the existing ticket holders that they were nearing their limit, then they did a u-turn and put up another 50 season ticket seats after a rash of complaints and now they've announced that everyone will require a match ticket for the home games against the big three and that they'll be closing the road for these games and that even season ticket holders will have to attend in person to swap their voucher for a ticket. Edit to add: And who could forget "we can't work the payment card machine-gate" where punters had difficulty buying their season tickets because the admin girl was on holiday and the two eejits couldn't process the transactions in her abscence.
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